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Aquaman (2018) Poster


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Is it just me?
shopping-277-11214817 December 2018
What's with the 10 out of 10 reviews? really?. Sure it's probably the best (or second best) DC Justice league era, but that's not difficult. Like all the other offerings, it's overblown, wooden, one dimensional and over reliant on over the top CGI. As a child I was always a DC fan and I want them more than anything to bring this thing together, but Marvel have certainly laid down a tough marker for how it should be and DC still haven't met that challenge. The main thing missing from the film is charm and simplicity, sure Momoa just about saves the day and I think he can develop Aquaman into a loved character, and the film is a step in the right direction. But 10 out of 10 it most certainly isn't.
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one of the best popcorn movies of 2018
tso_jong7 December 2018
There are moments of awkwardness in the movie, but the stroy is engaging and full of intricate details. The visuals are stunning, too. James Wan definitely did an amazing job with the right cast. I can't think of a better actor to take the role of Aquaman than Jason Momoa. I will give it an A-.
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I had high hopes but....yeah
edubbs896 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This review is coming from someone who likes superhero films but I'll admit, aside from Wonder Woman and Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, DC films are not my fave. ANYWAY:

I cannot believe this has such a high rating? What on earth are people getting from this? The dialogue was TERRIBLE. The acting was also TERRIBLE. It couldn't pick a genre. Was it a comedy? Was it a soap opera? Was it a policital piece on pollution of the seas? Was it Star Wars? (did they really need all that tech??) Was it Avatar? WHO CAN TELL.

It was honestly all over the shop. I felt like each scene had a different director who was just going to completely disregard what everyone else has done before them.

Positives: the underwater CGI was magnificent. Like, really beautiful. Jason Mamoa is charming. I'll give him that. The female lead didn't need saving once and didn't spend the entire movie screaming, so that was refreshing!

Negatives: literally everything else.

At this point, Wonder Woman is carrying the entire DCEU on her shoulders (in my opinion).
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A step in the right direction.
lucasohara178 December 2018
This movie is pretty entertaining. That, however, doesn't mean that it has a great script. The truth is, DC played safe on this one, and it pays off, mostly.

I was never bored throughout this movie, but that is not because of the clever dialogue, or the the amazing score. No, it's because everything in it is incredibly over-the-top. No kidding, be it the heroes or the villains, the action scenes or the romantic ones, every single thing in this movie is kind of exaggerated. Sometimes it worked for me, but sometimes it didn't. With that in mind, let's get to my pros and cons.

First, what i liked the most: the direction, specially during the action scenes. James Wan managed to differentiate himself from that Snyder style of action pretty well (there's still one or two "Snyder slowmo" kind of shots, but that's it). The fight sequences were well choreographed and shot, with wide angles for most of the time. It was very pleasant to see. Now, I usually don't like when movies start looking like videogames, but it didn't really bother me here. During the gigantic CGI battlescenes you've seen in the trailers, the amount of elements on-screen can be overwhelming, but for the most part, they are well enough shot that you can differentiate what's going on, and so they eventually become quite satisfying. The interaction between the two lead characters is too very entertaining, but then again, because Aquaman is just really extravagant most of the time, so it becomes this quirky, awkward chemestry. But that leads me into the cons.

