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Showing latest 50 of 123 images tagged with Painted Wall Advertisement tag.

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TQ3069 : Gable-end advertisement, Norbury by Christopher Hilton Gable-end advertisement, Norbury by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3069
NS4927 : Writing on the wall by Richard Dorrell Writing on the wall by Richard Dorrell
for square NS4927
This wall in Loudoun Street faces down the street, and has in the past been used... (more)
SZ0278 : A lost advertisement by Neil Owen A lost advertisement by Neil Owen
for square SZ0278
A side wall facing towards the church bears only the faintest hints of a painted sign.
ST7564 : A jeweller's sign under cover by Neil Owen A jeweller's sign under cover by Neil Owen
for square ST7564
There seems to be a painted wall advertisement for a watchmaker and jeweller... (more)
SK5902 : Parkinsons Pills (1848) by Ian Paterson Parkinsons Pills (1848) by Ian Paterson
geograph for square SK5902
Ancient advertisement on side of property at the corner of Lorne Road and Avenue... (more)
SU4666 : Wall painting at the Nags Head by Bill Nicholls Wall painting at the Nags Head by Bill Nicholls
for square SU4666
The end wall is one large advertisement for the Nags Head along Bartholomew... (more)
ST5870 : An uncovered advert by Neil Owen An uncovered advert by Neil Owen
for square ST5870
This building has had a large advertising hoarding on it for many years. For... (more)
TF4576 : Wall painting by Bob Harvey Wall painting by Bob Harvey
for square TF4576
An image of a pestle-and-mortar on the upper story of TF4576 : Former apothocary
ST6899 : An old painted advertisement for oils by Neil Owen An old painted advertisement for oils by Neil Owen
for square ST6899
The remains of an old advert on the brickwork along Canonbury Street. See... (more)
SK9136 : Old painted advertisement, Swinegate, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust Old painted advertisement, Swinegate, Grantham by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK9136
Advertising 'Best British leather and repairing sundries, wholesale and... (more)
TQ3571 : Ghost-sign for Mazawattee Tea, Sydenham station by Christopher Hilton Ghost-sign for Mazawattee Tea, Sydenham station by Christopher Hilton
for square TQ3571
Very faintly, one can make out the word "Mazawattee" running... (more)
TQ3571 : Ghost-sign for Mazawattee Tea, Sydenham station by Christopher Hilton Ghost-sign for Mazawattee Tea, Sydenham station by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3571
Very faintly, one can make out the word "Mazawattee" running... (more)
SK7371 : Painted wall sign by Alan Murray-Rust Painted wall sign by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK7371
On the end of the former maltings building on Eldon Street.
TQ3280 : Borough Market Junction by Christopher Hilton Borough Market Junction by Christopher Hilton
geograph for square TQ3280
Taken from a train heading westwards, here we can see the single-track north to... (more)
SK3734 : Wall advertisement by David Lally Wall advertisement by David Lally
for square SK3734
An old painted sign on the end of Haig Street, Crewton
SK9769 : Painted sign by Richard Croft Painted sign by Richard Croft
for square SK9769
Sign on the former grocers at Great Bar Link
TQ1372 : The End of Glebe Cottages by Des Blenkinsopp The End of Glebe Cottages by Des Blenkinsopp
geograph for square TQ1372
You can forget your 32 calorie Clover......We want Potted Meat Curry for... (more)
SY6779 : Painted advertisement on Somerset House Hotel by Neil Owen Painted advertisement on Somerset House Hotel by Neil Owen
for square SY6779
The hotel is quite old but the painted sign is actually only a few years old.
SZ1092 : Old wall advertisement on Holdenhurst Road by Neil Owen Old wall advertisement on Holdenhurst Road by Neil Owen
for square SZ1092
The sign is slowly fading but for many years it was covered by a modern... (more)
SP4540 : 33 Bridge Street by Richard Croft 33 Bridge Street by Richard Croft
geograph for square SP4540
Grade II listed mid-19th century building on Bridge Street, formerly... (more)
SD4263 : Apartments, Sandylands Promenade by Ian Taylor Apartments, Sandylands Promenade by Ian Taylor
for square SD4263
The rear of the apartments, showing a partly blanked-off and faded advertisement... (more)
SK7953 : Painted advert, Albert Street by Alan Murray-Rust Painted advert, Albert Street by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7953
Advertising 'Brierley's, Drapers and Hosiers, Ladies and Childrens... (more)
SY6779 : An old look for a modern sign by Neil Owen An old look for a modern sign by Neil Owen
for square SY6779
This painted advertisement may have an old style but it is clearly only a few years old.
