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Tristan témoigne d’un réel attachement à la dimension collective que portait au XVIe siècle le chœur tragique. Elle se traduit chez lui par la présence, variable mais néanmoins récurrente, d’un personnage pourvu de la fonction chorale qui... more
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      DramaturgyThéâtreLittérature FrançaiseThe Tragic Chorus
Translation of Sophocles' Oedipus the Tyrant, Antigone, Oedipus at Colonus, with notes and commentary by Jamey Hecht. From the Introduction: "Greek tragedy is a kind ofscripture that teaches us by showing, not telling, what we need to... more
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      PsychoanalysisClassicsGreek TragedyNietzsche
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek LanguageTextual Criticism
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      Greek TragedyShakespeareDevised TheatreDevising Practices
This paper examines two scenes of Aeschylus’ Supplices (825-910 and 1019-73) where the presence of a secondary chorus is usually assumed. The paper makes three points: (1) ll. 836-42, 847-53 and 859-65 are sung by the Herald, i.e. the... more
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      Greek TragedyTextual CriticismAeschylusAncient Greek Drama
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      ClassicsGreek TragedyGhostsCultural History Of Ghosts
The question of Senecan influence on Elizabethan tragedy has been fiercely debated since J.W. Cunliffe published his seminal study in 1893. In the last half-century massive critical attention to this problem has been renewed. Recent... more
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      Revenge TragedyThomas KydSenecan tragedyThe Tragic Chorus
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      Greek ComedyAristophanesThe Tragic ChorusThe Greek tragic chorus
RESUMEN El coro femenino en diversas tragedias colabora activamente en los planes secretos de la heroína. Esta solidaridad puede presentarse a modo de silencio. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar este fenómeno a partir de... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesThe Tragic Chorus
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek Language
The article opens out the ways in which voices of both characters and chorus struggle to express hope for order and renewal at Argos even as so many forces threaten to tear the society apart. Attempts to sing the ritually correct produce... more
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      MusicClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek Tragedy
O coro na tragédia grega consistia de um número de cantores e dançarinos que fazia sua entrada no palco logo após o prólogo da peça, lá permanecendo até o final do espetáculo, com o propósito de cantar as odes que separavam as partes do... more
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      Greek TragedyThe Tragic ChorusShakespearean Tragedy
In honor of work initially conceived by the late Claire Sponsler, Volume 2 of Bloomsbury's Cultural History of Tragedy takes a broad and revisionist view of what it means to think through tragedy in the long Middle Ages. Coedited with... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesMedieval StudiesShakespeare
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      Ancient Greek MusicAncient Greek DanceThe Tragic ChorusAncient Greek Chorus
An important passage of pseudo-Aristotelian Problemata deals with the ethos of some metrical rhythms: in accordance with their “pathetic” traits, some metres would be more suited to the ethos of the Chorus, because in Tragedy the Chorus... more
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek Tragedy
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      The Tragic ChorusAncient Greek Chorus
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      Jean-Luc NancyChoreographyMaurice BlanchotThe Tragic Chorus
Resumen En Andrómaca el coro se encuentra entre dos mujeres víctimas, aunque de diferente modo, de la guerra: Andrómaca y Hermíone. La relación que establece el grupo de mujeres de Ftía con las dos heroínas contribuye a su caracterización... more
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      Greek TragedyThe Tragic ChorusEuripides Andromache
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyMetaphor
El artículo analiza el coro de Suplicantes de Esquilo en el marco de los debates en torno al denominado "modelo Vernant" y postula la posibilidad de continuar aplicando dicho modelo sin perder de vista los planteos críticos. El examen... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek Language
The relationship between Classical Athenian tragedy and democracy remains a much-discussed problem which deserves to be examined from as many points of view as possible. Although Sophocles has sometimes been seen as less tied to his... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek TragedyAthenian DemocracyClassical philology
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      MythologyGreek TragedyAncient myth and religionGreek Myth
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek Tragedy
Μέσα από την ανέλιξη του τραγικού μύθου, με σκοπό το τέλος, την ηδονή της τραγωδίας, την κάθαρση, φανερώνεται πώς προκύπτει το αγαθό, το φως και η τάξη από το βέβηλο, το ακάθαρτο και το φοβερό. Από αυτήν την μεταμόρφωση που συντελείται... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyPhilosophy Of LawAncient Greek Tragedy and its Reception
