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Ebook39 pages34 minutes

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Denver Daniels is about to start work on his next book. He seeks out a secluded cabin in the Colorado wilderness as his place to write. A night of intense wind and rain sends his cabin and hope of writing the next great American novel to the ground. Denver finds himself trapped under the dirt with only his laptop and imagination. In complete isolation and left to his own devices, Denver must use the tools of his trade to document the ultimate survival story.

PublisherTyler Stalkie
Release dateDec 20, 2014
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Tyler Stalkie

Read, Write, Repeat.I write so others can enjoy the stories that fill my head.Tyler first started reading from a young age. The school book order would come home and soon a pile of books would follow. This craving to read almost anything and everything in sight led to a compulsion and obsession to understand the mechanics of a story along with being able to write them.He lives in a small town outside Ottawa, Canada.His favourite genres to read include horror, historical fiction, sci fi, and satire. There are too many great authors, classic and contemporary, to choose a favourite.He spends too much of his free time reading. He also enjoys listening to music, watching MMA, and learning about how the Universe works.Other interests include: technology, history, flow, creativity, and many other topics.It's rumoured that he could live another five hundred years and never be bored.

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    Save As - Tyler Stalkie

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    A novelette


    Tyler Stalkie

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2014 Tyler Stalkie

    This e-book is a work of fiction. The names, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination. Any similarity to people, places, or events is coincidental.

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

    This e-book may not be resold. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

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    There's a period of time in a novelist's career that interests me much more than others. No, it's not right after the release of their newest book, when the champagne is being opened. Nor is it during the outlining or editing phase of a first draft.

    There's a point in time when an event occurs that spurs the creative engine forward and ultimately brings on an idea. Sometimes it can occur in the middle of the night when the author is sleeping. He or she must quickly scramble to write down the idea or risk losing it in their sleepy state. The shower is also known as a common place for an author to have a sudden burst of creativity. It might have something to do with being alone or the sensory input from the water.

    These are just two out of an endless list of activities that could be occurring when an idea strikes. That's the area of an author's career that intrigues me the most. I'm fascinated by the series of events that helps give rise to the author's next big idea. The idea can be only a vague thought in the beginning but can be molded into a best-selling premise. I can't help but wonder what Denver was doing or thinking about the night he decided he was going to Colorado to write his next book.

    Denver had figured out the premise to his next novel and was off. He didn't hesitate or give it much thought. He woke me up in the middle of the night, slightly drunk, rambling on about heading to Boulder, Colorado, to work on his next piece. He had just purchased his ticket, set to leave in the morning. He slurred on about needing the outdoors to be a part of the book. He needed to be closer to nature and out of the city to work. He sounded genuinely excited about writing this next book and raved on about how it was going to be even better than his first. I couldn't get much in conversationwise, other than a quick Congratulations and giving him my best with his writing. As soon as I wished him good luck, he hung up and was off to Colorado.

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