Beating the Clock: Managing Time God's Way
About this ebook
Deadlines and demands are the fuel powering the idea that anyone with too much to do must be important. Dashing from appointments to events to commitments seems to be a coveted and exciting life! But dashing takes its toll. Life is a marathon. And dashing is a pace not designed for a marathon. At some point, dashing leaves you overwhelmed ...feeling like there are not enough hours in the day.
Beating the Clock: Managing Time Gods Way explores what Scripture says about time management. You may be amazed (and delighted) at the practical time topics found in Gods Word. Good time management lowers stress, lower stress results in better health, better health leads to a more enjoyable life, and, well, you get the picture! Heres to enjoying your life to the fullest by learning to use your time wisely.
Kathy Walters Burnsed
Kathy Walters Burnsed knows what it’s like to have too many tasks and too little time. While a wife and mother, Kathy worked her way through a diverse career path including two decades in the fast paced world of television news, the pharmaceutical industry, municipal government and education. She also spent seven years running a television production studio. Her media career includes launching and producing daily talk shows – Celebrate and Red Letter TV airing on Savannah Georgia’s ABC and FOX affiliates. Currently, Kathy invests herself in speaking, teaching, leading and writing for churches, corporate and civic groups. Does your business, organization, church group or home need a time tune-up or an inspiring speaker for your next event? Reach out to Kathy at
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Beating the Clock - Kathy Walters Burnsed
Copyright © 2014 Kathy Walters Burnsed.
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991, 1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
Cover Design by Kelly Applegate. Applegate Design.
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ISBN: 978-1-4908-4802-0 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4908-4803-7 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-4908-4804-4 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014914458
WestBow Press rev. date: 10/6/2014
1. Time Out!
2. The Process Of Time
3. And Suddenly
4. Let’s Ask Solomon
5. The To Do List
6. Hearing The Holy Spirit Over The Tic-Tock
7. Watch Repair
8. Nine To Five
9. Can I Take A Nap?
10. The Condemnation Of The Clock
11. Worth The Wait!
12. When The Clock Strikes Midnight
13. The Cross Cancels The Curse Of The Clock
Time Capsules
Time Quotes
About The Author
Dedicated to the Glory of God and to the magnificent family He gave me.
To my husband Bucky, the wheels of your love will turn my world forever. I’ll love you now and for all time.
To my children, Kyle, Kari, Johnathan, William and those yet to come. You are the sweetest treasure of my life. You hold my heart forever.
To my dearest family and friends, God fills my time on this earth with the most precious people on the planet.
I dashed into the busy Chicago airport, sprinted to the ticket counter then raced to join hundreds of Monday morning travelers moving rapidly through the security line. My full-speed-ahead mode left me temporarily ahead of schedule and gave me a little time for one of my favorite pastimes: people watching. The scene resembled the chaos that ensues when directing the full force of a water hose on an ant bed. Thousands of frantic creatures scrambled around, although it was difficult to determine exactly where they were headed.
The flight information boards were flashing times… departures… arrivals… delays. I suddenly found myself swept up in the anguish, stress, and madness of a multitude of people I didn’t even know. But even though I didn’t know their names – I could feel the knots of anxiety twisting in their stomachs. I felt their rising tension as they reached the closing doors only to watch the train to Concourse D leave without them.
I know what it’s like to exert all your effort to meet life’s deadlines only to miss them by a fraction of a second. I know how it feels to be worn out from the race when you are nowhere near the finish line. I know the overwhelming despair of realizing you will never reach the goal line. And yes, I have also sung the popular refrain, There are not enough hours in the day.
But on that crazy Monday morning, God whispered sweet hope to me, and reminded me that His word offers answers to all of life’s dilemmas – even my time management problems!
To all the tired, frantic, and overwhelmed, God offers us the peace that’s found in trusting His Perfect Timing. It’s my prayer that you will find in the pages of this little book, lessons on how to enjoy your time and how to use it wisely.
Yours Truly,
Kathy Walters Burnsed –
the former reigning Queen of Frantic.
Teach us to use wisely, all the time we have.
Psalms 90:12 CEV
24252.pngTIME OUT!
The other day in the middle of the hectic horror of life in the fast lane, I cleared my throat, and with all the projection technique I could