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      Latin LiteratureSenecaLatin Literature (in Classics) - SenecaRoman literature and culture
In this paper, we analyze different ways of approach to the ancient Greek theatre that we see in the work of Mexican playwright Hugo Argüelles, particularly in the dramas Medea y los visitantes del sueño, El ritual de la salamandra, El... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMythologyClassicsTheatre Studies
Female choruses abound in Euripides’ plays. What often distinguishes these choruses is their relationship with the heroes. Female choruses have the inbuilt ability to develop an intimate engagement with both male and female characters. In... more
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      Greek TragedyLaments (Anthropology)EuripidesAncient Greek Tragedy
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      AeschylusThe Tragic ChorusAncient Greek ChorusAeschylus, Persae
Resumen: El coro femenino del Orestes euripideo colabora activamente en los planes secretos de la heroína. Esta solidaridad se muestra a través de la palabra, el silencio y la acción directa. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo... more
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      Greek TragedyEuripides OrestesThe Tragic Chorus
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTheatre StudiesSeneca
In the context of Greek tragedy, the study of the dramatic chorus still raises a number of issues related to its interpretation and function in the dramatic action. Its introduction in adaptations and free interpretations in contemporary... more
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      Classical Tradition in Art and LiteratureAncient Greek Tragedy and its ReceptionThe Tragic ChorusTeatro español contemporáneo
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      Greek TragedyEuripidesEuripides MedeaAncient Greek Drama
Greek Drama V, University of British Columbia, July 5-8, 2017
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      EuripidesThe Tragic ChorusAncient Greek Chorus
In “La figura corale nelle tragedie alfieriane” Enrico Zucchi, contestando la tesi sostenuta anni fa da Alessandro Pellegrini nel suo saggio “Alfieri e la tragedia senza coro”, perviene a dimostrare come in realtà il coro sia ben presente... more
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      Italian StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureItalian TheatreVittorio Alfieri
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      Greek TragedyAeschylusSophoclesEuripides
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      EuripidesFragmentary dramasSapphoThe Tragic Chorus
Abstract : While χῶρος finds its proper place in the speech that Œdipus pronounces at Colonus as a “stranger in a foreign land”, χώρα is used almost exclusively by the hosts, Theseus, king of Athens, and the chorus of the Elders of... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryPhilosophy
La tragédie humaniste du XVIᵉ siècle se distingue par la présence d'un chœur, héritage de la tragédie antique, et par la volonté de rompre avec les représentations allégoriques médiévales. Cette caractérisation semble pourtant paradoxale... more
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      16th Century Dramatic Literature16th Century French Literature16th Century French (Literature)The Tragic Chorus
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      Textual CriticismAeschylusAgamemnonThe Tragic Chorus
Extrait du chapitre 3 du livre "À chœur perdu. Les traces du chœur antique dans la tragédie française du XVIIe siècle", Postface de Lise Michel, Lausanne, Archipel Essais, vol. 29, décembre 2020.
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      DramaturgyThéâtreHistoire Du ThéâtreThe Tragic Chorus
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      AeschylusThe Tragic Chorus
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyGreek Language
The psychological feeling of sexual jealousy is complex and is generally considered a blend of simpler affects. These usually include anger, envy, fear of (or grief at) loss, hostility, and phthonos for the rival. Sexual jealousy is... more
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      Greek TragedyAncient EmotionsSophoclesEuripides
The final words of Euripides’ Iphigenia in Tauris are vexed by several difficulties concerning the distribution of lines to speakers. In IT 1490–1, the problem affects the general interpretation of the ending, which seems to suggest... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyTextual CriticismGreek Lyric Poetry
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      The Tragic ChorusAeschylus, Persae
Este libro es el resultado de las investigaciones realizadas en el marco de dos proyectos UBACyT. Sus capítulos, dedicados cada uno a diferentes textos, autores y períodos de la literatura griega clásica, desde la época arcaica hasta la... more
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      Homeric HymnsCallimachus' hymnsThe Tragic ChorusThe Orphic Hymns
Talk given at the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW) 2018, University of Coimbra (Portugal), 8-9 November 2018: text and handout.
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      Greek LiteratureGreek TragedyHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Greek Theatre
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyClassical philology
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureSenecaClassical philology
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek TragedyTextual Criticism