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Los ideales liberales de los líderes de Europa del Este en 1989 se han transformado en una visión conservadora y una fuente de problemas para la UE. ¿Cuándo y por qué ha sucedido esto?
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      Post-Socialist SocietiesRule of LawPolandHungary
In January 2022, articles by international commentators appeared in the media about the first steps towards a new union in Europe. The United Kingdom initiated this development following the declaration about the strategic partnership... more
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      Russian NationalismPolitics of UkraineUkraineForeign Policy of Ukraine
The aim of the publication is to analyze whether there is any Visegrad commonly shared identity or not and what could be the integrative factor of the Visegrad Group. The authors of the publication cover the following topics – historical... more
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      European StudiesComparative PoliticsEuropean integrationDemocratization
The article outlines a broad development of positions towards the EU in Visegrad countries and tries to explain recent move towards more EU-critical, or even openly Eurosceptic stances.
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      European integrationEuroscepticismVisegrad Countries
Historia Węgier napisana przez znanego węgierskiego uczonego specjalnie dla polskiego czytelnika. Nowocześnie pomyślana synteza dziejów węgierskiego narodu odwołuje się do najnowszego stanu badań. Czytając tę pracę, możemy odpowiedzieć... more
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      European HistoryHistory of HungaryHungarian StudiesHistory of Central and Southeastern Europe
During the last decade, more than before, Germany has been pushed to take increasing responsibility for international affairs, including security, and move into a leadership position. Visegrad countriesthe Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland... more
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      Energy PolicyGermanyRefugee CrisisVisegrad Countries
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      Cultural HeritageUnescoCultural Heritage ManagementWorld Cultural Heritage
Sechter, Jan - Grzesiczak, Łukasz. Wyszehradcy euro entuzjaści. In Tomasz Stępniewski (ed.). Wyszehrad porwany. Rozmowy o Europie Środka. Lublin: Instytut Europy Środkowej 2021, pp. 46-54. ISBN: 978-83-66413-45-0
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      European UnionCentral European StudiesCzech RepublicCzech politics
The article explores the peacekeeping activities of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the characteristics of their activities on the African continent. The paper examines the African peacekeeping missions carried out by... more
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      International SecurityAfricaEuropean Union-Africa relationsPeacekeeping operations