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Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose
Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose
Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose
Ebook301 pages3 hours

Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose

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Without purpose there can be no fulfillmentand although we can surely live without fulfillment, we will scarcely feel alive.

Every one of us has a purpose in life and an array of life offices which we were destined to fulfill. Fulfillment, then, must come via the realization of our purpose and our designated offices. Therefore, seeing as we can not find fulfillment following any other course, D.L. Anderson has dedicated this leading composition within his Pinnacles of Life book series to analyzing the ins and outs of purpose, and revealing how living a life of purpose is the first step in securing fulfillment and ultimately fulfilling our destiny.

To assist each purpose seeker in this crucial endeavor, D.L. Anderson has formulated a progressive roadmap which he has labeled as, The Pinnacle of Purpose, a series of 7 unique steps which have the power to progressively transform each purpose seeker into the man or a woman they were destined to be while living the life theyve always imagined. Thus conclusively, if you are ready to walk the path dedicated to your purpose, you should know that this book was written with you in mind. As such, the pages within this composition will lead you to the place where you will find the fulfillment you seek.
Release dateOct 25, 2014
Unlocking the Mystery of You: The Pinnacle of Purpose

D.L. Anderson

D. L. Anderson is a man on a mission. This mission is to help revive the religious world with knowledge. Why knowledge? It is because the scriptures reveal that knowledge would increase in the last days. Accordingly, any true revival we experience in this day will not transpire apart from knowledge. 3 years into his ministry (2001), the Spirit revealed to him that a comprehensive understanding of holiness would be central to this revival. Since that time, he has worked tirelessly to understand the various facets of holiness and develop the appropriate model for presenting it to the world. This book is the first step. In 2009, upon being led by the Spirit, he left his corporate IT job to finish his thesis on holiness. Now that he has integrated this thesis into book format, he is working on various others while he teaches seminars on the topics of holiness, perfection, and eternal life. If you would like to contact D. L. Anderson to schedule a seminar or would like more information about his ministry, please e-mail him at minister@pinnacleofholiness.com or visit his web site at www.pinnacleofholiness.com.

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    Unlocking the Mystery of You - D.L. Anderson


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    Introduction The World’s Greatest Mystery

    Chapter 1 For Once It’s All About You

    Chapter 2 Destiny and Fate

    Chapter 3 Change

    Chapter 4 Fulfillment and Success

    Chapter 5 The Transition to Purpose

    Chapter 6 Confidence

    Chapter 7 Knowledge

    Chapter 8 Judgment

    Chapter 9 Work Ethic

    Chapter 10 Focus

    Chapter 11 Patience

    Chapter 12 Peace


    Appendix A

    About The Author



    I dedicate this book to my dearly departed brother, by family and by faith, Mark Lewis Anderson, who during the closing days of his life showed me the undying power of purpose and the true meaning of destiny.



    Have you ever stopped to think? I mean have you really stopped to think; specifically about something or someone who meant a great deal to you, someone or something which really mattered? If so, how long was it until you were being pulled away into addressing another concern which for that moment seemed to be more important yet really wasn’t?

    Unfortunately this example is a common reoccurrence in many of our lives. In fact, I surmise nearly 80% of everything we do is unnaturally necessary. That is to say, most of our actions are indeed necessary, but not because nature has made them this way. Rather they have evolved into necessities in large part due to the social and economic tenors of our world, many of which contradict various laws of nature.

    Let’s talk about our world. At present, our world is tragically devolving into a collection of exclusive societies delineated by a sharp skew between those who have and those who have not. Additionally, as the boundaries segregating these societies are as broad as the skew is sharp, only a minority of our world population has a clear path to fulfilling their purpose in life.

    This undesirable variance is but one of several challenges associated with the legendary quest for fulfillment. Thus although this well-known pursuit is indeed life’s most worthwhile endeavor, it is a proposition of epic proportion. This is not solely because of the complexities involved, but more so because of the immense value of fulfillment (which is why I tend to believe it is the greatest of life’s few great rewards).

    Noticeably fulfillment will be a common theme throughout this guidebook, a compilation of lectures I personally consider as a seeker’s guide to fulfillment. Strategically each chapter leads you further down the path which not only concludes with fulfillment; this particular path also provides each seeker with varying levels of fulfillment as they dedicatedly travel this select way.

    This speaks to the relevancy of this work, for fulfillment is the successful conclusion of every authentic purpose and purpose is the chief component of relevant living. Therefore, to accomplish the task of helping each seeker find fulfillment, it is crucial to first and foremost delineate an applicable model of purpose (the model being equated to the aforementioned path). As such, all who do seriously contend for the prize of fulfillment will inevitably become seekers of purpose (i.e. purpose seekers).

    Now the question each purpose seeker must ask individually (and one which I asked myself before compiling this work) is this – what makes this literature unique as it pertains to the countless books (most of them beyond credible and worthy) which have afore been written on purpose, fulfillment, and numerous related concepts?