Yeah, remember when i said everything was exaggerated in here? Well, sometimes that leads to some really weird and unfitting, or just unintentionally funny scenes. For example (and I don't wanna spoil here), the movie will have this really awkward romantic song playing throughout this "lovey dovey" scene, but that just took me out of the film because it's so over-the-top and doesn't fit at all with the previously established tone of the film. It was weird. Not only that, but this certain character will constantly scream during battle scenes like he's a football commentator announcing a goal, like he's really badass when in reality it just comes off as "just too much". I won't lie, I started laughing after a while because he repeats it quite a few times during the movie. Most of these are nitpicks, but because this movie blows everything out of proportion, these small problems end up REALLY standing out. Some bigger complaints are: characters having really flimsy convictions and changing them in the matter of seconds for weak motivations. The movie is also filled with cliches, but that's mostly because Aquaman follows the standard superhero movie formula. On top of that, i found some inconsistencies regarding character's abilities (like, it is established that inhabitants of Atlantis cannot breath outside of the water, but during certain moments they do it just fine). The CGI is very inconsistent, from this gorgeous color filled underwater kingdom, to some pretty terrible green screen effects. The dialogue, is mostly not very well written. Some characters don't suffer from it, including Aquaman, because it ends up fitting their personality, but some characters end up sounding really artificial. The acting is fine. Willem Dafoe is Willem Dafoe, Jason Momoa is Jason Momoa. Temuera Morrison, Amber Heard, Nicole Kidman and Dolph Lundgren all did fine with their respective characters. I think the worst ones are the villains, played by Yahya Abdul-Mateen and specially Patrick Wilson (who's character is the embodiment of "over-the-top"). Too bad, I don't consider him a bad actor, but goddamn was he subpar in this one. I don't have major complaints wit the editing. It's pretty good, except once or twice where there's just too much going on on-screen and I couldn't follow it, but those were rare moments. However, the sound design has some odd choices. There's this scene where a certain character is handling a knife, and every time he gently touched it, the knife went "KATCHING" with that standard blade sound , but just extremely loudly and exaggerated. I just thought to myself "what?".

Despite the fact that i nitpicked a lot, i think this movie works more than it doesn't. Yes, it's as a standard superhero movie as you can get, but it's a good one. Even with all of the odd choices and apparent problems, it's not a bad movie. The direction is quite good, some shots are fantastic and the fight sequences were very satisfying. It's pure, blown out of proportion, massive CGI fest fun, and I think that's enough for me. For an Aquaman movie, it does everything it should.
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Splashing beauty
bhpjkc16 December 2018
Nice CGI (remind me of Avatar..haha)...good story . Better than Justice League....
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It's a movie not a documentary!
harrycoogan17 November 2022
Reviewers complaining about humans being able to breathe/live in Atlantis at that pressure etc are forgetting the basic premise that this is a superhero movie, not a documentary! This is a good superhero movie, Jason Momoa providing a solid performance as the action hero with a conscience, punctuated nicely with dry humour, with great backup from Willem Dafoe, Nicole Kidman, Amber Heard and even Dolf Lundgren. Plenty of action sequences, and enough character development to care about the principal characters. I went into this movie with low expectations and was pleasantly very surprised. Give it a try, it's well worth it.
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allmoviesfan15 September 2023
A great cast, some of the best visual and special effects I have ever seen - a kaleidoscope of colour and movement in just about every scene; sometimes it was hard to know where to look, there was so much going on - and a fun storyline (that, admittedly, has been done before in different settings) makes Aquaman a winner.

Jason Momoa is sensational as Tom Curry/Aquaman, a really commanding presence in all his scenes. I thought Amber Heard as Aquaman's love interest could have been better. Granted, she wasn't given a tonne to work with.

Surprised to see Dolph Lundgren pop up a few times. Great to see Willem Dafoe, an actor I've always thought was great. Same goes for Australia's own Nicole Kidman. In the movie, her character is in love with the character played by New Zealand's Temeura Morrison, which is pretty cool, if you ask me.

I'm pretty easy going and enjoy most everything I watch. Never get too high or too low on a film unless the film is thoroughly deserving of either.

As far as comic book adaptation spectacles go, you won't find many better.
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Never Trust Anyone Who Call Aquaman A Boring Movie
princeadofo8 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, DC seems to be moving towards the right direction. I a big fan of superhero movies, not caring whether it Marvel or DC. The movie is very straightforward and you quickly get excited to know what's to come next after the first act. And oh please, the songs used are really good plus the visuals are really good. There are lots of surprisingly good underwater battle scenes and oh my that battle with Black Manta kills it. The main characters are very well explored. The ending could have been done better but it seems that would have made the movie's runtime longer. It's really worth the 2 hours of watching it as the pacing is really good.
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It's flashy! That's about it....
kelvinhirst18 December 2018
There's really not much else to say about this movie. It's clear they just wanted to dazzle the audience with as much CGI as they could muster into as little time as possible, meanwhile making NONE of the terrible jokes land.

