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Grid reference SK7953

near to Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, England


We have 1,332 images in grid square SK7953
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from SK7953 [31] mentioning SK7953 [2] taken pre 2000 [9]
A sample of 12 photos from 1,332 for SK7953 - View this square in the Browser >>>
SK7953 : Millgate, Newark on Trent, Notts. by David Hallam-Jones Millgate, Newark on Trent, Notts.
Horses in Millgate Field at the south-western end of Millgate (< road name). Millgate is an ancient thoroughfare that connects the town centre - ahead - with the Farndon Marina end of Newark. The River Trent passes behind these houses,... (more)
SK7953 : Market Place, Newark by Graham Robson Market Place, Newark
Newark's market on a wet summer's day. The umbrellas strung above the market place proved ineffectual in keeping rain off shoppers below, but did brighten up the space on a grey day.
SK7953 : Newark-on-Trent, St. Mary Magdalene Church: The Markham Monument, removed from Cotham Church by Michael Garlick Newark-on-Trent, St. Mary Magdalene Church: The Markham Monument, removed from Cotham Church
SK7953 : Garages next to #116 Lime Grove by Roger Templeman Garages next to #116 Lime Grove
There is an OS benchmark SK7953 : Benchmark on garage next to #116 Lime Grove on the bricks to the right of the door of the right hand garage
SK7953 : Town Lock by Richard Croft Town Lock
27m long and 9.75m wide Town Lock, built in 1952 able to accommodate four barges at a time, a regular requirement at the time as petrol tanker barges passed through en-route to Colwick. The development of a pipeline distribution grid for... (more)
SK7953 : Newark Town Lock and Castle by Peter Tarleton Newark Town Lock and Castle
Situated on the River Trent, Newark Town Lock is shown with Newark Castle in the background. Newark Castle was built in the early part of the 12th Century and is the most significant landmark in the town, although only 20% of the... (more)
SK7953 : Part of the mill race, Newark on Trent by Jonathan Thacker Part of the mill race, Newark on Trent
The Parnham's Mill of which this is the mill race was destroyed by fire in 1965. Nothing substantial survives. LinkExternal link
SK7953 : Architectural Mix in Newark by Colin Smith Architectural Mix in Newark
Half-timbering, Georgian and Victorian buildings blend well together in the centre of Newark-on-Trent.
SK7953 : Victorian Engineering by Bob Harvey Victorian Engineering
Detail of the construction of the old Market Hall roof, where a roof arch is bolted to a pillar
SK7953 : Queen's Head Court, Newark on Trent by Stephen McKay Queen's Head Court, Newark on Trent
The timber framed building was a bakehouse and is now a traditional tea shop called the Old Bakery Tea Shop. The area was redeveloped in the 1970s but this building was one of only three shops to be restored and retained.
SK7953 : Arthur A Bland and The Pride of Collingham by Neville Davey Arthur A Bland and The Pride of Collingham
Two British Waterways vessels that will be familiar to those Newark-on-Trent residents who spend any time by the river. A very early morning shot!
SK7953 : River Trent, Newark on Trent by Philip Halling River Trent, Newark on Trent

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