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RESUMEN: A pesar de no haberse producido en 2017 grandes avances normativos ni jurisprudenciales en materia de ruido se constata a nivel europeo la necesidad de priorizar la lucha contra la segunda fuente de contaminación en número de... more
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      Cultural HeritageUrban PlanningEnvironmental SustainabilityRegional Planning
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      Computer ScienceDatabase SystemsEventsDatabases
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      Database SystemsEventsDatabasesTranslation
About twenty years of research on Senegalese cities founds the central idea of ​​this thesis: mobility has been and remains the driving force of the city's production in Senegal. The aim is to demonstrate this hypothesis by analyzing the... more
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      Economic HistoryGlobalizationTransportsWolrd Economy
Plus que jamais, la contrainte budgetaire est forte dans les pays de l'OCDE, et les decideurs se focalisent sur les ressources financieres a court terme. Plus que jamais, ces pays ont besoin d'investir pour maintenir leur niveau... more
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      Project ManagementTransportationRisk ManagementContract
The port industry sector is one of the main drivers of economic development in Italy, with important employment implications. The economic crisis has accentuated its importance and has increased competition among ports in the... more
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      Transport LogisticsNaplesSalernoARIMA
Comme il s'agit d'un cours d'agrég, il reproduit parfois, sous une forme peu modifiée, des développements trouvés dans des ouvrages consacrés aux sujets abordés. La source n'est alors pas toujours citée.
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      Economic HistoryGlobalizationWorld EconomyTransports
Memoría fotográfica de avances en el proyecto "Tecnología para Integración de Sistemas de Ahorro y Uso Eficiente de Energía en Prototipo de automóvil anciano: Reconstrucción de camioneta Jeep Wagoneer 1985". Las imágenes muestran los... more
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      Automotive Systems EngineeringSustainable TransportationAutomotive TransmissionsRepair and Maintenance
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      Railway TransportRail Transport and InfrastructureFranceHigh-speed rail
L'étude présentée dans cet article s'appuie sur la base de données constituée par l'UITP (Union Internationale des Transports Publics), « The Millenium Cities Database ». Cette base dresse un état des lieux des systèmes de... more
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      Modal AnalysisMobilityInvestmentTransports
In this study, a multisensory methodology is used to assess acoustic comfort aboard different real-world metros by means of subjective annoyance and cognitive performance measures. Two experimental conditions were compared: unimodal... more
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      Real EstateReligionChristianityHistory
INVESTIR DANS UNE MOBILITE EFFICACE POUR BRUXELLES. « Le rail, clé de la mobilité urbaine » exige des choix raisonnés entre les investissements ferroviaires, en fonction de la demande effective. C’est ce qui a été le cas de l’axe... more
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      Economic HistoryGlobalizationWorld EconomyTransports
La mobilité est omniprésente dans nos vies quotidiennes. Son ampleur et sa croissance posent de nombreuses questions, tant politiques et sociétales que scientifiques, quant à sa gestion et sa régulation. Phénomène complexe, la mobilité... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesTransportation StudiesPublic TransportTransportation
Mémoire de Master 2 Histoire Contemporaine, Université Lyon 3, 2014 (dir. Eric Baratay).
Lauréat du prix Jean Panhard - Automobile, sociétés, mobilités, 2016.
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      TransportsMobilitésVoirie urbaine
Should terminal station operators take steps against terrorist events by developing security checks or should they rely on open transit systems and smooth pedestrian flows as key factors of security prevention? The authors argue that the... more
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      SecurityTraffic FlowTransportsRailway stations
The aim of this article is to analyse the spatial diffusion patterns of Covid-19 in Brazil, considering the organization of transport systems, the urban network, and spatial interactions. It is also important to highlight some of the... more
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      TransportsUrban NetworksCovid-19COVID-19 PANDEMIC
Draft version on the long-term evolution of transport networks in Northwest Africa. Historical and Geographical approaches.
