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The transformation of productive uses resulting from the industrial revolution had important repercussions on the morphology and functioning of cities, although this process did not have the same impact everywhere, generating great... more
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      CartographyCultural HeritageIndustrial Heritage
Industrialization in Spain, somewhat delayed compared to England, Northern France, Southern Germany, and Northern Italy, began with an incipient industry during the 19th century, mainly derived from the transformation of agricultural... more
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    • Industrial Archaeology
Riassunto - Nel corso di scavi effettuati dalla Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, in prossimita dell'antica linea di costa laziale, e stata rinvenuta un’imbarcazione fluvio-marittima  databile alla prima meta... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesNautical ArchaeologyArcheozoology
Riassunto - Nel corso di scavi effettuati dalla Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, in prossimita dell'antica linea di costa laziale, e stata rinvenuta un’imbarcazione fluvio-marittima  databile alla prima meta... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesNautical ArchaeologyArcheozoology
Riassunto - Nel corso di scavi effettuati dalla Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma, in prossimita dell'antica linea di costa laziale, e stata rinvenuta un’imbarcazione fluvio-marittima  databile alla prima meta... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesNautical ArchaeologyArcheozoology
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGeochemistryGeoArcheology
Opposite to the ideation processes that follow the sequence ‘sketch-scale drawing-model-plans’, we propose the experience of starting out directly with the physical model to, using the low cost photogrammetry method, obtain its projection... more
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      Computer SciencePhotogrammetryEngineering Drawing
Graphic expression is a primordial characteristic of architectural activity and its most common way of representation. Architecture and urban planning have in graphic representation their basic tool not only for making projects a reality,... more
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      BIM (Architecture)Architectural EducationCAD/CAMArchitectural Drawing
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      GeographyHumanitiesNautical ArchaeologyArcheozoology
Geomorphologic, stratigraphic, faunistic, palynological and carbon isotope analyses were carried out in the area of the Tiber river mouth. The results depict a complex palaeoenvironmental evolution in the area of the Roman town of Ostia,... more
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Geomorphologic, stratigraphic, faunistic, palynological and carbon isotope analyses were carried out in the area of the Tiber river mouth. The results depict a complex palaeoenvironmental evolution in the area of the Roman town of Ostia,... more
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Geomorphologic, stratigraphic, faunistic, palynological and carbon isotope analyses were carried out in the area of the Tiber river mouth. The results depict a complex palaeoenvironmental evolution in the area of the Roman town of Ostia,... more
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The propuse of this paper is to present a research that collects, documents and analyses the historical cartography of the city of Burgos and culminates with a graphic study of the urban form of the Castilian capital, taking as a... more
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Portus constituted the harbour complex of imperial Rome from the 1st century AD onward. Located in a deltaic environment, the harbour was subject to influences of the Tyrrhenian marine environment and of the fluvial waters of the Tiber... more
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Nel 1916 una sottocommissione dell’Associazione Artistica fra i Cultori di Architettura a Roma redige il primo piano regolatore di “Ostia nuova”, borgata marittima alla quale, nell’intenzione dei progettisti, è affidato il compito di... more
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      OstiaOstia AnticaContemporary RomeXXth Century Italian Architecture
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyOstia (Archaeology)Urban archaeology
Barrero Ortega, Pedro / Gamiz Gordo, Antonio (2020): "The Casa de los Pinelo in Seville According to a Text from 1542". Graphical Heritage. EGA 2020. Vol. 1, pp. 163-175. Cham. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-47979-4... more
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Thecontemporarycityistheresultofmultiplenaturalandanthropic stratifications that have taken place over the centuries; these stratifications provide an opportunity to discuss the relationship between urban landscape and its representation.... more
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      Urban LandscapeRepresentationTiber
The safety of "travelling" works of art, especially during the phases of handling and transport, is a top priority in implementing policies for cultural promotion. Determining parameters concerning the technical transportability of an... more
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    • Movimentazione, imballaggio e trasporto di opere d'arte.
I recenti lavori di scavo archeologico in questa parte di Pincio hanno permesso lo studio di un grande serbatoio in opera reticolata e di due distinte cisterne a cunicoli (fig. 1). I primi rinvenimenti di strutture idrauliche sulla... more
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      Hydraulic systems and structuresAncient Roman Hydraulics
The paper discusses the results of geophysical prospections conducted in the years 2009-2010 at the archaeological site of Pagliano (Orvieto). The surface explored by an integrated approach (magnetometer and electric resistivity survey,... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyGround Penetrating RadarGeophysical Prospecting
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      ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyHydrologyLandscape Archaeology
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      StratigraphyGeoarchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyRome