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L’antica cattedrale e chiesa priorale cistercense di Sant’Antioco di Bisarcio, in agro di Ozieri (ante 1073 - 1195), rappresenta uno dei migliori monumenti del romanico in Sardegna. La ricerca focalizza una serie di decori, in... more
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      Romanesque SculptureTemplarsHistory of medieval architectsTemplari
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      Medieval ItalyKnights TemplarItalyHistory of Secret Societies
Ένα μικρό δείγμα.
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      Knights TemplarNovelTemplarsνέο μυθιστόρημα
The idea of the Knights Templar looked good on paper. Have knights from across Europe join a monastic order that would defend the Holy Land from non-Christians. They would be devout warriors fighting on behalf of God, an example for all... more
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      Medieval HistoryKnights TemplarMedieval WarfareMilitary Orders
En 1255, l'ordre du Temple acquiert les 2500 arpents du "Bois du Der", auparavant propriété du seigneur de Vendeuvre, et y implante la maison de la Loge-Bazin, dont le dernier commandeur, Pierre Picard de Bure, figure parmi les Templiers... more
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      Histoire MédiévaleTemplarsMoyen AgeOrdres militaires
In 2016, during the repairing of a wall in the churchyard of San Fermo Maggiore in Verona, an imposing sarcophagus was discovered. Made of sandstone quarried in the nearby hills, the badly flaked tomb bears illegible inscriptions but also... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyKnights TemplarMilitary Orders
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      HistoryBibliographyKnights TemplarMilitary Orders
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesInquisition
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      Knights TemplarThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTemplars
The study, developed in three parts, starting from the "corridor of Nazareth", is a contribution to try to formulate hypotheses concerning the place that may have hosted, albeit briefly, the Shroud and, subsequently or at the same time,... more
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      ReligionCistercian architectureCisterciansSimbolism
´After the Templar´s were imprisoned on October 13th, 1307 the Portuguese King D. Dinis did not accept the guilt of the Knights of Solomon and began a long diplomatic process that created the Order of the Knights of Our Lord Jesus Christ,... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of SciencePortuguese Discoveries and Expansion
Matthew Paris is one of the best known and most controversial of medieval historians. A Benedictine monk, he was chronicler of St. Alban‘s Abbey from around 1236 until his death in 1259. The aim of this article is to examine Matthew’s... more
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      CrusadesSecond Temple JudaismKnights TemplarCrusades and the Latin East
Recommended to read "Re-Examining the Larmenius Charter" in addition to this. The Charter of Larmenius has not been considered a reliable historical document regarding a legitimate line of descent of the Knights Templar for nearly 200... more
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      FreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryKnights TemplarHistory of Freemasonry
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      French HistoryMedieval HistoryFrench StudiesMedieval Church History
Sažetak: Srednjevekovno, feudalno društvo, naročito u svojim prvim vekovima, bilo je ustrojeno bez jasne centralne vlasti. Rascepkano i razjedinjeno bilo je poprište velikih sukoba između pripadnika plemstva. Rat nije predstavljao samo... more
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      Serbian historyKnights TemplarTemplarsСрпска историја (Serbian History)
Divine Illuminism: Sufism, the Catholic Church, Saint Francis of Assisi, Friar Illuminato, the Franciscans, the Rosicrucians, and the Tau Cross.
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      Native American StudiesIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesFreemasonryMuslim-Christian Relation
The Syrian coast and the mountains facing the coastal plan, the Jebel al-Anwariye, from the Lebanese border to Mount Casius
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      Historical GeographyCrusadesSyriaAtlas
O Convento de Cristo situa-se na contiguidade ocidental do castelo de Tomar, fundado pelos cavaleiros da Ordem do Templo, em 1160. Após a extinção daquela Ordem, em 1312, o rei D. Dinis criou a nova Ordem dos Cavaleiros de... more
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      Monastic ArchitectureKnights TemplarHydraulic StructuresHydraulic systems and structures
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval FranceHeresy and Inquisition
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPolitical ScienceBiblical Studies
This book has to be completed with the meanwhile available edition of Antonino Amico's Templar documents by Luciana Petracca but remains for its other aspects still actual. I uploaded it, as the 2003 edition was very limited and it seems... more
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      ArchivesMedieval SicilyHistorical SourcesHospitallers
This volume examines the pervasive and persistent appropriations of the military orders across a broad chronology and several regions, including Mexico, Brazil, and Greece, areas beyond the traditional focus of prior research in... more
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      MedievalismAnticommunism (History)MediaNeomedievalism
Analizirajući dominantne tekstove o templarima objavljene u srpskoj štampi i na internet forumima, autori ukazuju na medijsku sliku opterećenu misticizmom i arkanom, koja se nezasluženo pripisuje Redu hrišćanskih vitezova. Komunikacioni... more
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      Serbian historyKnights TemplarTemplars
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Research into the presence of the Knights Templar in Netherlands (12th-14th century).
