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      History of Gastronomysymposion Greek banquetAncient DinningAncient History of wine
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      Greek ArchaeologyArchaic Greek historyGeometric and archaic GreeceGreek symposion
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      ClassicsGreek Lyric PoetryEarly Greek poetryAlcaeus
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryEarly Greek poetry
Am Ende des 8. Jhs. v. Chr. richtete ein elitärer Zirkel Athens bei der Bestattung seiner Angehörigen in der Kerameikos-Nekropole ein neues Ritual ein: die "Opferrinnen-Zeremonie". Sie stellt allerdings entgegen dieser Bezeichnung keinen... more
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      Archaic GreeceAthens and Attica (Neolithic to Archaic)Orientalizing Period (art & archaeology)symposion Greek banquet
The book tells the story of the Athenian elite between 600 and 400 BCE on the basis of the imagery on the luxury pottery from which the wealthy drank at their banquets. The statistical evaluation of more than 6,000 representations lend... more
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      Sports HistoryElites (Political Science)Political ElitesAncient Sports/Athletics
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryEarly Greek poetry
This paper deals with the House of Leukaktios, which has been discovered during Polish excavations at Ptolemais, Libya, in 2001– 2007. The house has almost completely preserved mosaic pavements and the plan of Graeco-Roman type with an... more
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      Economic HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMythology
[ostatnia korekta autorska]
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      Archaic Greek historyArchaic Greek LyricGreek symposionsymposion Greek banquet
symbolism, iconography, and gestures, used on the sarcophagi of the Etruscan noblewomen, Seianti Harunina Tlesnasa and Larithia Seianti. Both of these figures, along with multiple other Etruscan women, are fully presented reclining on the... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryIconographyRoman Religion
Recent studies on early Christian gatherings have demonstrated convincingly that the Greco-Roman banquet was the context in which Christians gathered for their meetings. What has not been provided, however, is a comprehensive discussion... more
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      New TestamentLiturgyNew Testament and Christian OriginsWorship
Christians used to gather around the table for a full meal in the style of the Roman Symposium. They did so because it was culturally normal and a way to tell the Jesus story. Over the first four centuries the full banquet meal held on... more
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      EucharistMeals in the Greco-Roman WorldSymposiumsymposion Greek banquet
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      Greek ArchaeologyArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek HistoryArchaic Greece
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      Disability StudiesNew TestamentJesus Parables, Q, Historical Jesus, and Biblical Hermeneutics for Ethico-Political Interpretation of New Testament, The relation between Theology and Ethics in Pauline LettersGreek symposion
Al nome di Teognide di Megara è legata l’unica ampia raccolta di poesia monodica arcaica e classica a noi giunta per tradizione diretta: un insieme di elegie per un totale di poco più di 1400 versi, ai quali si devono aggiungere, per... more
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      ClassicsOrality-Literacy StudiesGreek Lyric PoetryOrality
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
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      Roman VillaeRoman Baths (Archaeology)Ancient Greek and Roman TheatreFayum Mummy portraits
in: Jenny Strauss Clay, Irad Malkin & Yannis Z. Tzifopoulos (eds), Panhellenes at Methone. Graphê in Late Geometric and Protoarchaic Methone, Macedonia (ca. 700 BCE), Berlin–New York 2017 (De Gruyter, Trends in Classics, Suppl. vol. 44),... more
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      Greek HistoryGreek EpigraphyArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek History
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      HellenismAncient ThraceMetalworksymposion Greek banquet
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Graeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsPompeii and HerculaneumBanquet Customs, House Architecture, Roman social practices
Did Greeks and non-Greeks banquet together in the first half of the first millennium BCE, and if so, how does this mode of cultural contact explain the evidence of cultural exchange between Greece and the Near East? Following suggestions... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryInternational RelationsHomerInternational Relations Theory
The mosaic pavements in the House of Leukaktios in Ptolemais (Cyrenaica, Libya), newly discovered - by a Polish team from the University of Warsaw under the direction of T. Mikocki (1954-2007), have shed new light on the decoration of... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMythology
The alleged testimony of Alcaeus about the mercenary service of his brother Antimenidas in the Neo-Babylonian army has long served as the inspiration for a range of theories concerning the possible employment of Greek mercenaries in Near... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyEgyptology
This paper proposes a new interpretation of the famous fourth century A.D. mosaic of the “Seven Sages” and the “Anger of Achilles”. Discovered in Merida in 1982, this mosaic was previously analyzed and interpreted by J.M. Aharez Martinez... more
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      Intellectual HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology
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      Terra SigillataPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyGreek symposionsymposion Greek banquet
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptGraeco-Roman AlexandriaEngraved gemsRoman Provincial Coinage