    Ultimately the answer lies in the thorough validation of a comprehensive model of fulfillment – and after years of study, I have formulated such a model which perfectly accounts for the unique relationship between fulfillment and purpose. Thus naturally, I have designated it as the Pinnacle of Purpose.

    Structurally the Pinnacle of Purpose takes on the form of a mountain, being illustrated by ascending levels representing our progressive evolution into our unique destiny (which in this context is equated to the detailed version of our purpose).

    Definitively the Pinnacle of Purpose is founded upon a universal message represented by a collection of correlating principles which speak to some of the most imperative topics germane to the progressive existence of man and his intrinsic search for meaning.

    Decisively the Pinnacle of Purpose is illustrated by a purposeful roadmap which guides each one following to a place where they can experience the fulfillment they seek – and as the divine texts would put it, that more abundantly.

    The alternative in my opinion is unacceptable, and I wish I could go as far as to say unthinkable. Yet I am not ignorant on this wise, for I have come to know many who are living under continually difficult circumstances. Sadly these adverse circumstances not only increase the obscurity of their path to fulfillment. They also increase their need for purpose; particularly a reason to continue to press their way through constant hardship, and a cause to endure the daily toil of their spirits and the wearing of their souls.

    I am also a student of history. Hence I am constantly reminded of the horrors of some of man’s darkest days, whether by study or by simply observing the effects which many of these depraved deeds and indifferences have had on our present society.

    Take the Holocaust, for example, and reason within yourselves the difficulty, villainy, and utter humility involved with such an inhumane experience. Or consider the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the unimaginable living conditions of those forced into a life of slavery.

    Believe me; the regrettable conclusion you will come to is as sad as it is sure. Unequivocally, history is filled with numerous accounts of some of the most unforgiveable moments and near unthinkable crimes – and each one bears a tragic lot of countless victims whose potential of experiencing fulfillment was contracted beyond measures deemed impossible. Indefensibly the decrease in their prospects of fulfillment (whether gradual or sudden) was so drastic that they ultimately became non-existent.

    All things considered, it’s difficult to determine how much farther along we truly are as a world populace as it pertains to the all-encompassing scale of fulfillment. On this wise, it’s not enough to say we’ve moved beyond some of the inexcusable treacheries of yesteryear. No sir; as a progressive society we must also come to a place where everyone has a fair shot at finding fulfillment and ultimately fulfilling their purpose.

    As for me, my purpose in life is not necessarily to affect legislation in the order of institutionalizing a level playing field for all who seek fulfillment. My purpose (at least one of them) is to simply reveal what I believe is the most comprehensive path; especially for those who are so exasperated with the status quo and the emptiness of their current station that they have, metaphorically speaking, packed their bags and are alone searching for a way out.

    To these and all others who I am convinced will benefit from all the words recorded on the following pages, I have given my best effort to delineate a universal model of fulfillment – and I believe I have. Subsequently the model of the Pinnacle of Purpose is not merely in concept. It is in application and ready to be utilized by anyone who is ready to walk the path to fulfillment.

    I can state this with certainty because I have employed and verified the effectiveness of the Pinnacle of Purpose in my own life. Thus I am not merely an author speaking to an abstract ideal I’ve conjured up into some semi-elaborate model. I am also a witness to its usefulness per my current levels of fulfillment and success.

    Notwithstanding, my personal verification of this model is secondary to its universal nature. As a matter of fact, the universality of the Pinnacle of Purpose is not only the most crucial factor of this model; it is also the highest form of relevant evidence I could offer in support of this composition. Else the path which I prescribe to would only be applicable to the less-than 1% of the world population who are in ½ of their ways similar to me as the authority.

    See then, of what value would this work be to the remaining 99%? Certainly there would be very little to no value. For this cause, I have constructed the Pinnacle of Purpose principally by the following designation and fundamental requirement – the Pinnacle of Purpose must be a high-level, universal model which dedicatedly accounts for the most common traits of man and speaks to the most applicable principles inherent to life itself.

    Next I would state that each singular application of this guide will be unique for each seeker, for the dedicated principles of purpose result in countless manifestations contingent to the unique makeup of the individual. Thus as you would expect, our individual quests for fulfillment are dissimilar from an outward perspective even so the nature of the experience is intrinsically the same.

    All the same, this current line of thought speaks to the relevance of this work as it pertains to its contents. Simultaneously there is tremendous relevance in its timeliness, for the message of fulfillment is always the message of the hour due to the infinite value of life.

    Accordingly, it is not only imperative for each of us to embark on this transcending quest. It is also urgent, for the most opportune time to find fulfillment in life is always now due to the short-term and unpredictable natures of our existence.

    As a matter of fact, the origin of this compilation is a memorandum I wrote years ago entitled, The Candle Document. This document speaks at length to the ever-present urgency of man’s subsistence in this present life, an urgency contingent to the ubiquitous reality that we (although alive and assuredly well this day) have no guarantees for tomorrow. Like a candle we all appear to burn unceasingly. Then suddenly our light goes out.