The story is.... well there isn't one really. It is so all over the place and disconnected that it is not easy to follow at all. Both Amber and Mamoa are dull as dishwater, which many knew before this movie and sadly this does nothing to remedy that either.

The movie is a mess, the story is a mess - and when you leave a movie thinking that the only enjoyable part was the CGI then there is something wrong.

Clearly, this movie was made for the cash grab and WB once more PROVE what we have all known for a long time; They simply cannot create comic book movies. Leave it to the experts.
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The whole movie felt loud and relentless and so long
AlsExGal5 January 2019
There was embarrassing writing, embarrassing acting, and listening to Amber Heard trying to deliver this terrible dialogue with zero inflection was exhausting. Why does half of the population of Atlantis sound like they're from California? The dialogue was never more than cliche with a predictable plot. The "advanced ancient civilization hidden away from the world" trope is already old. There was so much CGI that none of the action ever felt impressive or tense or real. Any time someone said "Ocean Master" with a straight face I wanted to laugh.

This would've been the perfect movie to not take itself too seriously, go for a more lighthearted and irreverent tone like Thor Ragnarok, but they just try so hard. It has none of the superhero charm that Marvel manages to carry over from the comics and thus you have one very long boring slog.

How many scenes did we need where a quiet moment was interrupted by an exploding wall that didn't hurt anybody? I counted three or four. Also, that paint-by-numbers forced romance - "Wow there was a surprise and now we're accidentally holding hands", "Wow there was an explosion or something and I grabbed you " - give me a break. And whoever put together the soundtrack for this film should be summarily executed.
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etjomcc28 August 2020
What a great romp. Loved Jason Momoma. The humour cracked me up. Highly recommended if you're up for an origin story.
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A decent movie
LordBarrett-522621 January 2019
It looked nice, it sounded good, the special effects were impressive, my family enjoyed it, and so did I. I have read with interest reviews from those who thought the movie tedious, they must have visited a different theatre as the film I saw was far from dull, almost too much going on at any one point. The lead actor was very good, supported by an able, attractive cast. It's not a classic, but it's better then most of the rubbish being churned out.
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Your usual style-over-substance comic book movie
grantss12 May 2020
Your usual style-over-substance comic book movie. Flimsy plot, really just a vehicle to move you from one action scene to another. Formulaic and cliched: change the characters and settings and you've got pretty much the story of every comic book superhero. Good CGI, but that's a given nowadays.
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Everything But The Kitchen Sink
gogoschka-126 January 2019
Everything I saw, read and heard about 'Aquaman' before it came out had me convinced it wouldn't be my cup of tea. My impression was that this would be yet another bloated studio tentpole with cheesy dialog, a generic story and artificial looking CGI. However, once it opened, a passionate film fan I respect a lot started spreading so much obviously genuine enthusiasm for the movie that I eventually got over myself and watched it.

I think it was the moment when Nicole Kidman swallowed a goldfish that I started to suspect I might actually enjoy this movie. That suspicion, however, turned out to be wrong, because I didn't just enjoy it: I ended up ADORING it. The weirdest thing: the film DID contain all those elements I had feared - and yet none of that seemed to matter. It just works. It shouldn't, but it somehow does, which is why I've since come to the conclusion that director James Wan is some sort of genius wizard filmmaker. Don't let the generic superhero tropes and cheesy dialog fool you into thinking this was a typical mainstream movie (though I DO suspect those things managed to fool the studio executives into thinking exactly that: which is probably how James Wan got away with it), because in truth, this is the least generic, most bonkers big budget studio flick I've seen in ages. It's the film 'Valerian' wants to be. It's crazy; it's over-the-top; it's beautifully designed with incredible attention to every little detail in every frame; it doesn't take itself seriously for a second, and yet it fully commits to - and loves - its characters and the world they inhabit.