This paper reconsiders the emergence of an iconographic formula in the context of Western Anatolia in the sixth and fifth centuries BC, which came later to be termed the 'Funerary Banquet' or 'Totenmahl'. Consisting usually of a single... more
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      ScepticismViewer/Participant Adapting Installations--the art adapts to who views/traverses/engages itEgyptian ArchaeologyPerformativity
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      Classical ArchaeologyGreek LiteratureClassical philologyGreek Archaeology
Abstract: Le village de Shahba, devenu la colonie romaine de Philippopolis, est situé à quatre-vingt dix kilomètres au sud de Damas et à vingt kilomètres au nord de Suweida’ en Syrie du Sud. Sa notoriété et son développement sont dus à... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionMythology And FolkloreArchaeology
This is a booklet accompanying the 2018 Calendar published by Thrace Foundation, which presents in a general-public-format some silver vases from the V. Bojkov Collection. Some of them are thus far unpublished and will be included in the... more
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      History of CollectionsGreek ArchaeologyCollecting and CollectionsMetal Finds (Archaeology)
In this paper, I hope to have been able to demonstrate that the residue analysis of Heuneburg´s pottery does not only provide conclusive evidence illustrating, as the BEFIM project admirably has, new and unexpected patterns of... more
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      Foodways (Anthropology)Celtic ArchaeologyDrinking practices (Anthropology)Residue Analysis (Archaeology)
This article examines a group of about one hundred Attic Black-Glaze vases, mainly drinking vessels, dating to the late 4th and 3rd century BC. They all bear an inscription, generally the name of a deity in the genitive, as well as West... more
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      Greek EpigraphyAncient Greek ReligionGreek PotteryGreek Vases
Mario Cesarano, «Nola polis degli Ausoni» nella Periegesi di Ecateo alla luce della documentazione dalle necropoli [143-168] When Hekataios of Miletos speaks of Nola, a town of Campania near Naples, uses an apparent contradiction in... more
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      MythologyIconographyGreek colonies in Magna GraeciaGreek Epic
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      XenophonCritias and oligarchyGreek symposionsymposion Greek banquet
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      Second SophisticPlutarchSymposiumGreek symposion
Please note the following addenda to the catalogue. Thanks to Dr. Andras Marton! 1. Paris, Museé Auguste Rodin, Inv. TC503 Lit.: F. Brommer, Die Rückführung des Hephaistos, JdI 52, 1937, 214–216 Nr. 1 Abb. 15–16; F. Brommer, Satyroi... more
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      Greek PotteryAttic black-figured vasesAthenian black-figured vasesAttic pottery
Il est habituel de qualifier un « Banquet » de dialogue, c'est-à-dire d'ouvrage littéraire en forme de conversation, relatant dans ce cas les propos échangés par des convives lors d'une occasion précise dans un lieu donné 1. Il vaut... more
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      PlatoDialoguePlato SymposiumGreek symposion
From basic needs, such as lighting, heating or cooking, to symbolic or ritual engagement, hearths in indoor contexts serve as a focal point. This is especially evident, both spatially and architecturally, in structures with central... more
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      Hearth TempleHearthssymposion Greek banquetCommensality
RESUMO: As personagens do Banquete de Platão são faces de gêneros literários, isto é assente. Mais do que isso, também são máscaras de gêneros sapienciais tradicionais ou inovadores acerca do amor. Platão os dispõe num mútuo desafio entre... more
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      Theatre StudiesPlatoMysteries (Greek Religion)Ancient Philosophy
D. Tonglet, Le kyathos attique de Madame Teithurnai. Échanges artisanaux et interactions culturelles entre Grecs et Étrusques en Méditerranée archaïque, Bruxelles, CReA-Patrimoine, parution prochaine (été-automne 2018). [Etude... more
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      ArchaeologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyArchaic Greek history
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      ClassicsGreek Lyric PoetryAncient Greek ethicsEarly Greek poetry
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      Cultural HistoryGreek HistoryGreek ArchaeologyArchaic Greek history
Abstract: This essay examines the poetic production connected to the occasion of the symposium (seventh ‒ fifth cent. BCE), a production that underwent different stages of submersion determined by diverse cultural and political factors,... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek Lyric PoetryEarly Greek poetry
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMusicMusic History
This article suggests an alternative to the common formal approach to Roman gardens. Traditional research has considered how the gardens were laid out and how they were planted, more important than which functions they filled. Here... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArchaeology
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      Classical ArchaeologyIconographyFunerary ArchaeologyGreek Religion
l'ouvrage objet de cette recension, est un ensemble d'articles. Il compte 443 pages, des photos en noir et en couleur, des plans, des graphiques… Il est issu du programme de recherche international PARI-FABER « La pratique du banquet et... more
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      Funerary Banquetsymposion Greek banquet
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    • symposion Greek banquet
The article analyses the themes of wine, banquet and more generally food in the Lives of the Sophists by Philostratus. While the sophists often take part to banquets, their performances are evaluated with the wine imagery and some of... more
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      Second SophisticPhilostratusGreek symposionsymposion Greek banquet