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      EpilepsySudden DeathThalamusEpilepsia
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      ScienceMultidisciplinaryThalamusCerebral Cortex
The present study was undertaken to determine the precise projection pattern from the primary (S1) and secondary (S2) somatosensory cortices to the posterior nuclear proper (POm) and ventroposterior thalamic nuclei (VP). The POm was... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingMedicineComaThalamus
The poorly developed visual system of the electric catfish was studied with silver-degeneration methods. Retinal projections were entirely contralaterat to the hypothalamic optic nucleus, the lateral geniculate nucleus, the dorsomedial... more
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Seventy-five left and right brain-damaged patients, with or without hemispatial neglect, and 40 age-matched control subjects were tested on cancellation tasks with two different visual textures modeled after Julesz (1981). In one... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAttentionBrain and Cognition
Intractable central post-stroke pain (CPSP) is one of the most common sequelae of stroke, but has been inadequately studied to date. In this study, we first determined the relationship between the lesion site and changes in mechanical or... more
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      Cognitive ScienceStrokeThalamusAmines
The alpha rhythm in the EEG is 8-12 Hz activity present when a subject is awake with eyes closed. In this study, we used simultaneous EEG and fMRI to make maps of regions whose MRI signal changed reliably with modulation in posterior... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingThalamusParietal Lobe
The avian visual Wulst, said to be the equivalent of the striate cortex in mammals, is the telencephalic visual area of the thalamofugal visual pathway. In this study, by means of retrograde labelling with fluorescent tracers injected... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVisual CortexAnatomyBrain
Freely available automated MR image analysis techniques are being increasingly used to investigate neuroanatomical abnormalities in patients with neurological disorders. It is important to assess the specificity and validity of automated... more
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      NeuroinformaticsMagnetic Resonance ImagingLinear modelsBrain Mapping
The density and distribution of brain damage after 2–10 min of cerebral ischemia was studied in the rat. Ischemia was produced by a combination of carotid clamping and hypotension, followed by 1 week recovery. The brains were... more
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      HippocampusBrainCerebellumCaudate Nucleus
Peripheral pain and ataxic tremor can appear suddenly following thalamic stroke and can significantly alter a patient's psychological, social, and physical functioning. The present paper reports the case of a 70-year-old Caucasian... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePainCognition
The neural mechanisms and the circuitry involved in levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) are still partially obscure. LID can be considered the consequence of an abnormal pattern or code of activity that originates and is conveyed from the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeurologyTranscranial Magnetic StimulationCerebellum
We describe a case in which tremor associated with unilateral bradykinesia due to craniocerebral trauma was successfully treated by chronic stimulation of the thalamic ventralis intermedius nucleus.
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      Cognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingMovement disordersHandwriting
Background: Autism has been hypothesized to reflect neuronal disconnection. Several recent reports implicate the key thalamic relay nuclei and cortico-thalamic connectivity in the pathophysiology of autism. Accordingly, we aimed to focus... more
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      Cognitive ScienceDiffusion Tensor ImagingAdolescentAnisotropy
The present study evaluated the occurrence, distribution, and number of GABAergic neurons in the thalamus of different mammalian apecies (bat, mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, cat, monkey, humans), by means of light microscopical... more
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      Cognitive ScienceElectron MicroscopyBiologyMedicine
E ssential tremor (ET) is a common movement disorder among the elderly affecting approximately 5% of people older than the age of 60. The tremor most commonly involves the upper extremities, although involvement of the legs, head, and... more
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      NeurosurgeryDeep Brain StimulationTreatment OutcomeThalamus
Common genetic variation in the promoter region of the glutamate receptor delta 1 (GRID1) gene has recently been shown to confer increased risk for schizophrenia in several independent large samples. We analysed high-resolution magnetic... more
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      SchizophreniaMagnetic Resonance ImagingAdolescentPrefrontal Cortex
A sensitive immunofluorescene technique was used to describe systematically the distribution of dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH)-containing cell bodies, non-terminal fiber pathways, and terminal fields in the brain of the male albino rat. DBH... more
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      ZoologyBrain MappingHippocampusBrain
Proteomic profiles of the thalamus and the correlation between the rats' performance on a spatial learning task and differential protein expression were assessed in the thiamine deficiency (TD) rat model of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.... more
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The capability of performing functional radiosurgery lesions in the brain using a dedicated linear accelerator (LINAC) have not yet been demonstrated. This study evaluates modern LINAC technology for the creation of a sharp, small and... more
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      PainChronic PainPalliative CareMagnetic Resonance Imaging
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      PhysiologyPainExperimental PhysiologyThalamus
We present the case of a patient having dissociative identity disorder (DID) who – after 15 years of misdiagnosed cortical blindness – step by step regained sight during psychotherapeutic treatment. At first only a few personality states... more
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Background Aphasic symptoms are typically associated with lesions of the left fronto-temporal cortex. Interestingly, aphasic symptoms have also been described in patients with thalamic strokes in anterior, paramedian or posterolateral... more
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      AphasiaThalamusIschemic StrokeLanguage Network
