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Travel and Contacts

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  Site Address Phone Fax Coordinates Travel Info Phone Book Email
ESO Headquarters, located in Garching, near Munich (Germany), is the scientific, technical and administrative centre of the organisation.
ESO Headquarters
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
85748 Garching bei München
+49 89 32006 0 +49 89 32006664 48° 15' 36.90" N
11° 40' 15.16" E
Travel info Phone book information@eso.org
Santiago Office
The ESO offices in Chile are located in the Vitacura district in Santiago, hosting astronomers, technicians and administrative staff.
ESO Vitacura
Alonso de Córdova 3107
Vitacura, Casilla 19001
Santiago de Chile
+56 2 2463 3000 +56 2 2463 3101 33° 23' 57.79" S
70° 36' 0.49" W
Travel info Phone book contacto@eso.org
The ESO Guesthouse is the official lodge for visiting astronomers and ESO staff travelling between Europe and ESO sites.
ESO Guesthouse
Rey Gustavo Adolfo N° 4634
Las Condes - Santiago
+56 2 2208 4254 / 2207 9785 / 2206 5353 / 2207 3251 +56 2 2228 9333 33° 25' 12.29" S
70° 34' 38.26" W
Travel info   guesthou@eso.org
La Silla Observatory
ESO’s La Silla Observatory, 600 km north of Santiago de Chile, is a frontline astronomical facility with medium-sized and small optical telescopes, including the most successful exoplanet hunter, HARPS.
ESO La Silla Observatory
IV Región
+56 2 2464 4100 +56 2 2464 4101 29° 15' 40.2" S,
70° 43' 52.8" W
Travel info Phone book lasilla@eso.org
La Serena Office
The ESO Office in La Serena is an administrative point that supports the operation of the La Silla Observatory and serves as connection between La Silla and the rest of the ESO sites in Chile.

ESO La Serena Office
Avenida Colo-Colo #4416 La Florida
La Serena

+56 51 2272 601 +56 51 215 175   Travel info    
Paranal Observatory
Paranal Observatory, 130 km south of Antofagasta in Chile, is the flagship facility of ESO equipped with an array of four 8.2-metre telescopes, four auxiliary telescopes for interferometry and a survey telescope.
ESO Paranal Observatory
II Región
+56 55 2435 100 +56 55 2435 101 24° 40' S,
70° 25' W
Travel info Phone book paranal@eso.org
ESO Antofagasta Office
The ESO Office in Antofagasta is an administrative point that supports the operation of Paranal Observatory and serves as a connection between Paranal and the rest of the ESO sites in Chile.
ESO Antofagasta Office
Avenida Balmaceda 2536, Office 504
Edificio "Don Guillermo"
+56 55 2260 032 +56 55 2260 081 23° 38' 44.85" S
70° 24' 0.76" W
Travel info    
ALMA Santiago Central Offices (SCO) ALMA Santiago Central Offices
Alonso de Córdova 3107, Vitacura
Casilla 763 0355

+56 2 2467 6100

To call ALMA from ESO, dial "75" followed by the extension number;  to call ESO from ALMA, dial "06" followed by the extension number.

+56 2 2467 6101 33° 24' 1.94" S
70° 35' 58.39" W
Travel info   recepstg@alma.cl
ALMA Operations Support Facility (OSF)
The ALMA Operations Support Facility, at an altitude of 2900 metres in the Chilean Andes, will serve as the focal point for the ALMA operations. Antennas are assembled here before being moved to the Array Operations Site at 5000 metres altitude.
ALMA Operations Support Facility
Kilómetro 121 Carretera CH 23
San Pedro de Atacama
+56 2 2467 6416   23° 4' 23.11" S
67° 58' 51.43" W
Travel info Phone book  
ALMA Array Operations Site (AOS)
The ALMA Array Operations Site, at an altitude of 5000 metres in the Chilean Andes, houses the ALMA antennas and the correlator, the fastest data processing system ever used at an astronomical site.
ALMA Array Operations Site
II Región
    23° 1' 23.5" S, 67° 45' 16.7" W Travel info Phone book  
ELT Armazones
The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is part of the Paranal Observatory and is located on Cerro Armazones, only 20 km from Paranal.
ELT Armazones
Cerro Armazones
Near Paranal Observatory
II Region
    24° 36' S,
70° 11' 30" W
Travel info   contacto@eso.org
Storage Hall in Hochbrück Storage Hall in Hochbrück
Dieselstrasse 20
85748 Garching Hochbrück
+49 89 3218 6642   48°15'14.04"N

Previous sites

  Site Address Phone Fax Coordinates Travel Info Phone Book
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Building R25, 2 - 38
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
Didcot , Oxon, OX11 0QX, UK
+44 0 123 544 5000 +44 0 123 544 5808 51° 34' 22.5" N, 1° 18' 33.3" W Travel info  
ALMA El Golf
The ALMA El Golf office, located in the Las Condes district in Santiago of Chile, was an administrative point that supported the construction of ALMA.
Av. El Golf 40, Piso 18
Las Condes - Santiago
+56 2 467 6100 (obsolete) +56 2 467 6195 (obsolete)     Phone book
ALMA Alsacia
The ALMA Alsacia office, located in the Las Condes district in Santiago of Chile, was an administrative point that supported the construction of ALMA in coordination with ALMA El Golf.
Av. Apoquindo N° 3846, Piso 19
Las Condes - Santiago
+56 2 463 6107 (obsolete) +56 2 463 6104 (obsolete)     Phone book
  Provisional ESO Offices in Garching bei München
The temporary offices that were used before the inauguration of the current Headquarters building in 1981
Schleiβheimer Straβe 17
D-8046 Garching bei München
+49 (089) 3204 04145 (obsolete)        
CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research located in Geneva, Switzerland, hosted the ESO Telescope Project Division (TP) from the mid-1970 until 1980 when it moved to Garching near Munich in Germany.
Geneva, Switzerland +41 (022) 836111 (obsolete)        
Hamburg-Bergedorf Observatory
ESO was founded in 1962 at the Hamburg-Bergedorf Observatory in Germany.

Bergedorfer Straße 131,


Alte Holstenstraβe 1
D-2050 Hamburg 80, Germany


Gojenbergsweg 112
D-21029 Hamburg

+49 (040) 721 3001 (obsolete)   53.48° N, 10.24 E