SK7371 : Entrance to Blue Bell Yard, Tuxford by Christopher Hilton Entrance to Blue Bell Yard, Tuxford by Christopher Hilton
for square SK7371
ST6670 : Losing the flavour by Neil Owen Losing the flavour by Neil Owen
for square ST6670
The Queen's Head is a very old pub, but has had a lot of building work done... (more)
SK8608 : Historic survivors by Alan Murray-Rust Historic survivors by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK8608
The painted advertisement and the pre-Worboys road sign both continue to survive... (more)
SK3734 : Former newsagents shop, London Road by Alan Murray-Rust Former newsagents shop, London Road by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SK3734
Although no longer in use, this retains a period character, complete with... (more)
NY1130 : Painted advertisement for Jennings Brewery, Cockermouth by Jim Osley Painted advertisement for Jennings Brewery, Cockermouth by Jim Osley
for square NY1130
SK7953 : Warwicks Ales by Richard Croft Warwicks Ales by Richard Croft
for square SK7953
Painted sign advertising Warwicks Ales on the former New White Hart... (more)
SK7953 : Houses on Albert Street  by Alan Murray-Rust Houses on Albert Street by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK7953
A group of mid 19th century 3-storey houses. The nearest house seems to have... (more)
SJ8498 : I like it after the party by Gerald England I like it after the party by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8498
A new advertising mural on the gable end of the Hare & Hounds on Shudehill.... (more)
SJ8498 : For The World Ahead by Gerald England For The World Ahead by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8498
The previous mural on the gable end of the Hare & Hounds on Shudehill... (more)
SK4826 : Wall painting – 'Worthington's Ales' by Alan Murray-Rust Wall painting – 'Worthington's Ales' by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK4826
Now painted over but still clearly legible. Formerly in bright red when it... (more)
TQ3179 : Former wall advert on shop wall, Garden Row, SE1 by David Smith Former wall advert on shop wall, Garden Row, SE1 by David Smith
geograph for square TQ3179
At the end of Garden Row, the shop fronts London Road. There must have been a... (more)
SE1531 : Old advertisement on Little Horton Lane, Bradford by Ian S Old advertisement on Little Horton Lane, Bradford by Ian S
geograph for square SE1531
SY6778 : Menu à la carte, on the wall by Neil Owen Menu ŕ la carte, on the wall by Neil Owen
for square SY6778
The frequent layers of paint have softened the brickwork but the sun catches the... (more)
SY6990 : The Forum Centre by Neil Owen The Forum Centre by Neil Owen
for square SY6990
Wall painting on the corner of New Street.
SU5766 : Sign on the wall by Bill Nicholls Sign on the wall by Bill Nicholls
for square SU5766
An old painted sign on the wall of a house along the Bath Road in Woolhampton
ST7464 : Old advertisement on old Bath by Neil Owen Old advertisement on old Bath by Neil Owen
for square ST7464
On the corner of Hetlling Court is a corner shop, with this jumbled advert of... (more)
ST5770 : An advert under the adverts by Neil Owen An advert under the adverts by Neil Owen
geograph for square ST5770
An advertising board has gone but revealed a past form that was forgotten.
SJ8498 : Respect My Existence or Expect My Resistance by David Dixon Respect My Existence or Expect My Resistance by David Dixon
for square SJ8498
The "Respect Existence or Expect Resistance" slogan appears to have... (more)
TF0306 : 3 St Mary's Hill, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust 3 St Mary's Hill, Stamford by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square TF0306
Originally a 17th century house, remodelled in 1847. Formerly the Boat Inn, with... (more)
H0689 : House on the N15 by David Dixon House on the N15 by David Dixon
geograph for square H0689
Gable end providing an advertisement for the Cherrymore (kitchens and bathrooms)... (more)
SK5739 : Wall advertising, Hockley by Alan Murray-Rust Wall advertising, Hockley by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SK5739
The business to which it refers has long since disappeared. The corner, which... (more)
SX9194 : The former Snow & Stephens Garage, Exeter by Christine Johnstone The former Snow & Stephens Garage, Exeter by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SX9194
With a fading advert for Redline petrol on the gable end of a house in King Edward Street.
SX9194 : Cowley Bridge Road, Exeter by David Smith Cowley Bridge Road, Exeter by David Smith
geograph for square SX9194
On the wall of the house (in King Edward Street) there is a faded advertisement... (more)
SD7207 : Eustace Street  by Alan Murray-Rust Eustace Street by Alan Murray-Rust
geograph for square SD7207
Looking down to Bee Hive Mills, where most of the residents would probably have... (more)
SP3279 : NESTLÉ'S MILK by Alan Murray-Rust NESTLÉ'S MILK by Alan Murray-Rust
for square SP3279
'Richest in Cream'. Painted wall advert in Holyhead Road, Coventry.... (more)
SU7682 : W.H. Brakspear & Son by Bill Nicholls W.H. Brakspear & Son by Bill Nicholls
geograph for square SU7682
Nice to see the old painted sign is still emblazoned of the wall of the building... (more)
SU7682 : Higgs & Co by Bill Nicholls Higgs & Co by Bill Nicholls
for square SU7682
Quite a new wall painting on a building along the Reading Road Henley.
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