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      Voice ConversionSpeech Signal ProcessingGaussian Mixture ModelArtificial Neural Network
IRCAM has a long experience in analysis, synthesis and transformation of voice. Natural voice transformations are of great interest for many applications and can be combine with text-to-speech system, leading to a powerful creation tool.... more
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      Speech ProcessingVoice ConversionVoice Transformation
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      Automatic Speech RecognitionVoice ConversionLINEAR PREDICTIVE CODINGText to Speech
— Limited functionality of face detection algorithm are still facing problems in real environment. This problem is marked as Sparse Fingerprint Classification Algorithm (SFCA). There are two phases training and testing. Parts of images... more
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      Computer SciencePrincipal Component AnalysisFace RecognitionVoice Conversion
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      Distributed ComputingSpeech ProcessingQuality of ExperienceVoice Conversion
The goal of our research work was the application of Voice Conversion on high-quality speech. Our main interests were established in the improvement of current systems quality and the use of high-quality speech. To achieve this, we... more
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      Speech SynthesisAutomatic Speech RecognitionVoice ConversionSpectral analysis
Learners of a second language practice their pronunciation by listening to and imitating utterances from native speakers. Recent research has shown that choosing a well-matched native speaker to imitate can have a positive impact on... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSecond Language AcquisitionLinguisticsSpeech Communication
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      Voice over IPVoice ConversionFault diagnosisSession Initiation Protocol
This work address the application of Voice Conversion to singing-voice. The GMM-based approach was applied to VOCALOID, a concatenative singing synthesizer, to perform singer timbre conversion. The conversion framework was applied to... more
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      Speech SynthesisVoice ConversionSinging Voice ProcessingVoice Transformation
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      Speech SynthesisSpeech AcousticsSpeech ProcessingVoice Conversion
Abstract—The crosslingual voice conversion problem refers to the replacement of a speaker’s timbre or vocal identity in a recorded sentence, assuming that the source speaker and target speaker use different languages. This problem differs... more
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      Speech SynthesisSpeaker RecognitionVoice Conversion
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      EngineeringVoice ConversionWavelet TransformWavelet Transforms
This work addresses a study of the GMM-based approach to achieve full-quality speaker timbre conversion. In general, high-quality voice conversion requires accurate spectral enve- lope estimates, resulting in high-dimensional feature... more
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      Voice ConversionVoice TransformationPrincipal component analysis (PCA)
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      Computer ScienceAudio Signal ProcessingAutomatic Speech RecognitionSpeech Recognition
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      Computer ScienceHybrid Automatic Repeat Request (HARQ)Speech RecognitionSpace Exploration
In voice conversion, frame-level mean and variance normalization is typically used for fundamental frequency (F0) transformation, which is text-independent and requires no parallel training data. Some advanced methods transform pitch... more
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      Computer ScienceVoice ConversionFundamental FrequencyGMM
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      Cognitive ScienceLinguisticsSpeech CommunicationNeural Network
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      Cognitive ScienceLinguisticsSpeech CommunicationSpeech
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      Voice ConversionSpeech Translation
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      Speaker RecognitionVoice Conversion
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      Speech SynthesisVoice ConversionVocal Tract
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      Speech SynthesisVoice ConversionSLTArtificial Neural Network
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      Second Language AcquisitionVoice ConversionForeign AccentImplicit Feedback
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      Speech SynthesisLanguage ResourcesVoice ConversionSpeech Translation
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      EngineeringSpeech ProcessingSpeechProbabilistic Logic
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      Speech ProcessingVoice ConversionSinging Voice Processing
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      Speech ProcessingVoice ConversionSinging Voice Processing
Abstract—The goal of this project is to convert a given speaker's speech (the Source speaker) into another identified voice (the Target speaker) as well as analysing the face animation of the source to animate a 3D avatar imitating... more
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      Speech SynthesisOpen SourceVoice ConversionText to Speech
In this work we present an approach to perform voice timbre con- version from unpaired data. Voice Conversion strategies are com- monly restricted to the use of parallel speech corpora. Our propo- sition is based on two main concepts: the... more
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      Speech SynthesisVoice ConversionVoice Transformation
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      PhonologyPhoneticsComputational LinguisticsEmotional Speech
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceImage Classification
We present in this work a strategy to perform timbre conversion from un- paired source and target data and its application to the singing-voice synthe- sizer VOCALOID to produce sung utterances with a past singer voice. The conversion... more
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      Speech SynthesisVoice ConversionSinging Voice ProcessingVoice Transformation
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      Speech RecognitionComparative StudyVoice ConversionFilter Bank
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      Rapid PrototypingVoice ConversionReal TimeDigital Signal Processor
Abstract—The goal of this project is to convert a given speaker's speech (the Source speaker) into another identified voice (the Target speaker) as well as analysing the face animation of the source to animate a 3D avatar imitating... more
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      Speech SynthesisOpen SourceVoice ConversionText to Speech
With One Voice: Disambiguating Sung and Spoken Voices Through a Composer’s Experience. Mary Midgley has pointed out how our drive towards specialisation has led us to value the differences between things over their connections. The... more
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      Breath - Body - VoiceAcademic WritingUncanny ValleyVoice over IP
In this paper we present results of unsupervised cross-lingual speaker adaptation applied to text-to-speech synthesis. The application of our research is the personalisation of speech-to-speech translation in which we employ a HMM... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSpeech RecognitionVoice ConversionText to Speech synthesis
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      Voice ConversionNew World
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      SchizophreniaBipolar DisorderAdolescentHumans
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      Voice ConversionSpeech analysisSparse codingAuditory Phonetics
The NAM-to-speech conversion proposed by Toda and colleagues which converts Non-Audible Murmur (NAM) to audible speech by statistical mapping trained using aligned corpora is a very promising technique, but its performance is still... more
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      EngineeringNeural NetworkVoice ConversionSpectral Estimation
Exploiting a tissue-conductive sensor – a stethoscopic microphone – the system developed at NAIST which converts non-audible murmur (NAM) to audible speech by GMM-based statistical mapping is a very promising technique. The quality of the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer SciencePhoneticsPrincipal Component Analysis
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    • Voice Conversion
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      Cognitive ScienceVoice Conversion
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      Speech RecognitionVoice ConversionSpeech Interfaces
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      Voice Conversionhidden Markov modelExperimental EvaluationLINEAR PREDICTIVE CODING