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Azrael hates the stereotypes, sure he’s got the sharp teeth, and he likes a pint of blood instead of beer, but that’s where the similarities end. He’s got a normal job like everyone else, he’s a lawyer, and a damn good one. However there’s always that one voodoo priest who needs a favor, and this time Azrael can’t say no. After a painful encounter he seeks out Eva, a mysterious girl with a grimy bar on the edge of town. He needs her help, but she’s not interested in helping unless she knows who he is, what he is and where he came from. So Azrael tells his story, from the very beginning. However, only at the end of his tale will he know if it’s enough to convince her to join him.
Mambo Banda II
Mambo Banda II comes from a humble background, he has been writing for over 10 years. He has a bachelor of science, during the day he is a serial entrepreneur, businessman and author. He is fascinated by people and the inner workings of society; he uses fiction to explore these areas, and he uses his experience in life to ground his stories in reality.
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Forever Evil & Loving It - Mambo Banda II
Forever Evil & Loving It
By Mambo Banda II
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2016 Mambo Banda II
Smashwords Edition, License Notes
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Last Call
I fixed my eyes on three empty shot glasses, they were my fixed point while my mind drifted away. The bar was nearly empty and most of the people were getting ready to leave. I picked up one of the shot glasses and tilted it slightly and lifted my shades to have a better look, I saw a drop of whisky stuck at the bottom. What a horrible thing I thought, to be a single drop at the bottom of a glass, but it was a contradictory metaphor, after all I hated people, the only company I enjoyed was my own company. I took the shot glass and turned it upside down in the air and watched the ember droplet fall into my mouth. I slammed the shot glass on the table, no one cared or noticed.
Lady Luck was a seedy establishment established in the early eighties located in one of the worst parts of town. It was a family heirloom passed down through the generations. It wasn’t popular or hip, no famous musicians had ever played there, it had nothing going for it. One could say it was like a three legged dog that never found a place in the world, it simply limped along going wherever the wind pushed it.
I heard ambulances and sirens every fifteen minutes, it wasn’t a very friendly neighborhood, but I thought that added to its character. I saw the bartender on the other side of the counter attending to some customers, I waited patiently.
The place smelled of smoke and alcohol, no one followed any of the regulations. People did what they wanted, and from what I could tell no inspectors had passed through in a while, but then again who would want to inspect a rat hole.
The bathroom door opened and a fat belligerent emerged and stumbled into the room, I slowly turned my head and looked at him. He didn’t like the attention and he quickly let me know by walking up to me and grabbing my shoulder. He smelled like piss and I didn’t appreciate his morbid hands touching my suit. He stood there squinting, trying to think of something to say, eventually he opened his mouth.
You’ve been giving me the evil eye the whole evening; do you have something to say or are you just looking for trouble?
The vile smell that came from his mouth could have probably incapacitated any normal person but I didn’t badge, I slowly took off my shades and looked into his eyes. I think you’ve had too much to drink.
I said very calmly. Why don’t you sod off and go throw yourself in front of a train.
His pupils dilated sporadically. I didn’t expect a confrontation, after all I had that charm, people normally did what I told them to do.
The tub of meat slowly lifted his right hand and placed his index finger in my face, then he opened his mouth, but nothing came out, it was as if he had forgotten what he was going to say. He scratched his head and then he walked away, I shrugged and put on my shades.
I hope Pete wasn’t being a nuisance.
Said a lovely voice, I was too destructed to notice her presence. Her name was Eva, short for Evelyn, and she was the latest in a short line of inheritors to run that fair establishment. She was tall, Caucasian, nearly my height and she had striking red hair. She didn’t wear much makeup, and that was good because that allowed her blue eyes to really show. She must’ve been in her late twenties. She wore a white top and blue jeans and a pair of brown boots. Every once in a while she would brush her hair behind her left ear and then put on an endearing smile while she talked.
I turned and faced her with a huge smile. We were just having a small conversation.
I said.
Really, well it looked like something else was going on. Anyway its last call, what can I get for you?
I’ll have another three shots of that fine whisky if you don’t mind, and I’d like to have another three after that.
Sir, I’m sorry but I’m about to close, it’s been a long day, you can make one more order.
I couldn’t leave, and I couldn’t let her out of my sight, she was the reason I was there. Please call me John. I’ve had a really shitty day and I just want to share it with someone. If you let me stay, I promise I’ll make it worth your time.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out two hundred dollars and put it on the bar.
Eva looked around the room before making her decision. She dropped her head and sighed loudly. She picked up a hundred dollars and slid the rest back to me. You can stay; but keep the rest of your money, you wouldn’t be the first person in need of a shoulder to lean on. Let me make my final rounds and then we can talk.
I showed my teeth and laughed to show my excitement. Thanks, this means a lot to me, but be warned, you’ll have to have an open mind.
An open mind about what?
About me, the world around you and your beliefs.
You’re not a mental case are you, because I don’t have time for—
Just humor me, I promise you won’t regret it.
Eva started to walk away slowly. You’re not some kind of pervert are you? Cause if you are, I think you should know I keep a shotgun under the counter.
I laughed and rubbed my head because in a past life I was worse than a pervert, but I was there for something else. If you want the stone cold truth, I’m a creature of the night, a vampire.
Figuratively or literarily?
Eva said. She was clearly amused by my remark.
Literarily I guess.
Wow, I’ve never met a real life vampire before; this is going to be interesting.
She said sarcastically.
I made my way to the bathroom to take a quick piss, and as soon as I entered the place I quickly regretted going in. Brown tiles that were clearly once white covered the place, and the smell that followed matched the look. I tried finding a clean latrine or one with the least dirt, but that proved impossible, so I urinated from a distance.
Once I was done I walked up to one of the sinks and soaked my face in cold water, then I slowly unbuttoned my shirt. It was still hurting and I could still smell the flesh burning, the brand was in the shape of a Y with an extra line. It was in the middle on my chest and it stared back at me. I touched it, and it still felt fresh, I hit the sink in anger and buttoned up.
It was fifteen minutes past three when the last person left the bar. Eva went around clearing the place, and once she was done she poured herself a beer and sat opposite me.
So John the vampire, where do you want to start? Tell me about your day.
Like I said earlier, it wasn’t a pleasant day.
What do you do?
I’m a defense attorney, and I run my own little practice.
Explains the fancy suit; we don’t get many of your kind down here.
I loosened my tie.
Eva laughed, she covered her mouth with her left hand. No! Not vampires—
she reached out and touched my elbow. I meant lawyers and business people, you know, people who wear suits.
I noticed, but I was in the area and I saw your place, then it occurred to me that the place might have a cute owner.
You’re funny; you deduced all that from looking at the outside?
Yes, and I wasn’t wrong.
"Wow, aren’t you a little too old for me, you know