1 Introduction
The problem of computing surface areas of geometric objects is
of interest in many areas of applications. Studying and computing such
measures is a central topic in integral geometry and geometric probability.
The classical integral expression for the surface area from analytic
geometry is often difficult to reduce analytically for dimensions n>3.
These difficulties are also encountered, for instance, when employing
quadrature methods. It is well known that Monte Carlo-type methods become
the method of choice for estimating high dimensional integrals. The purpose
of this article is to develop further a Monte Carlo-type method based on the
Cauchy–Crofton formula (CCF) from integral geometry to compute hypersurface
areas of compact convex bodies.
A interesting review of the early history of the CCF and its
extensions is given in [3]. One can find the relevant theoretical treatment
of integral geometry and geometric probability for example in
[7, 9]. The CCF transforms the problem
of finding the surface area into counting intersections of the surface with a set of uniformly distributed lines. The algorithm we employ is based on the CCF coupled with a comparison
principle. More specifically, suppose we know the surface area S1 of a
reference bounding object Σ1 containing in its interior the
object with boundary Σ whose surface area S we wish to compute.
Consider a random sample of a set of N lines from the set of lines that
intersect Σ1. Let k1 and k be the total number of
intersection points with Σ1 and Σ, respectively. Then S≈kk1S1. The origins of this algorithm can be traced
back to the work of W. M. Crofton (in 1867) and to E. Czuber (in 1884), who
gave this algorithm for computing experimentally the perimeters of closed
convex curves (see [3, p. 9]). It is advantageous to take Σ1 as a circumscribing hypersphere (circumsphere). This gives this
algorithm some generality in that it allows one to take advantage of the
well-known uniform sampling from spheres and balls. This algorithm was
employed by Li, Wang, Martin and Bowyer in [4] to compute surface areas for
constructive solid geometry models in 3D (n=3). In this study, we examine
the implementation and application of this algorithm in dimensions n≥3.
We note that this method may apply to compute surface areas of certain
bodies which are not necessarily restricted to be convex – examples in 3D of
this sort were examined in [4].
A key ingredient for applying this algorithm is to generate a set of
uniformly distributed lines in Euclidean space 𝐄n. The theory for the
density of lines in 𝐄n is given in Santalo
[7]. For n=3, Li, Wang, Martin and Bowyer give in [4] two models for generating lines; the
chord model and the tangent model. In Section 2, we visit briefly the
problem of estimating surface areas in 3D. In Section 3, we develop the
tangent model further to compute hypersurface areas for n=4 (or 4D), and
we give an extension that applies in dimensions n≥5. In Section 4, we
apply the results developed in Section 3 to compute hypersurface areas of
Fermatoids – a class of compact convex hypersurfaces that are defined by
Fermat varieties of even degree.
Before we present our results, we recall briefly a result on the
surface areas of n-dimensional ellipsoids developed in [11]. We
employ this result to verify our algorithm and computations. The
hypersurfaces of n-dimensional ellipsoids are defined by the equation
where ai are
constants. In [11], Tee gives a reduction of the hypersurface
area integral to an abelian integral on [0,1], which is well
suited for numerical evaluations. Let
For n≥3, the
surface area of an n-dimensional ellipsoid is given by ([11, equation (93)])
In Table 2, we give, in the column labeled SA(1), estimates from
(1) with the parameters ai for various ellipsoids in dimensions 3, 4, 5
and 8.
2 3D models
In [4], two models for generating uniformly distributed lines
in Euclidean three space 𝐄3 are described; namely, the chord
model and the tangent model. Also, a quasi-Monte Carlo method for computing
surface areas in 3D for constructive solid geometry models was developed.
The prefix “quasi” was used to indicate the use of low-discrepancy
sequences, which were employed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the estimates. We employ the low-discrepancy Halton sequences in all of our
computations. To set the stage for further development in higher dimensions,
we briefly discuss in this section the implementation of these models and fill
in some additional details. For illustration, we compute the surface areas
of some 3-dimensional ellipsoids with known surface areas (obtained from
equation (1)).
2.1 The Chord model
In this model, a random line is defined as a line
passing through two independently uniformly distributed points on a sphere SR2 of radius R in 𝐄3. Each random chord within the sphere can be
associated with a random line which can be considered as its carrier. By
considering the chord length distribution, Solomon [9] showed
that the associated random lines have a uniform distribution. An alternative
justification for this uniform distributivity is given in [4]. Now, two approaches to generate uniform distributions of
points on SR2 were developed in [5, 8, 10, 6].