I was awed, literally awed by the design of the Atlantian society and technology; the worldbuilding and visuals are so distinct and original - which caught me completely off guard, because I didn't expect that in a 200 million studio picture for the masses. When the music score went into full synthesizer mode as "Aquabro" and Mera arrive on the collapsed bridge leading to the underwater city, and the screen virtually explodes with the most colorful creatures and underwater vehicles imaginable, I had a stupid grin on my face out of pure joy and adoration for this stunning display of artistic vision (the stupid grin stayed on my face for the remainder of the movie). And the film didn't let up. 'Aquaman' never loses steam; there's no weak third act (at least in my opinion); the wondrous discoveries and beautiful, unexpected designs and creatures keep coming until the very end. Although it has a very different tone, I was actually reminded of watching 'LOTR: The Return of the King' for the first time.

It's true, 'Aquaman' delivers the typical, clichéd, cheesy superhero tropes in spades, but those generic story beats - some of which were probably demanded by the studio - seem to be all surface; they're not what James Wan (or his characters) are really interested in. It almost seems to me that the director only used those tropes as camouflage to sneak in nods to every film of every genre he ever loved and get really creative with the worldbuilding. His biggest accomplishment, however - the film's greatest strength - is something that only few blockbusters ever achieve: he successfully combines a genuine sense of wonder and awe with complete, unabashed fun.

So, to sum up this review: against my expectations, the superhero film I least expected to like managed to do what not a single superhero movie so far had done for me; it filled me with an urge to immediately see it again, because I was so in love with its bonkers, "everything-but-the-kitchen-sink" approach to filmmaking. Naturally, I now hope James Wan will also direct 'Aquaman 2', as I'm sure if given the chance, next time not even the kitchen sink will be safe.

P.S. (for new IMDb users): In case you don't know whether to trust this review or not, because you have no idea what my tastes in film are, just click on my username - gogoschka-1 - and you'll see what my favorite movies are.
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Predictable CGI Journey
MiroslavKyuranov7 December 2018
Aquaman, Orm and Manta are comic accurate. Thestory is predicatble since the second huge trailer. I mean, there was not a moment were I was surprised by anything including the credit scene.

The visuals are great for the most time, but at some places you're starting to wonder is there anything real in this movie? The CGI becomes tangible.

The action scenses are decent, slow motion is everywhere, the humor is...really? The movie is better than most of the others DC movies, but still got a lot problems, including story connections, logic and physics. I mean for me "Man Of Steel" is still the best one, followed by "Wonder Woman". All I can say is predicatble from start to finish pop corn flick.
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Predictable and cheesy, enjoyable nevertheless
tanaynayak16 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Aquaman feels more like a video game than a movie. Atlantean soldiers look straight out of Halo. Although the visuals are spectacular they feel extremely out of place. Oozing magma, laser guns, and even flare torches are all seen inside the ocean.

The storytelling is completely one dimensional. Black manta is a weak villain whom the audience couldn't care less about. Orm lacks any depth like most of the characters in the movie.

Except Jason Momoa and William Dafoe even the acting falls flat. The dialogue is clichéd and if you've seen more than three superhero movies than you'll easily be able to complete the sentence after any dramatic pause in the movie.

Aquaman even messes up the DCEU timeline. Although the movie takes place after JL, Arthur obtains his suit and trident in this movie.

Despite its flaws, Aquaman is clearly a fun movie. The dialogue, though corny at times does its job of making the audience laugh. The stunning Atlantis visuals and a decent origin for the character make the movie worth a watch.
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Most Beautifully visualized!!! DC movie...so far
pradeeptewathia7 December 2018
Watched it!!! And have no words to describe the splendid performance of the cast and how beautifully wan visualised and presented this..This is the true jewel so far in DC universe👍🏻 Won't Add any Spoilers😋..as this is something you should witness
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Enjoyable but forced in places.
running_with_scissors31 December 2018
Firstly its nice to have a fun superhero movie, not something dark and gritty. This is how Superman should be.

