Analysis of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Using Tensor Kernels and Matrix-Based Entropy
<p>IP obtained using our proposed measure for a small DNN averaged over 5 training runs. The solid black line illustrates the fitting phase while the dotted black line illustrates the compression phase. The iterations at which early stopping would be performed assuming a given patience parameter are highlighted. Patience denotes the number of iterations that need to pass without progress on a validation set before training is stopped to avoid overfitting. For low patience values, training will stop before the compression phase. For the benefit of the reader, a magnified version of the first four layers is also displayed.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The leftmost plot shows the entropy calculated using Equation (<a href="#FD14-entropy-25-00899" class="html-disp-formula">14</a>) of a 100-dimensional normal distribution with zero mean and an isotropic covariance matrix for different variances. The variances are given along the x-axis. The rightmost plot shows the entropy estimated using Equation (<a href="#FD1-entropy-25-00899" class="html-disp-formula">1</a>) for the same distribution. The plots illustrated that the analytically computed entropy and the estimated quantity follow the same trend.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The leftmost plot shows the mutual information calculated using Equation (16) between a standard 100-dimensional normal distribution and a normal distribution with a mean vector of all ones and an isotropic covariance matrix with different variances. The variances are given along the x-axis. The rightmost plot shows the mutual information estimated using Equation (<a href="#FD3-entropy-25-00899" class="html-disp-formula">3</a>) for the same distributions. The plots illustrated that the analytically computed mutual information and the estimated quantity follow the same trend.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>IP of a CNN consisting of three convolutional layers with 4, 8 and 12 filters and one fully connected layer with 256 neurons and a ReLU activation function in each hidden layer. MI was measured using the training data of the MNIST dataset and averaged over 5 runs.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>IP of the VGG16 on the CIFAR-10 dataset. MI was measured using the training data and averaged over 2 runs. Color saturation increases as training progresses. Both the fitting phase and the compression phase is clearly visible for several layers.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>IP of the VGG16 on the CIFAR-10 dataset. MI was measured using the test data and averaged over 2 runs. Color saturation increases as training progresses. The fitting phase is clearly visible, while the compression phase can only be seen in the output layer.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Mean difference in MI of subsequent layers <span class="html-italic">ℓ</span> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>????</mo> <mo>+</mo> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math>. Positive numbers indicate compliance with the DPI. MI was measured on the MNIST training set for the MLP and on the CIFAR-10 training set for the VGG16.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Evolution of kernel width as a function of iteration for the three networks that we considered in this work. From left to right, plots shows the kernel width for the MLP, CNN, and VGG16. The plots demonstrate how the optimal kernel width quickly stabilizes and stays relatively stable throughout the training.</p> "> Figure A1
<p>Different approaches for calculating kernels based on tensor data. The first row shows results when using the multivariate approach of [<a href="#B20-entropy-25-00899" class="html-bibr">20</a>], the second row depicts the tensor kernel approach used in this paper, and the third row displays the kernel obtained using matricization-based tensor kernels [<a href="#B32-entropy-25-00899" class="html-bibr">32</a>] that preserve the structure between channels. Bright colors indicate high values, while dark values indicate low values in all the kernel matrices.</p> "> Figure A2
<p>IP of an MLP consisting of four fully connected layers with 1024, 20, 20, and 20 neurons and a tanh activation function in each hidden layer. MI was measured using the training data of the MNIST dataset and averaged over 5 runs.</p> "> Figure A3
<p>IP of a CNN consisting of three convolutional layers with 4, 8 and 12 filters and one fully connected layer with 256 neurons and a tanh activation function in each hidden layer. MI was measured using the training data of the MNIST dataset and averaged over 5 runs.</p> "> Figure A4
<p>Mean difference in MI of subsequent layers <span class="html-italic">ℓ</span> and <math display="inline"><semantics> <mrow> <mo>????</mo> <mo>+</mo> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> </semantics></math>. Positive numbers indicate compliance with the DPI. MI was measured on the MNIST training using the EDGE MI estimator on a simple MLP [<a href="#B4-entropy-25-00899" class="html-bibr">4</a>].</p> "> Figure A5
<p>Training and test loss of neural network with one hidden layer with 50,000 neurons on a subset of the MNIST dataset. The figure also shows the MI between the input/labels and the hidden/output layer. The epoch-wise double descent phenomenon is visible in the test loss, and it seems to coincide with the start of the compression of MI between the input and output layer. Notice the different labels on the left and right y-axis. Curves represent the average over 3 training runs.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We propose a kernel tensor-based approach to the matrix-based entropy functional that is designed for measuring MI in large-scale convolutional neural networks (CNNs).