One method to obtain a uniform distribution of points within SR2 is to take
where u and w are uniform on [0,1], and θ is
uniform on [0,2π]. Setting u=1, one obtains a set of
uniformly distributed points on the surface of SR2. These formulas
follow from results given by Tashiro in [10]. Tests of the CCF
using this model on ellipsoids of various dimension are shown in Table 1.
Moreover at this point, we also show in Table 1 results obtained for the
chord model when extended and applied to compute surface areas of ellipsoids
in 4D. This naive extension of the chord model from 3D to 4D does not work.
Indeed, this method of generating chords fails in 2D as well, and perhaps the 3D
case is an exception.
In support of this empirical finding, and for comparison purposes with the
tangent model (developed and discussed below), we examine the effect of
scaling the radius of the circumsphere on the surface area estimates. We
think of this invariance to perturbation of the radius of the circumsphere
as a kind of a stability analysis. Figures a and b show the stability
analysis in 3D and 4D, for both the chord model and the tangent model. It
is clear that in 3D, both models are stable to scaling and give almost
identical results and confirm further the findings in
[4]. However, in the 4D case, we see that the chord model does
not give good estimates and it is not stable to scaling of the circumsphere
Table 1
Surface area estimates from equation (1), and the chord model for
3D and 4D ellipsoids.
Dimension | Parameters | SA(1) | Chord model |
3 | 12, 34, 1 | 6.9715 | 6.9768 |
| 98100, 99100, 1 | 12.3160 | 12.2949 |
4 | 12, 46,
56, 1 | 7.9904 | 10.7618 |
| 94100, 96100, 98100,
1 | 18.0090 | 19.2201 |
| 1720, 1820, 1920, 1 | 15.5850 | 17.8186 |
Figure 12.2 The tangent model
An alternative method for generating uniformly distributed lines in 𝐄3 intersecting the reference sphere was developed by Li, Wang, Martin and Bowyer in [4], and was named by
them the tangent model. This model is based on the density of
random straight lines in 𝐄3 obtained by Beckers and Smeulder
in [1], where the analysis was based on
heuristic invariance principles. Beckers and Smeulder employed a 4D space
parameterized by (r,θ,ϕ,ψ), and showed that the
density of lines in 𝐄3 is proportional to rsinϕ. More
specifically, each chord from a uniform density of chords on a reference
sphere, SR, centered at the origin, can be viewed as a tangent to a
small sphere, Sr, centered at the origin with r<R (see
[4] for more details). The implementation of the tangent model in 3D has two steps:
first generate a suitable random point P on Sr, then pick a random
line (or chord) from the “flat” pencil of tangents on the plane tangent to
Sr at P. To implement the tangent model, generate the points on the
surface of a sphere of radius r<R by
where u and w are uniform on [0,1], and θ
is uniform on [0,2π]. Clearly, x2+y2+z2=R2u
– which indicates a compatibility with the form of the density crsinϕ. Recall that in the 2D case, a uniform distribution of chords on the
disc of radius R is generated by using for each chord, a radius obtained
from the uniform distribution on [0,R], and an angle θ
obtained from the uniform distribution on [0,2π], to
define its midpoint. This is indeed the method used by Crofton for selecting
random lines on the disc in 2D (see [3, p. 7]). Observe that the tangent
model in 3D can be viewed as an extension of this 2D model; and as we will
see below, this observation extends, at least empirically, into higher dimensions as
We now outline a procedure for finding the chords. Pick one point P=(x1,y1,z1) on Sr, and denote its position vector by 𝐫1. This vector is normal to the tangent plane at P. Take a
point (x,y,z) in this plane, and form the vector 𝐫2=(x-x1,y-y1,z-z1). As 𝐫1 and 𝐫2 are orthogonal, their dot product must be zero and so we
obtain the equation of the tangent plane H: x1x+y1y+z1z=r2.
The second part of the tangent model entails picking a line form the pencil
of tangent lines centered at P. To do this, pick a great circle and use
its tangent as a reference direction – this tangent is a fixed element of
the pencil of lines on H passing through P. The intercept of H with
the z-axis is (0,0,r2z1), and so we have the
vector along the reference line in the direction of 𝐫3:=(x1,y1,z1-r2z1). This exists with the
exception of a set of measure zero (with respect to surface area Lebesgue measure).
