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Image Formats

In our image archive you can find images in different formats as follows. Please note that some formats crop the image:

Image Type File Format Width Height Unsharp mask Jpeg quality Colour Corr. Examples
newsmini JPEG 60 y 80 45 y
hofthumbs JPEG 95 y 80 45 y
thumbs JPEG 122 y 80 45 y
wallpaperthumbs JPEG 122 92 80 45 y
news JPEG 180 y 80 53 y
potwmedium JPEG 220 140 25 60 y
thumb350x JPEG 350 223 25 60 y
newsfeature JPEG 733 300 25 45 y
thumb300y JPEG x 300 70 60 y
thumb700x JPEG 700 y 70 60 y
medium JPEG 320 y 70 60 y
screen640 JPEG 640 360 25 60 y
videoframe JPEG 640 y 25 60 y
wallpaper1 JPEG 1024 768 25 80 y Too big to display here landscape, portrait
portrait1080 JPEG 960 1080 25 85 y Too big to display here landscape, portrait
screen JPEG 1280 y 25 60 y Too big to display here landscape, portrait
wallpaper2 JPEG 1280 1024 25 80 y Too big to display here landscape, portrait
wallpaper3 JPEG 1600 1200 25 80 y Too big to display here landscape, portrait
banner1920 JPEG 1920 900 25 45 y Too big to display here landscape, portrait
wallpaper4 JPEG 1920 1200 25 80 y Too big to display here landscape, portrait
wallpaper5 JPEG 2048 1536 25 80 y Too big to display here landscape, portrait
zoomable Tiled JPEG Full-size (tiled) Full-size (tiled) Too big to display here
publicationjpg JPEG 4000 y 0 90 y Too big to display here
publicationtiff TIFF 4000 y Too big to display here
publicationtiff10k TIFF 10,000 y Too big to display here
publicationtiff25k TIFF 25,000 y Too big to display here
publicationtiff40k TIFF 40,000 y Too big to display here
large JPEG Full-size Full-size 0 80 y Too big to display here
original TIF (or JPEG in a few cases) Full-size Full-size Too big to display here
staffscreen JPEG 600 900 25 80 y Kiosk only
erp BMP 120 180 25 80 y kiosk only