Books and edited volumes by Michael Heinzelmann
Amiternum. Untersuchungen zur Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsstruktur im zentralen Abruzzenraum in römischer Zeit , 2023
Ostia I. Forma Urbis Ostiae, 2020
XVIII, 464 Seiten mit 508 Abbildungen Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A CIP ca... more XVIII, 464 Seiten mit 508 Abbildungen Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
Quantifying Ancient Building Economy, 2020
Das Marsfeld in Rom, 2008
Abitare in città. Edilizia abitativa urbana e organizzazione della città nell’Italia settentrionale - Leben in der Stadt. Oberitalien zwischen römischer Kaiserzeit und Mittelalter, 2003
Römischer Bestattungsbrauch und Beigabensitten - Culto dei morti e costumi funerari romani, 2001
Studien zur Antiken Stadt, 2000
Papers by Michael Heinzelmann

The archaeological site of Carissa Aurelia is located in the current province of Cádiz, between t... more The archaeological site of Carissa Aurelia is located in the current province of Cádiz, between the towns of Bornos and Espera. In Roman times it was included to the new province Hispania Vlterior Baetica by the emperor Augustus, and, specifically, to the conventus Gaditanus. Today it corresponds to a deserted site, an old farmstead, whose toponym, Carija, derives from the ancient city's name (Fig. 1). The archaeological artifacts recovered at the site suggest that its occupation was discontinuous, originating during the late Neolithic or Chalcolithic period, as several pit structures indicate, and continuing on to medieval times, as the common inhumations without burial goods reveal. However, the Turdetan phase and, above all, the Roman occupation represent the most important moments of the site. Under the latter, it reached its maximum expansion; at that time the settlement was enclosed by a wall surrounding an approximate area of 18-20 ha, which denotes a highly important urban nucleus and plausible architectural complexity that, as yet, is known only partially and in a nonsystematic manner.
Archaeologischer Anzeiger, 2022
Hadashot Arkheologiyot, 2022
R. Tuteri (Ed.), Amiternum. Da splendissima civitas a parco archeologico (2022), 2022
Koelner und Bonner Archaeologica, 2019
Nicht abschließend geklärt ist hingegen, ob auch eine klimatische Gunstphase mit überdurchschnitt... more Nicht abschließend geklärt ist hingegen, ob auch eine klimatische Gunstphase mit überdurchschnittlichen Niederschlägen hierzu beigetragen hat. Dafür sprechen sich u. a.
Koelner und Bonner Archaeologica, 2017
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliograf... more Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detailliertere bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über ‹› abrufbar.
Books and edited volumes by Michael Heinzelmann
Papers by Michael Heinzelmann