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Government Affairs

AZA Government Affairs

What We Do

The AZA Government Affairs team has two major responsibilities:

  • to protect and promote the legislative and regulatory interests of AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums, and;
  • to foster effective partnership opportunities with Federal agencies and non-governmental organizations.

AZA represents the interests of the Association before the U.S. Congress and Federal agencies on matters pertaining to animal welfare, wildlife conservation field programs, conservation research, education initiatives and the public display of wildlife including animal care, transport and conservation breeding.

In this capacity, AZA works with government officials on developing rational and effective Federal legislation and regulations, analyzes the impact of legislation and regulations on AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums, develops position recommendations with the AZA Government Affairs Committee and the AZA Board of Directors, and fosters partnerships with Federal agencies and other conservation and animal welfare organizations in order to pursue mutual goals.

AZA actively participates in the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species. AZA also assists with state legislative and regulatory matters as requested by AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums.

Zoo and Aquarium Caucus

The Congressional Zoo and Aquarium Caucus is comprised of supportive members of the U.S. House of Representatives who join together to support the interests of AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums.

Through the Caucus, the community of AZA-accredited zoos and aquariums provides to Congress valuable expertise and resources in animal care and welfare, endangered species survival protocols and recovery, informal education and conservation science research. The goals of the caucus are to:

  • Foster appreciation for the work of zoos and aquariums as they save species, enhance local and regional economies, meet rigorous professional standards for animal care and welfare, and provide the public with essential connections to the natural world;
  • Recognize the impact of zoos and aquariums as leaders in animal care and welfare, science education, and wildlife conservation;
  • Promote zoos and aquariums as centers of excellence in science and environmental education.
Take Action!

A vital part of our government affairs strategy is the continuing education of all Members of Congress as to the value of aquariums and zoos, the vital role they play in conservation, education, recreation, tourism, jobs creation and collectively as major contributors to the economy. It is also critical that we strengthen these relationships so that zoos and aquariums will be viewed as trusted sources of conservation and environmental information.

You can learn more about your Members of Congress, get contact information, and take action on proposed legislation at AZA’s Legislative Education Center.

Meet with Your Member of Congress

Legislators' schedules fill rapidly, so plan your meeting well in advance. Members of Congress are usually in their districts during holidays and Congressional recesses, and often on Mondays and Fridays. You can find the congressional schedule by looking at the House or Senate website or by calling the Member of Congress' office.

  • Assemble a small group that represents the diversity of your community and is interested and knowledgeable about your issue. A group can demonstrate the breadth of support for your position. Just be sure to keep the group small, three to four members, to have an effective visit.
  • Call the DC or state/district office to ask for the contact information for the scheduler. Some offices will have an online form on their websites to make meeting requests. You should also ask for the name and contact information of the policy advisor or legislative aide (LA) working on your issues. Explain your purpose and whom you represent. Be clear about any sense of urgency (budget, appropriations, legislation coming up, etc.) It is easier for congressional staff to arrange a meeting if they know exactly what you wish to discuss, who will be attending, and why you think the Member of Congress will be interested.
  • After the meeting has been scheduled, forward any background materials to the Member of Congress' office with a cover letter restating the time and purpose of the meeting.
  • Call or email the day before the meeting to confirm. This also will give you the opportunity to confirm who else will be in attendance.
  • After the meeting, be sure to send a follow-up note thanking the Member of Congress/staff for their time and summarizing the salient points of the meeting.

Month XX, Year

To a Senator:

The Honorable (full name)
__(Rm.#)__(name of)Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

To a Representative:

The Honorable (full name)
__(Rm.#)__(name of)House Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515


Dear Representative or Senator ______:

(Note: When writing to the Chair of a Committee or the Speaker of the House, it is proper to address them as:
Dear Mr. Chairman or Madam Chairwoman:

Dear Madam Speaker or Mr. Speaker: )

As your constituent and [member of organization], I am writing to request an opportunity to meet with you on [date] between [times]. The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss [issue].

[Issue] is important because [1-2 sentences].

Please know that I fully appreciate the demands placed upon your schedule; however, I sincerely hope an opportunity exists for us to spend some time together to discuss [issue].

Thank you in advance for your consideration of my request. To confirm the meeting date and time please feel free to contact me by phone at [phone number] or by email at [email address]. I will follow up in a few days to confirm the details of the appointment.


2024 Congressional Recess Toolkit

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