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Deadlines for Animal Program Documents


Regional Collection Plans (RCPs) – due every 5 years

  • The TAG’s Regional Collection Plan (RCP) cycle starts approximately18 months prior to the final due date. TAG officers and Steering Committee (SC) members review current TAG and SSP data, SMAART goals, and objectives from the current RCP and SSP Breeding and Transfer Plans (BTPs). Officers and SC members distribute, collate, and analyze space assessment surveys to evaluate holding space for all species under the TAG’s purview.

  • Approximately 3 months prior to the deadline, draft RCPs are constructed using the RCP template and shared with all TAG SSP Coordinators, SC members, officers, and APM TAG liaison for review. TAG officers incorporate all feedback from reviewers and share the second draft with the APM Liaison for a final review.

  • A final draft is produced and submitted to the AZA office.

  • A suggested timeline for the RCP process can be found here and on the Animal Programs Resource Documents webpage.

TAG Annual Reports – due February 1st every year. Submitted to the TAG’s APM Committee Liaison and the AZA Conservation, Management, & Welfare Sciences (CMWS) Department.

Species Survival Plan® (SSP) Programs

Breeding and Transfer Plans – due typically every 3 years in accordance with the submission date listed on the front cover of the previous publication. Deadlines refer to the final version of the Breeding and Transfer Plan.

AZA Regional Studbooks

AZA Regional Studbooks – due every 3 years in accordance with the current to date listed on the front cover of the previous publication. For new Studbook Keepers, initial Studbook is due 1 year after taking Population Management 1 (PM1).

Population Management 1 (PM1) – deadline to take this professional development course is within 2 calendar years of starting as a Studbook Keeper.

Automated Accountability Emails

Automated deadline reminders are emailed as a courtesy to remind the Program Leader, and other associated parties, of an upcoming deadline.  Each email includes the appropriate instructions and relevant contact information. These automated emails are administered as follows:

  • Four, Three, Two years prior (TAGs Only) -  Sent to the TAG Chair and the AZA CMWS Department. 
  • One year prior, and 6 months prior to the deadline – Sent to the Program Leader, and copied to the associated TAG Chair, and the AZA CMWS Department.
  • One month prior – Sent to the Program Leader, and copied to the associated TAG Chair, the Program Leader’s IL, APM Committee Chair, APM Committee VC of SSPs and Studbooks, APM Committee Liaison, and the AZA CMWS Department.
  • Deadline reached - Sent to the Program Leader, and copied to the associated TAG Chair, the Program Leader’s IL, APM Committee Chair, APM Committee VC of SSPs and Studbooks, APM Committee Liaison, and the AZA CMWS Department.
  • Two weeks past- Sent to the Program Leader, and copied to the associated TAG Chair, the Program Leader’s IL, APM Committee Chair, APM Committee VC of SSPs and Studbooks, APM Committee Liaison, and the AZA CMWS Department.

Extension Requests

  • Prior to the accountability deadline date, the Program Leader may request an extension by REPLYING ALL to the automated email. The TAG Chair may approve an extension for BTPs and Studbook. The APM Committee Vice Chair for TAGs may approve the extension for RCPs. If the TAG Chair grants the extension, the TAG Chair must contact the AZA Conservation, Management, & Welfare Sciences Department with the approved new deadline.
  • If the deadline was reached, the Program Leader has a 2-week grace period to submit the document. If an extension is needed at this point, the Institutional Liaison (IL) or Director of the Program Leader’s institution must REPLY ALL to the automated email within the 2-week grace period to discuss the reason for the missed deadline, and request a new date. The APM Committee will vote to determine if the reason for the missed deadline for the completion of the document is valid, and if so, a new deadline will be set. If the APM Committee determines that the reason for the missed deadline is not valid, the Program Leader will likely be removed from their position. 

Employment Status

  • Program Leaders who move to a new AZA member facility must confirm that their new facility endorses their continued role as TAG Chair and must, within 90 days of departure from their original facility, submit new Statements of Commitment to the AZA CMWS Department via email to animalprograms@aza.org
  • If the Program Leader does not wish to maintain the role as TAG Chair or their new facility does not endorse the Program Leader to maintain the role, the role will be relinquished and the vacancy must be advertised in the monthly Animal Programs Update and posted on the AZA website for a minimum of 30 days.
  • If a Program Leader  loses their position from an AZA member institution, they must communication this to the TAG Chair (for SSPs and Studbooks) or APM Committee Liaison (for TAGs) and the AZA CMWS Department via email to animalprograms@aza.org. They have 6 months to re-gain employment with another AZA member institution before they are required to surrender their position within the Animal Program.
  • If the Program Leader takes a permanent position at a non-AZA accredited facility, leaves and/or retires from the Zoo and Aquarium field, they must immediately resign as TAG Chair, SSP Coordinator, and/or Studbook Keeper and communicate this to the TAG Chair or APM Committee Liaison, and AZA CMWS Department via email to animalprograms@aza.org. Program Leaders who do not resign under these conditions will be removed by the TAG or APM Committee. 
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