Next, generate the angle ψ uniform on [0,π]. We now need
to find the equation of the line passing through (x1,y1,z1) making an angle ψ with 𝐫3.
This will be the equation of the line that gives us the chord we are
seeking. To do that, it suffices to take a point (X,Y,Z) on
the tangent plane such that the vector 𝐫4:=(X-x1,Y-y1,Z-z1) has unit length. Now this ψ is the
angle between 𝐫3 and 𝐫4. The angle between these
two vectors is thus given by the dot product formula
which reduces to
Since we pick ψ, we can find
Z. Therefore, we have the following two equations to determine X and Y:
where A=1-(Z-z1)2, and B=r2-z1Z. So we end up with a quadratic in Y. Pick any of the roots to obtain
Then from the points (x1,y1,z1) and (X,Y,Z) we can find the equation of the random line we are seeking.
Next we determine whether this line does or does not intersect the surface Σ by solving a polynomial using a global method that finds all the
roots at once. If all the roots are complex, then the chord does not
intersect Σ; otherwise, it does. The results from this method are
shown in Table 2, in the column labeled SA(a).
3 4D and higher dimensions
In this section, we present the extension of the tangent model to 4D, and to
higher dimensions. One may proceed along the same lines in 4D as in the 3D case.
That is, first pick a point P on the sphere Sr3; then pick two
random coordinates for the point on the 3-sphere centered at P and solve for the other two
coordinates. The results from this case
are reported in the column labeled SA(a) of Table 2. This method is a bit awkward to extend as n increases.
A better alternative method is to first generate a point P on Sr3 using
where u and w are uniform on [0,1], and θ1,θ2 are uniform on [0,2π]. Save for the
factor Ru13, these formulas give the coordinates of points
uniform on the surface of S3 given in [8]. Now the second
step in the tangent model is to pick a line that is uniformly distributed
on the hypersphere centered at P that is embedded within the hyperplane (a
higher dimensional analogue of the unit disc centered at P we utilized in
the 3D case). Therefore, all we need now is to find another suitable random
point on this sphere to form the equation of a random line that we can use
to find the intersections with Σ. The equation of the hyperplane H
tangent to Sr3 at the point P=(x1,y1,z1,t1) is given
by x1x+y1y+z1z+t1t=r2.
Now we resort to a different approach for sampling the uniform
distribution on spheres (see [6]). Pick 𝐚=(a1,a2,a3,a4) from the standard normal distribution N(0,1). Find the perpendicular line passing through 𝐚 in the direction of the vector OP. The
foot of this line on H, is the projection 𝐛 of 𝐚
onto H, and is given by
Now let
Next, compute 𝐜=(c1,c2,c3,c4), the normalization of 𝐛, as
Now, it is easy to verify that x1c1+y1c2+z1c3+t1c4=r2D. Therefore, to bring 𝐜 back onto the sphere
within the hyperplane, project again, and so we get 𝐝=(d1,d2,d3,d4) given by
It is easy to check that 𝐝 is on the unit sphere centered at P
within the hyperplane. Set 𝐝=(x2,y2,z2,t2). This is the second point we need to find the equation of the random line
defining a chord, and then we proceed as we did in the 3D case to find and
count intersections. The results from this method are shown in Table 2, in
the column labeled SA(c).
A variant of this method that we have also tested differs only in the way we obtain the point (x1,y1,z1,t1). In this case, this point is obtained using
normal variates as well. Create a point (X,Y,Z,T) from N(0,1). Then, to get it onto a sphere of radius r, we take
with similar expressions for y1,z1,t1, where r=w13
and w uniform on [0,R]. The results from this
modification are shown in Table 2, under the column labeled SA(b). The advantage
of this algorithm is that it can be extended to higher dimensions with a
minimal effort. We present in Table 2 some results from this algorithm to
estimate the hypersurface areas of ellipsoids in 5D and 8D. In
instances where the ratio of the area of the circumsphere to the surface
area of the n-ellipsoid is rather large, we note that the accuracy of the
method is reduced, however, increasing the sample size helps. For example, the
first result obtained for the 8D case in Table 2 is much more accurate with
106 samples than with 104 samples.
Table 2
Estimates of the surface areas using the tangent model, for various
n-ellipsoids using a chord sample size equal to 104.
