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Slavs known as Wends (Sorbs) were caught in a bind twice, once in Lusatia, a Slavic region in Germany, and again in Texas when in 1900 German became the lingua franca of that State. The studies done by search parties in 1853 had not... more
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      German StudiesSlavic StudiesSorbsWends
[Lolland-Falster, Vordingborg and the crusades - what the sources tell about the role of the region in Wendic wars and crusades in the period c.1100-1260] In the beginning of the Nordic Middle Ages, the south-Danish islands of Lolland... more
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      CrusadesPlace-NamesViking Age ScandinaviaMedieval Denmark
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      Slavic LanguagesPaganismSlavisticsSlavic Studies
Knud Lavard's role in Danish history is mostly seen in connection with the succession to the Danish throne. This is not difficult to understand because the best-known incident of his life, namely his death at the hand of his cousin Prince... more
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      Danish HistoryNovgorod the GreatDynastic PoliticsSchleswig-Holstein
The paper explores the scarcely researched topic of germanization of the area between the Elbe-Saale and Oder-Neisse rivers, corresponding roughly with the former state of East Germany. The process began in the 10th century after the... more
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      German HistorySlavic StudiesSlavsSorbs
W pamiętniku Cezara „O wojnie galijskiej” (łac. Commentarii de bello Gallico), opisującym 9 lat wojen galijskich (58-50 p.n.e.), czytamy o wielu nazwach i ugrupowaniach plemiennych oraz o informacjach geograficznych, które wykorzystywano... more
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      HistoryRoman HistoryRoman HistoriographyEtymology
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      MythologyRoman HistoryHomerAncient Indo-European Languages
During the Middle Ages, rulers from different regions in Europe aspired to an idea of imperial hegemony over a territory. On the other hand, there were rulers who deliberately refused to be elected as emperors, although their reign showed... more
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      Carolingian and Ottonian ideologyOttonian EmpireWidukind of CorveyMagdeburg
This is the introduction to a family history book, a Sorb (Wendish) family who settled in Western Victoria (some of my ancestors). I was given instructions not to be academic! - hence there are no references and some acknowledgements are... more
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      Cultural HistoryLutheranismMinority StudiesMinority Languages
The Wendish Crusade of 1147, one of the Northern Crusades and a part of the Second Crusade, took place at a critical phase in the evolution of crusading rhetoric. The initiators and apologists of the campaign employed rhetorical devices... more
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      History of CrusadesMedieval Canon LawApostasyHistory of the Baltic Sea Region
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      ChristianityHoly WarPomeraniaPiast Dynasty
This study has provided a brief analysis of the linguistic interactions and verbal communication between Germans and Wends. What we noticed is that there is no Slavic language which has been unaffected by the political and social... more
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      Slavic LanguagesNon Verbal communicationsWendsThietmar of Merseburg
As a concept the Wendish crusade is closely linked to the redefinition of crusading goals that were formulated by Pope Eugenius III and Bernard of Clairvaux allowing crusaders to target pagans or enemies of Christendom elsewhere than the... more
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      CrusadesHistory of CrusadesBernard of ClairvauxBoleslaw III the Wrymouth
Artykuł komentuje jeden z fragnetów kroniki Gesta Danorum Saxo Gramatyka dotyczący pojedynku Duńczyka ze Słowianinem, na tle innych relacji o legendarnych lub rzeczywistych pojedynkach z tej epoki. Article comments on one of the... more
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesDanish HistoryViking Age ScandinaviaWendish Crusade
Reakcja pogańska" jako forma realizacji polityki zewnętrznej połabskich organizmów politycznych Summary "Pagan reaction" as a form of realization foreign policy by Wendish political centres There are evidences, that West Slavic pagan... more
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      ChristianityPropagandaForeign PolicyEarly Medieval History
From the Germans of Danzig (now Gdansk, in Poland) to the Turks of Rhodes: the «Europa etnografica» map (1:6.000.000) of the Atlante internazionale del TCI (1st ed., 1927). For a later version of this map (3rd ed., 1929) you can see... more
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      LanguagesHistoryGeographyHuman Geography
Reviewed by Marco Cassioli in Italian. The book was published in Romanian by Etnologică, Bucharest, 2019.
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      Religious ConversionPapacy (Medieval Church History)CisterciansMonasticism
This is an English summary of an article (in Danish) published in the local-historical journal “Lolland-Falsters Historiske Samfunds Årbog 2017”, 55-85.
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      Medieval HistoryBaltic Sea Region StudiesHistory of CrusadesMedieval rural settlement
This short book is an important contribution to accessible knowledge about the Wendish Crusade, one of the less-known military and religious enterprises at the time of the Second Crusade, which was called by Pope Eugenius III to recover... more
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      Medieval StudiesHistory of CrusadesReligious StudiesCharlemagne