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      GeographyMaritime Transport GeographyPostcolonial StudiesMaritime History
"Pubblichiamo la segnalazione di Alessandro Ratti, storico e monitore di escursionismo, riguardante la mancata conservazione e valorizzazione di un tracciato storico costitutivo del paesaggio e del patrimonio culturale della montagna,... more
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      Cultural HeritageRural HistoryCultural LandscapesHeritage Conservation
Malgr� les efforts de d�veloppement de l'offre, la situation financi�re de r�seaux de transports publics s'est d�grad�e au cours de la p�riode 1995-2005. Des projections sur la base des tendances observ�es montrent qu'en 2015... more
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      PerformanceEvolutionPublic sectorProjection
The aim of this article is to analyse the spatial diffusion patterns of Covid-19 in Brazil, considering the organization of transport systems, the urban network, and spatial interactions. It is also important to highlight some of the... more
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      GeographyEconomicsUrban networkTransportes
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      MarketingReal EstateReligionChristianity
Seaports in West Africa had played a distinguished role in the economic introduction of this region into global markets since the second half of the nineteenth Century. These ports were the places where external trade was developed, and... more
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      Economic HistoryMaritime HistoryAfrican HistoryColonialism
O processo de urbanização brasileiro inclui, agora, a formação de novas metrópoles, não apenas nucleadas por capitais de estados. A região metropolitana de Campinas é a mais importante dessas novas realidades urbanas. Os seus antigos... more
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      LandscapePublic SpaceTerritoryPaisagem
As simple as passengers want Accessibility Data Model was developed to standardize public transport accessibility information. The data model structure is designed to (1) combine multiple information sources, making it reliable and... more
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      AccessibilityUrban PlanningTransportsPassengers
The survey aimed to collect reliable data on the accessibility conditions that currently exist in a set of infrastructures in Lisbon’s Public Transport Network, related to international travel. The data are used to feed a passenger... more
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      AccessibilityUrban PlanningTransportsCo-Production
Николай I старался укротить и укоротить непроезжие широты-долготы родины: именно при нем на главных направлениях строили шоссе и начали прокладывать железные дороги. Собственно, активное строительство дорог велось уже при предшественнике... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyRussian StudiesRoad Transport
Perspectiva realizării pieţei unice europene, începând cu anul 1993, face să devină tot mai uşor de previzionat mutaţiile geo-economice care se vor produce în viitorul spaţiu fără frontiere. Fiind mai degrabă un proces decât o instituţie,... more
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      LogisticsEuropean Integration HistoryTransports
La mise en oeuvre d'un programme efficace en matiere de prevention routiere necessite une capitalisation de la connaissance routiere. Dans ce contexte, cet article se propose dans un premier temps d'articuler l'ensemble des... more
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      GeographyKnowledgeProject evaluationTransports
En 2000, la situation des transports a Paris (intra muros) n'etait pas franchement mauvaise. La demande stagnait ou diminuait. L'importance des transports en site propre (metro, RER) etait a peu pres egale a celle des transports... more
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      HistoryArtEvolutionComparative Study
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      HistoryArtEvolutionComparative Study
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The central idea of the article is to contextualize the appearance of migrants from the groundnut basin in the new destinations of Senegalese international migration. The object is to show that the presence on these distant lands is based... more
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      Migration mobilitiesUrban mobilityTransports
This case note analyses the decision of the Turkish Competition Authority in which it has decided that the recommendation of some vehicle tracking system providers vis-à-vis others in a letter drafted by the Union of Road Transporters... more
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      Competition LawCompetition PolicyTransportsTurkish Competition Law
To maximize benefits of crushed stone sale at different distances from quarries located at Heres or Caroní municipalities from Bolivar state, until several Venezuela’s cities, the variables that impact in the problem were determined,... more
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      Linear ProgrammingTransporteMaximizationTransports
L’estensore di queste brevi note, ha svolto dal 1998 al 2000 - nel suo ruolo di segretario del Comitato scientifico del Museo dei Tramways a vapore di Altavilla - anche le funzioni di Direttore del Museo, elaborando con la collaborazione... more
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      Project ManagementCultural Heritage ManagementEcomuseumsEcomuseology