- We provide new insights on the matrix-based entropy functional by showing its connection to well-known quantities in the kernel literature such as the kernel mean embedding and maximum mean discrepancy. Furthermore, we show that the matrix-based entropy functional is closely linked with the von Neuman entropy from quantum information theory.
- Our results indicate that the compression phase is apparent mostly for the training data and less so for the test data, particularly for more challenging datasets. When using a technique such as early stopping to avoid overfitting, training tends to stop before the compression phase occurs (see Figure 1).
2. Related Work
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Preliminaries on Matrix-Based Information Measures
3.1.1. Matrix-Based Entropy and Mutual Information
3.1.2. Bound on Matrix-Based Entropy Measure
3.2. Analysis of Matrix-Based Information Measures
3.2.1. A New Special-Case Interpretation of the Matrix-Based Renyi Entropy Definition
3.2.2. Link to Measures in Kernel Literature and Validation on High-Dimensional Synthetic Data
3.3. Novel Tensor-Based Matrix-Based Renyi Information Measures
3.4. Tensor Kernels for Measuring Mutual Information
3.4.1. Choosing the Kernel Width
4. Results
5. Kernel Width Sigma
6. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Preliminaries on Multivariate Matrix-Based Renyi’s Alpha-Entropy Functionals
Appendix B. Tensor-Based Approach Contains Multivariate Approach as Special Case
Appendix C. Structure Preserving Tensor Kernels and Numerical Instability of Multivariate Approach
Appendix D. Detailed Description of Networks from Section 4
Appendix D.1. Multilayer Perceptron Used in Section 4
- Fully connected layer with 784 inputs and 1024 outputs.
- Activation function.
- Batch normalization layer.
- Fully connected layer with 1024 inputs and 20 outputs.
- Activation function.
- Batch normalization layer.
- Fully connected layer with 20 inputs and 20 outputs.
- Activation function.
- Batch normalization layer.
- Fully connected layer with 20 inputs and 20 outputs.
- Activation function.
- Batch normalization layer.
- Fully connected layer with 784 inputs and 10 outputs.
- Softmax activation function.
Appendix D.2. Convolutional Neural Network Used in Section 4
- Convolutional layer with 1 input channel and 4 filters, filter size , stride of 1 and no padding.
- Activation function.
- Batch normalization layer.
- Convolutional layer with 4 input channels and 8 filters, filter size , stride of 1 and no padding.
- Activation function.
- Batch normalization layer.
- Max pooling layer with filter size , stride of 2 and no padding.
- Convolutional layer with 8 input channels and 16 filters, filter size , stride of 1 and no padding.
- Activation function.
- Batch normalization layer.
- Max pooling layer with filter size , stride of 2 and no padding.
- Fully connected layer with 400 inputs and 256 outputs.
- Activation function.
- Batch normalization layer.
- Fully connected layer with 256 inputs and 10 outputs.
- Softmax activation function.
Appendix E. IP of MLP with Tanh Activation Function from Section 4
Appendix F. IP of CNN with Tanh Activation Function from Section 4
Appendix G. Data Processing Inequality with EDGE MI Estimator
Appendix H. Connection with Epoch-Wise Double Descent
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Wickstrøm, K.K.; Løkse, S.; Kampffmeyer, M.C.; Yu, S.; Príncipe, J.C.; Jenssen, R. Analysis of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Using Tensor Kernels and Matrix-Based Entropy. Entropy 2023, 25, 899.
Wickstrøm KK, Løkse S, Kampffmeyer MC, Yu S, Príncipe JC, Jenssen R. Analysis of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Using Tensor Kernels and Matrix-Based Entropy. Entropy. 2023; 25(6):899.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWickstrøm, Kristoffer K., Sigurd Løkse, Michael C. Kampffmeyer, Shujian Yu, José C. Príncipe, and Robert Jenssen. 2023. "Analysis of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Using Tensor Kernels and Matrix-Based Entropy" Entropy 25, no. 6: 899.
APA StyleWickstrøm, K. K., Løkse, S., Kampffmeyer, M. C., Yu, S., Príncipe, J. C., & Jenssen, R. (2023). Analysis of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Using Tensor Kernels and Matrix-Based Entropy. Entropy, 25(6), 899.