I like Momoa, he delivers.

There's parts however that are just poor, really bad writing such as the child with a ridiculously coincidental Pinnochio book as a gift, the clichéd story arc of a person who is dead that you know is not really dead.

I think the constant bombardment of visual entertainment helped hide most of how shallow the movie really was and as such was my favourite DC movie so far.
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Loved every second of it!!!
elektra-7641918 December 2018
I went to see the film with a friend today, a bit afraid because of the damage that whedon did at the justice league. Turns out the film is fantastic!! The cinematography is amazing, loved the underwater city and the characters were very well fleshed out. Even the bad guys were well written. Better than the last marvel films the last 5-6 years. The jokes were on point and the women are no damsels in distress. 10/10
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Second Act Takes It
EggOrChicken20 July 2020
The first half set the scene for a better second half. The second half was 8+ stars, no doubt. They could have been released separately, but it was a bold choice to show it like this. The quick pace definitely took a toll on the story but it's still a good one. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
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rayres07083 November 2019
I was gonna give this a couple stars for effort, but then there was an octopus drumming. So nope. One star.
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This is the opposite of boring! It's mind exploding amazing
CandiiPockyCotton14 January 2019
Firstly i would like to say that my mouth came out of the cinemas with a cramp, as i was watching this movie earlier today. I was smirking, smiling, laughing my way through. I probably bothered some other people in the cinema but it was just that amazing! The action was stunning and perfectly done, the imagination of the movie was unique, it didn't just reflect some of the problems we have like pollution, and chemical dumping in the sea but also gave us another daydreaming topic. Just imagine what is in the bottom of the sea, what would the politics of the sea might be, what would happen if there is such miracle under the ocean. The creativity deserves a " Omgoodness let me watch this 10 million times, this needs a sequal!" well at least from me. I have watched thousands of movies, okay that was exaggerated, but this movie, i watched it and it is now offically my top 1. My mind is exploding with this imagination and i strongly suggest you go watch it its aquamazing!
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Defintley the best standalone DC movie by far
coasterdude4429 December 2018
I was surprised just how entertaining and enjoyable this film was. It was awkward at times but there was some great humor and Jason Momoa played a satisfying role as Aquaman and was a great fit for the character. The story felt large in scale, the production design was unique and interesting and the visual effects were stunning. The chemistry between Arthur and Mera was great too with some great moments of humor.

It was a overall a very well directed and fun Boxing Day blockbuster and probably DC's best standalone film which brought an interesting origin story and broughtas much justice as they could to a DC character that hardly anyone can actually take seriously at this point. The movie itself was silly, but it the story was interesting enough with a great cast supporting the characters and was overall a very fun movie with some incredible sequences of action.
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DC needs to get their sh** together.
rayres07083 November 2019
There are so many things wrong with this movie. The acting is mediocre. The script feels like it was written by a 12-year-old boy. The CGI is inexcusably cheesy. The plot is not compelling. The jokes aren't funny. They kept explaining things that I don't care about. Ocean Master. Trident of Atlan. Robots in ancient Atlantis. Blah, blah, blah. So. Much. Exposition. I have hated the last several DC films, Wonder Woman being the least terrible. This one is officially the worst. If you want something about Atlantis, the Disney one was way better.
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Turn your brain off and enjoy!
FrenchEddieFelson20 February 2019
As in a movie by Sergio Leone:

The good: 1) excellent special effects; 2) the actors Nicole Kidman, Temuera Morrison and Willem Dafoe.

The bad: 1) globally average and predictable scenario which does not hold water (ha... ha... ha...); 2) a few jokes barely funny (even less than mine); 3) dialog not very gentle, far away from the Batman trilogy; 4) In a general way, Jason Momoa with a brain within charismatic biceps.

The ugly: in the middle of the film, we may see Aquaman on a boat, with Mera. Aquaman on a boat? Aquaman on a boat?!!!!!? And why not Superman on a push scooter? What a pathetic non-sense!

Synthetically: a middling pop corn movie.
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