Released March 26th, 2024
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Round-up of what’s new, in detail.
Save and load data from inside node groups so that its inputs don’t have to be recomputed, allowing for performant geometries without losing the procedural workflow.

Both still frames and animations are supported, as well as volume objects, and it has been optimized to deliver small file sizes.
Baked frame-range is displayed on top of the node, and as a cache line in the Timeline.
Additionally, baking (also simulations) no longer loses materials, and doesn’t get lost after undo.

Outputs one of its inputs depending on an index value. Only the input that is passed through the node is computed.

The Musgrave texture node was replaced by the Noise Texture node, which includes all the same functionality.

Splits up geometry elements into Instances, based on a Group ID.

Rearranges geometry elements by changing their indices.

Applies an additional rotation amount to a rotation value.

Outputs the scene’s current active camera.
Scale the selected key segments from either their left or right neighbor key. Press D to switch the reference key from one end to the other.

Add option to right click menu on animated properties to view the FCurve that animates it. For this to work the object/node has to be selected.



Share and compare your computer’s score with openly accessible benchmarks provided by the Blender community.
- Input Placeholders to show a hint about the expected value of an input
- Cryptomatte picking can now occur between separate windows
- Custom weight for the user interface font
- Wide Enum lists will now collapse to a single column if not enough space
- Changing UI font in Preferences will now start in your OS Fonts folder
- Responsive File Browser List View
- Improved Color Picker cursor indication and feedback
- Text Object fonts now look in the fallback stack when characters are not found
- Animation marker drawing improvements
- Improved corner rounding for menus and popup blocks
- Improved quality of menu and popup block shadows
- Improved initial display of compositor node trees
- Eyedropper can now pick colors outside the Blender window on Mac
- Open Recent menu items now show blender version and thumbnail if available
- Open Recent menu now includes “Clear Recent Files List” item
- Background Images can now be shown with render color transforms applied
- File Browser tooltips now show blender version, image dimensions, video details, etc
- The auto-save timer is now restarted after saving manually
- Dialog to enter characters by Unicode value into Text Objects
- Operator Properties dialogs now include “Cancel” button
- Added visual toggle for Sculpt and Grease Pencil automasking options
- See the full list of changes
- STL: New exporter 3-10x faster
- OBJ: Up to 40% faster exporting flat or smooth shaded meshes
- glTF: Several new features and enhancements
- Alembic: Support for Velocities on Points
- Alembic: Render resolution is now written to cameras
- FBX: Improvements when exporting normals
- PLY: Importer and exporter now support custom vertex attributes
- 3DS: Export auto smooth angle from “Smooth by Angle” modifier
- New API for drag & drop support
- Reflection Cubemap renamed to Sphere
- Reflection Plane renamed to Plane
- Irradiance Grid renamed to Volume
Plus hundreds of bug fixes, code cleanups and refactors to make Blender more stable and easier to contribute to.
Corrective releases: Blender 4.1.1 was released on April 16th 2024 addressing 58 critical issues. Updating is highly recommended.

Blender splash artwork source files are available for you to play with, not only for Blender 4.1 but for previous versions as well.

List of developers that contributed to Blender 4.1
Splash artwork by Lynxsdesign. Features recap video by Jonathan Lampel from CGCookie. Page layout and design by Pablo Vazquez. Additional help by Blender Studio, Blender Institute and the Blender community.
Huge thanks to everyone involved ❤️
The Blender team. March, 2024