    The problem is we generally don’t know when our appointed time will be. Yet we know death is coming, looming around the corner, standing afar off in the distance, beckoning us to come along. Sans we, reluctant though we were, hemmed in as we were, slowly but surely make our way towards the inevitable conclusion of life as all who have gone before us. Alas, our candle too will one day be put out as we go the way of all the earth, and we too shall not return.

    Sure we can ignore this reality. A great many of us do, seizing each day with a fictitious sense of invincibility while fatally embracing overconfidence and a lack of appreciation for all the variables of life; particularly those which are above us, those which are greater than us.

    Then again, we can become disillusioned by the certain yet grim truth and find ourselves apathetic towards life while treating this most precious of gifts in an uninformed, nonchalant manner. As one philosophy puts it – today let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die.

    As for me, I would never encourage anyone to dwell on a daunting reality; neither would I have anyone become a hopeless victim to the common fate of men. Life is what it is – a bridge which ultimately leads man to his bereavement and, along this temporal crossing and prior to his own departure, he is persistently bereaved.

    Does this reality do anything less than increase the pressing nature of one’s dedication to the path of fulfillment? I think not. Therefore, we should all accept our impending fate and make the most out of the life we have been given, with sane urgency, and always bearing in mind that we have very few guarantees in life – and none of these are associated with the time of our sojourning here on earth.

    The final word on life then is simply this – make the most of it. Don’t wait for what you presume may be a more convenient season to begin taking this serious matter (that is your life) seriously. The time is now. Fulfillment is yours for the taking. The only question is – do you really want it?

    I implore you to keep reading if you do, for I will lay out a clear path for you to find the fulfillment you seek within the following pages. Then it will be up to you to dedicate yourself to this path; fighting some days, struggling through others, pressing through most and overcoming all.

    Then at long last you will have it, the ultimate prize of life and the greatest possession worth sharing – undying fulfillment indicated by a life decorated with the unremitting brilliance of unfeigned purpose, and an undying hope which allows you to transcend every life matter. Shall we begin?


    The World’s Greatest Mystery


    I buried me and then I met, disastrous chaos, thus beset; I came to know tis what you get, when to yourself you owe this debt.


    Do you know what the world’s greatest mystery is? No; it’s not the Pyramids, Stonehenge, Area 51, or cafeteria meatloaf. The world’s greatest mystery is you. That’s right – you. Regardless of what anyone says or thinks, you are the world’s best kept secret. The answer is you.

    Now it is worth mentioning that you didn’t start out this way. That is to say, you were not always a mystery. At birth you inherited a clean slate which clearly identified your destiny in life. Twas a perfect blend of dreams, desires, and purpose at the forefront of your soul all waiting to be expressed.

    Nevertheless, as straightforward as this progression is, many of us will never see this evolutionary expression; for whether it is in our own life or in the life of one of the many individuals we know, this authentic manifestation of the soul will never transpire. Thus regardless of the obvious nature of our destiny, many of us will never find it. Be it disenchantment, chronic cynicism, or excess distractions, many diverse factors will cause for our clear conduit to fulfillment to morph into a complex network of conflicting purposes and broken paths. To put it quite plainly – in time things changed. They always do.

    Certainly there is a great deal I could say regarding this untimely change. Yet to sum it up in 2 words, I would simply state that you changed; specifically when you began the figurative yet inaccurate process of growing up.

    Believe you me, growing up is not what it’s all cooked up to be. Why not? Quite simply it’s because growing up has unfortunately relapsed into a defective process in which many of us are actually growing away from our destiny. This ill-fated departure transpires as we are adversely influenced by family members, so-called friends, and the world at large.

    It’s a tragic disappearing act to say the least; the end results of which are always devastating, for the combination of these adverse influences causes for our initial blend of dreams and purpose to be buried beneath conflicting factors such as expectations, individuality, and control. Inopportunely these opposing factors work to perpetuate immense personal disillusionment; hence the great mystery of you.

    Not convinced yet? How many times have you asked yourself, "Why did I do that? Or how many times have you looked back on a poor decision you made and shook your head as you wondered, What was I thinking?"

    If you’re like me, you’ve asked these questions more times than you can easily count. See our realities are sure. We only know ourselves in part for a good portion of our early lives. Due to a steady inundation of contradictory influences, we will find ourselves investing a great deal of energy and time in sifting through a great many ambitions, intentions, and the like.

    The problem is many of these motivations are not in line with our destiny. Consequently our decisions in life will be heavily influenced by factors which do not reflect who we really are, factors which will fail to transform us into the person we were originally designed to be.

    Now you are not just a mystery. You are no longer you. You, my friend, are an imposter. Many of us are or have been.


    Have I gotten your attention? If so, you are probably asking yourself questions like what should I do and where should I go from here? Classically there are only 2 paths to be taken at this juncture (which in my estimation is the most crucial crossroad in life).

    Now the first path is an unfruitful attempt to go through life in the afore-described model of the self-impostor. Chances are you may very well find your destiny in the end and after all. However, in the off-chance

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