Dimension | Parameters | SA(1) | SA(a) | SA(b) | SA(c) |
3 | 12, 34, 1 | 6.9715 | 7.0020 | – | – |
| 98100, 99100, 1 | 12.3160 | 12.3088 | – | – |
4 | 12, 46, 56, 1 | 7.9904 | 8.1819 | 8.0773 | 7.9904 |
| 94100, 96100, 98100,
1 | 18.0090 | 18.0298 | 18.0278 | 18.0239 |
| 1720, 1820, 1920, 1 | 15.5850 | 15.6137 | 15.6117 | 15.5841 |
5 | 35,
710, 45, 910, 1 | 10.3980 | – | 10.4644 | 10.8250 |
| 92100, 94100,
96100, 98100, 1 | 22.3310 | – | 22.4001 | 22.4974 |
| 1620, 1720, 1820,
1920, 1 | 17.1460 | – | 17.0389 | 17.4600 |
8 | 310,
25, 12, 35, 710,
45, 910, 1 | 1.1207 | – | 1.1140 (106), 1.0293 (104) | – |
| 86100, 88100,
90100, 92100, 94100, 96100,
98100, 1 | 19.4140 | – | 19.4364 | – |
| 1320, 1420,
1520, 1620, 1720, 1820,
1920, 1 | 8.0283 | – | 8.0265 | – |
4 Surface areas of Fermatoids
In this section we present our estimates of hypersurface areas of
Fermatoids. Methods to obtain such estimates in 2D were given in
[2]. Consider the n-dimensional hyper-ellipsoid of degree
2m, m=1,2,…, centered at the origin of a rectangular coordinate axes with
semi-axes a1,…,an given by
The area of this (n-1)-dimensional
surface is given by
For the n-ellipsoid (m=1) case, as was mentioned in the
introduction, Tee [11, Section 4] gave a reduction of this n-dimensional surface area integral to an abelian integral on [0,1]. However, it appears that it is not an easy task to carry out a
similar useful reduction for the hyper-ellipsoid case (m>1),
and so this remains an open question at this point. Now if a1=⋯=an=1, we obtain the hypersurfaces that we call Fermatoids, as they are
associated with the Fermat varieties ∑i=1nxi2m=1, m>1.
These power equations can be viewed as equations of n-dimensional l2m
unit spheres. Despite the symmetrical properties of Fermatoids, numerical
quadrature methods could become tedious for n>3. As an alternative, we
employ the Monte Carlo method developed above to compute estimates of
hypersurface areas for a few Fermatoids. The results appear in Table 3 for
Fermatoids of various dimensions and degrees.
Table 3
Estimates of the hypersurface areas of Fermatoids of various
dimensions and degrees using the tangent model witha sample size equal to 104.
n | m | SA(a) | SA(b) | SA(c) |
3 | 2 | 17.5627 | – | – |
| 3 | 19.6357 | – | – |
| 4 | 20.6846 | – | – |
4 | 2 | 37.7529 | 37.6077 | 37.6524 |
| 3 | 45.6923 | 45.8344 | 45.9055 |
| 4 | 50.1593 | 50.4222 | 50.2813 |
| 7 | 56.0131 | 56.3181 | 56.3298 |
| 10 | 58.6559 | 58.8483 | 58.1813 |
5 | 2 | – | 73.0219 | – |
| 3 | – | 99.3930 | – |
| 4 | – | 114.5534 | – |
| 7 | – | 135.1825 | – |
| 10 | – | 142.8273 | – |
8 | 2 | – | 363.3965 | – |
| 3 | – | 743.1145 | – |
| 4 | – | 1006.9137 | – |
| 7 | – | 1433.0306 | – |
| 10 | – | 1614.6608 | – |
5 Conclusion
In general, Monte Carlo type methods are the main tool for evaluating
multidimensional integrals of high dimensions. In this article we presented a
Monte Carlo type method based on the Cauchy–Crofton formula from integral
geometry to compute hypersurface area integrals. For the practical
implementation of this method, it is necessary to have a model to generate a
set of uniformly distributed lines in Euclidean space 𝐄n. The chord
model and the tangent model are two known models for generating such lines
in 𝐄3 (see [4]). To our knowledge practical models for
generating a uniform density of lines for dimensions n>3 are not
available. In this study we extended the tangent model for dimensions n>3.
We also found out that the chord model that works well for n=3, and which
is known to fail for n=2, also fails for n=4. To test the performance of
this Monte Carlo method, we carried out experiments to compute the
hypersurface areas of n-ellipsoids. For most tests, our results agree very
well with estimates for these hypersurface areas computed by another method
given in the literature (see [11]).
The authors would like to thank Professor Karl Sabelfeld for helpful
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