Recherche sur la présence des Templiers dans les Pays-Bas (XIIe-XIVe siècle)
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryTemplarsTempliers
A The policies of the papacy towards Templars and Hospitallers contributed to their implementation, deployment and protection in the Crown of Aragon and the kingdom of Navarre. Moreover, papal intervention acted as an important upsurge in... more
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      Medieval HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Medieval Crown of AragonMilitary Orders
A presentation of an engraved message by Sumerian, Gnostic, Knights Templars and Sufi knowledge heritage
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      GnosticismDante StudiesSufismContemporary Sufism
U legendama, pričama, narodnim pesmama i odgovarajućim istorijskim spisima, nalaze se dokazi o postojanju viteškog kodeksa u Srednjovekovnoj Srbiji. Oni su bili ratnici na konjima, a kako su oni bili skupi, njihova titulacija se vezivala... more
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      SerbianKnights TemplarTemplarsСрпска историја (Serbian History)
in “Marca/Marche”, 4 (2015), pp. 144-169. Prime presenze nelle Marche - Il Duecento - Decime e precettori - Il Trecento: requisizioni e processi - Soppressione dei Templari - Un ultimo sguardo alle Marche - Inventari dei beni - Quadro... more
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      Medieval HistoryLocal HistoryMedieval ItalyMilitary Orders
A look at the translation of the Chinon Parchment and the idea of why the Templars were absolved of their sins. but yet were still prosecuted, tortured, and murdered.
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      Knights TemplarThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTrial of the TemplarsTemplars
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      Medieval HistoryMilitary OrdersTemplarsCRUSADER KINGDOM OF JERUSALEM
The Journals of Prince Henry Sinclair and his descendants (20 books and a lambskin map) were found by accident in 2005 in a dusty dirty basement in Greeneville, TN. They then lay in a trunk in the back of the closet for almost 9 years... more
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      GenealogyOrkney and Shetland studiesResearch into FreemasonryKnights Templar
estratto da «Studi Maceratesi», 45 (2011), pp. 96 (Spedizione gratuita dei volumi disponibili)
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      Medieval HistoryCrusadesMedieval ItalyThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and others
PAUL IS DEAD is a subject ripe for mediological excavation requiring occult tools that have always factored into interpretations of Beatles' messaging. The time and place to introduce a new " Science of Magic " with its forbidden... more
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      MusicMythologyMetaphysicsMedia Studies
Solo una indagine accurata di natura artistico-archeologica degli apparati, delle concetrazioni delle simbologie iconografiche presenti nella miriade più disparata di USM delle strutture architettoniche monastiche può portare in termini... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyKnights TemplarMilitary Orders
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      Middle East StudiesNobilityMedieval NobilityKnights Templar
Historische en archeologische biografie van het centrale gedeelte van Zaamslag: het Plein. Aan de hand van de kerkgebouwen en hun plaats in het dorp wordt de geschiedenis van het dorp verteld in tal van verkenningen. Bouwhistorische... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Archaeology
Around 1200 a new type of construction emerged along the Way of St. James in Northern Spain, consisting of a burial church associated with a hospital. Several of these churches (Sancti Spiritus in Roncesvalles, Santa María de Eunate,... more
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      Medieval WomenMedieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtHospitality
This volume is devoted to the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller in the Diocese of Lebus. The principal aim of the publication is to present the political, economic and military activities of the orders, both of which left a lasting... more
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      Medieval HistoryKnights TemplarMiddle AgesThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and others
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      CrusadesHistory of CrusadesCrusades and the Latin EastMilitary Orders
There is no denying the fact that slavery has played an unfortunate but central role in the formation of modern cultures. It is necessary to trace the development of the African slave trade from Arab incursions to European trade routes to... more
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      HistoryFreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryKnights Templar
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      Ramon LlullEarly modern history Ukraine, Chronicle Theatrum Europaeum, The military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTemplars
Indagine storica sulla probabile sepoltura di Ugo de Pagani, fondatore dell'ordine dei Templari, nella chiesa di San Giacomo a Ferrara.
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      Knights TemplarTemplarsKnights Templar archaeologyTemplari
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      Knights TemplarMilitary OrdersThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTemplars
Wandering Templars and Complaining Hospitallers: the Fate of the Knights Templar in the County of Flanders (1284-1332).
Des templiers errants et des hospitaliers se plaignants: le sort des templiers au comté de Flandre (1284-1332).
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      Knights TemplarHospitallersThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersTrial of the Templars
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      IconographyReformation StudiesSacred ArtTemplars
Historical synchronicity between the founding of the Order del Temple and the Kingdom of Portugal
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesKnights TemplarTemplars
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      Knights TemplarTrial of the TemplarsTemplars