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Ebook120 pages24 minutes


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About this ebook

twist is a book of photography and the poetry it inspired. It is the second book from Antoinette LeCouteur and Peter Dudley, following up their inspiring release of together in 2023.

Antoinette sees the world in ways many people do not, and she captures that view through photographs she tak

Release dateApr 27, 2024

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    Book preview

    twist - Peter J Dudley



    photography inspiring poetry

    By Antoinette LeCouteur and Peter Dudley


    For you, you wonderful person, you.

    Also for Alice.


    live your unique life

    manifest what’s in your heart

    the world needs more art


    We hope you’ll love this book even more than you loved together. our first book of photography and the poetry it inspired.

    Following such a beautiful, meaningful product with a sequel (of sorts) turned out to be much harder! We felt a lot of pressure to make this book even better than the first. Week by week, it seemed more difficult to invoke the creative muse; we weren’t just playing our collaborative, fun game of photo-and-poem... we were creating. With intent to publish.

    In the months since together was published in June of 2023, while we were working on this book, we held book signings at bookstores, presented in front of audiences, attended book groups that had read our book, and even celebrated an award the book received.

    As time went on, the sense of having to beat a new level of expectation grew. As a result, the process lost a bit of its playfulness, a bit of its fun.

    So, to recover that sense of freedom and fun, we decided to add a bit of a twist.

    It was a small thing, but it had a big impact.

    In week 37, Peter provided the photo and Antoinette wrote the poem. And in week 40, Peter wrote a poem for which Antoinette had to select a photo. That little twist in the process helped us reconnect to the original reasons we started this whole thing way back in January of 2022.

    As it turned out, the year 2023 held a few other twists for us. We said goodbye to our 17-year-old cat, Alice. We temporarily relocated across the country for a few months. We each had new successes and challenges in our professional lives. We met dozens of new, interesting, wonderful people.

    The title twist refers to all of that. But it also aptly describes our approach to creating each pairing in this book.

    We each challenge ourselves to find an interesting or surprising perspective on something which, on the surface, seems obvious and straightforward. Antoinette finds everyday moments and captures an unexpected perspective in those images. Peter pulls a story from each of those images, mostly trying to avoid the obvious.

    The goal is to add twist upon twist

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