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This is the draft of my LLM Thesis, which has been approved by my University.
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      Islamic LawInternational LawPakistani LawWoman Rights
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      Kadinlarin HaklariWoman RightsTürkiye Kadın Hareketleri
Be a Chilean Abuser; Declaración; El impostor; La descomposición; Decay; La décomposition; Be a Chilean Complainant; Informe; Be a Chilean Time; Be a Chilean Complaint; Be a Feminist Group; Be Responsible; Be Emotion; Be... more
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      FeminismSimone de BeauvoirFeminismoConsent
This paper aims at examining the autobiographical elements of Raja al Sanea ‘s Girls of Riyadh . Furthermore it introduces the origin of autobiographical works in the Arab world. It also examines the role of Saudi Arabian literature and... more
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      TestimonyAutobiographySaudi ArabiaWoman Studies
My this Research Work includes Detailed Differentiation from the Research Work of Shagufta Omar, as her Research Work also covers same area of interest, on which I am working...
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      Islamic LawWomen's StudiesHuman Rights LawInternational Law
Este documento contiene los resultados de un diagnóstico participativo realizado en los cinco corregimientos del municipio de Medellín, con el propósito de identificar las competencias, riesgos, capacidades y requerimientos sociales y... more
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      Village StudiesWoman Rights
An edited reader including full texts and interviews supplementing the exhibition project Woman at the Crossroad of Ideologies. Authors, among others; Stevan Vuković, Marina Gržinić, Martha Rosler, Ana Peraica and others...
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      Sworn VirginsWoman Rights
Bu yazı da medya faaliyetlerinin en çok öne çıkan uygulaması olan reklamda, tüketiciyi tetikleyicilerden biri sayılan " kadın " figürünü inceleyeceğiz. Anahtar Sözcükler: Medya ve Kadın, Reklam ve Kadın, Medya ve Reklam da Kadın... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaDigital Media & LearningWomanism
A partir de lo resuelto por la SCJBA en la causa "C., M. S. vs. A., D. s. Ejecución de alimentos", la autora analiza los argumentos que brindaron los magistrados en el marco de un proceso en el cual se rechazó-en primera y segunda... more
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      Human RightsThe Right to FoodWoman RightsDerechos Humanos De Las Mujeres
Nel corso degli anni che precedettero l’ottenimento dei diritti politici a livello federale, si profilarono associazioni mantello con lo scopo di coordinare le campagne a favore del suffragio femminile e di sensibilizzare l’opinione... more
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      Political ParticipationWoman SuffrageSocial Movements (Political Science)Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations
La Trata de mujeres y niñas es una de las actividades delictivas de mayor crecimiento en el mundo, donde las mismas fuerzas que impulsan la globalización de los mercados estimulan la compra-venta de seres humanos. Los medios de... more
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      SociologyJournalismHuman RightsWoman Rights
Since the breakdown of the Kurdish peace process in July 2015 and the July 2016 attempted coup, Kurdish and other minority women, as well as women allegedly linked to the Hizmet movement suffer disproportionate multi-faceted... more
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      Human RightsTurkeyWoman Rights
Guía para contribuir a la generación de un marco conceptual y estratégico para la elaboración de un programa estatal para prevenir, atender y erradicar la Trata sexual de mujeres y niñas.
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      JournalismWoman RightsPublic Policy
Abortion is look like suicide. Because, womb is part of mother body and she will decides what she will do. Without mother we cannot thinking fetus. So when mother killed her fetus she killed herself . Women’s ability to access safe and... more
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      AbortionWoman Rights
İnsanoğlu varlığı boyunca çeşitli alanlarda gelişim göstermekte, yenilenme ve çeşitli farklılıklar yaşamaktadır. Gelinen noktada, varoluşundan bu yana çözüm sağlayamadığı sorunlardan en göze çarpanı, en temel bakış açısıyla vahşilik... more
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      WomanismFeminist & Womanist MovementsWoman AbuseWoman and Media
Notion of human rights aims to protect the material-nonmaterial development of human and protect human dignity. These rights are the rights which are arising from the human being. The phenomenon of human rights is based on the foundation... more
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      Human RightsGender EqualityEquality and DiversityInequality
This article addresses Mexico's contentious politics of abortion, legal frames, and the role of the Supreme Court. In Mexico's federal system, subnational legislatures have been the principal site of abortion lawfare, with initiatives... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthAbortion legislationDerechos Sexuales, Reproductivos Y AbortoHuman Rights,Women's Rights, Sexual and Reproductive Rights
İnsan Hakları Evrensel Beyannamesi tüm insanların eşit yaşam haklarına sahip olduğunu belirtmektedir. Bu hakların içinde sağlık, beslenme ve korunma hakkı da bulunmaktadır. Bir bebeğin beslenmesindeki en önemli etken anne sütüdür.... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionChildren's RightsMaternal and Child Health
Diversas pesquisas demonstraram que o movimento pela humanização do parto e nascimento no Brasil se intensificou a partir da década de 1980, especialmente a partir da junção de profissionais da saúde, mães, pais e sociedade civil em... more
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      Sexual and reproductive health and rightsHuman Rights,Women's Rights, Sexual and Reproductive RightsHumanizaçãoHumanização da Atenção e da Gestão
Geçtiğimiz günlerde canice öldürülen aynı üniversitede okuduğum,aynı sokakta karşılaştığım,aynı kaldırımda yürüdüğüm ve belkide aynı kafede oturduğum Pınar Gültekin anısına… Her gün belkide her dakika dünyada bir kadın şiddete maruz... more
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      Woman StudiesAvrupa Birliği TürkiyeAvrupa İnsan Hakları SözleşmesiKadın çalışmaları
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      Russian StudiesWomanWoman StudiesBengali
The place of women in Turkish literature has been portrayed differently in the course of time. Sometimes women have to change and the change process is based upon the change of the society and women’s place in it. In 1930s, with Atatürk’s... more
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      Gender StudiesLiterature and PoliticsFeminismFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
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      FeminismWoman Rights
This article addresses Mexico's contentious politics of abortion, legal frames, and the role of the Supreme Court. In Mexico's federal system, subnational legislatures have been the principal site of abortion lawfare, with... more
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      Gender StudiesSexual and Reproductive HealthJudicial PoliticsAbortion
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      ProtestAbortion RightsWoman Rights
Published in Yesteryears,  vol 28,  No. 2, 1985
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      ReligionWomen's HistoryNew York historyUnitarian Universalist History
İnsanoğlunun yaratılışından bugüne kadar hangi toplumda ve çağda olursa olsun, kadın, vazgeçilmez bir varlık olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Ancak kadının vazgeçilmezliğinin aksine, kadın ve erkek arasındaki cinsiyete dayanan bir ayrımcılık... more
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      Sosyology of LitteratureLitretureWoman Rights
On 6th of March, 2012, a very senior and honoured member of the Facebook group of the Department of Social Work, University of Peshawar, posted some questions regarding women’s rights and demands. The debate went very well and some... more
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      PakistanViolence Against WomenWomen RightsPeshawar
On 30 December 2020, amid the turmoil caused by the COVID pandemic, Argentina approved the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Law, which legalizes abortion until the fourteenth week of pregnancy. In public hospitals, the procedure is now... more
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      Jewish StudiesArgentina HistoryWoman RightsCommunist Studies
"AidosNews", n.3, 2019.
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      Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)FeminismSocial and Solidarity Economy and DevelopmentWoman Rights
leter to a child never born
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      Social PhilosophyAbortionPatriarchyAbortion legislation