The principal sites for biological action of tobacco products are thought to be the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR). Nicotinic receptor subunit genes, therefore, represent an important gene family for study in nicotine... more
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Methods We studied brain activation induced by bilateral electrical stimulation of the median nerve in fi ve patients in MCS (aged 18-74 years) compared with 15 controls (19 -64 years) and 15 patients (19-75 years) in a persistent... more
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      PainAnterior CingulateConsciousnessAdolescent
The medial nucleus of the amygdala is important for the neural control of reproductive behavior in the adult male Syrian hamster. Two types of signals are essential for this behavior, chemosensory stimuli and gonadal steroids; these... more
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      ZoologyBrain MappingThalamusHypothalamus
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      AlgorithmsPerceptionFearAnterior Cingulate
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceFace recognition (Psychology)Facial expression
To improve anatomical definition and stereotactic precision of thalamic targets in neurosurgical treatments of chronic functional disorders, a new atlas of the human thalamus has been developed. This atlas is based on multiarchitectonic... more
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      ZoologyImmunohistochemistryThalamusMedical Physiology
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceLong Term PotentiationTranscranial Magnetic Stimulation
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMagnetic Resonance ImagingExecutive Function
h i g h l i g h t s
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      Cognitive ScienceAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligencePrincipal Component Analysis
We present the case of a patient having dissociative identity disorder (DID) who-after 15 years of misdiagnosed cortical blindness-step-by-step regained sight during psychotherapeutic treatment. At first only a few personality states... more
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      PsychologyPsychiatryBlindnessVisual perception
Cortical and thalamocortical activity is highly state dependent, varying between patterns that are conducive to accurate sensory-motor processing, to states in which the brain is largely off-line and generating internal rhythms... more
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      Cognitive ScienceThalamusCerebral CortexPeriodicity
The traditional specificity theory of pain perception holds that pain involves a direct transmission system from somatic receptors to the brain. The amount of pain perceived, moreover, is assumed to be directly proportional to the extent... more
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      PerceptionPainMultidisciplinaryPain Management
In this study, the effects of vigabatrin on spike-and-wave discharges (SWDs) were measured in WAG/Rij rats, an animal model of absence epilepsy. Vigabatrin was used with the aim of enhancing GABAergic neurotransmission, and in this way to... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceBrainAbsence epilepsy
The neural correlates of left extrapersonal visual unilateral spatial neglect (VUSN), the more extensively investigated component of the neglect syndrome, are reviewed. Damage to a number of righthemisphere regions brings about VUSN: the... more
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      Spatial cognitionVisual perceptionAttentionAgnosia
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyDecision Making
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical treatment of Parkinson's disease that is applied to three targets: the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (Vim), the globus pallidus internas (GPi) and the subthalamic nucleus... more
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      Cognitive ScienceTreatment OutcomeRisk assessmentSubthalamic Nucleus
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The vestibular system provides the brain with sensory signals about three-dimensional head rotations and translations. These signals are important for postural and oculomotor control, as well as for spatial and bodily perception and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeurologyElectrophysiologyInformation Integration
Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by motor and nonmotor (cognitive and limbic) deficits. The motor signs of PD include hypokinetic signs such as akinesia/bradykinesia, rigidity and loss of normal postural reflexes, and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeural NetworkMovement disordersDopamine
Alerting, orienting, and executive control are widely thought to be relatively independent aspects of attention that are linked to separable brain regions. However, neuroimaging studies have yet to examine evidence for the anatomical... more
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      AlgorithmsAnterior CingulateMagnetic Resonance ImagingAttention
“What moves as a body, returns as the movement of thought.” Of subjectivity (in its nascent state) Of the social (in its mutant state) Of the environment (at the point it can be reinvented) “A process set up anywhere reverberates... more
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      FearConsciousnessBrain Computer InterfaceSound Design
Hope as an empirical paradigm (Snyder, 2002) has unique significance for understanding the resilience of students with learning disabilities. Currently, these students are identified by their deficits, difficulties and disabilities.... more
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    • Thalamus
Gustav Fechner, the German experimental psychologist, coined the term psychophysics in 1860, publishing the first mathematical equation to model human consciousness. Fechner assumed that any future approaches to consciousness would... more
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      Comparative ReligionPsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysics
Sleep spindles are a distinctive EEG phasic feature of NREM sleep and are prevalent during stage 2 as compared to slow wave sleep. While the neurophysiological mechanisms of spindle generation, that involves thalamic and corticothalamic... more
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      AgingElectroencephalographyTemporal dynamicsInformation Processing
La relazione si propone di rintracciare la ricaduta in termini architettonici dell’evento più importante nella storia della città dell’Aquila: l’incoronazione di Celestino V nella basilica di Collemaggio, frutto di un’operazione religiosa... more
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      ThalamusL'AquilaIacopo Stefaneschi
Acetylcholine has long been known to play an important role in the cortical activation that accompanies the states of wakefulness and paradoxical sleep (for review, see Refs 17, 21) when this neurotransmitter is released from the cerebral... more
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