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      Teaching and LearningArt HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory of Museums
Course description and learning goals
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryVisual ArtsTeaching art history
Google Arts & Culture ofrece una serie de recursos interactivos que pueden ser utilizados para la mejora de la docencia en Historia del Arte. A través del presente texto mostramos la aplicación que dicha plataforma ha tenido en nuestras... more
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      Art HistoryDidacticsHistory of Art19th-Century French Painting
The changing needs of students in higher education classrooms require the incorporation of new techniques and methodologies that seek to better engage students and foster both cognitive and social development in the classroom. The... more
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      Art HistoryLearning SciencesLearning and TeachingLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
This dossier is dedicated to five Italian case studies (Milan, Venice, Florence, Naples and Palermo) in a chronological interval that goes from the Napoleonic period to the early twentieth century. There are two main issues that have... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryTeaching art historyAccademia Di Belle Arti Napoli
Antologia di fonti, immagini di edifici, siti, luoghi, reperti, opere d'arte, mappe e cartine, talora con sintetico commento: materiale di supporto allo studio manualistico della storia greca.
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek HistoryTeaching HistoryHistory Teaching
This article was translated from the French by Kit Schluter. It is a first-person narrative adapted from my earlier writing on Western nudes censored in art history textbooks at a women's university in Saudi Arabia. It describes in detail... more
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      Art HistoryCensorshipWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
У раду je представљена вежба „Нове слике старих мајстора“ коју ауторка спроводи у оквиру наставе историје уметности са студентима ликовног одсека на Факултету уметности Универзитета у Приштини – Косовској Митровици, а која одговара на... more
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      Art HistoryPostmodernismVisual ArtsTeaching art history
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      Art HistoryHistory of ScienceItalian Renaissance ArtTeaching art history
This essay stems from our concern that art historians still conceive of “The” Survey in terms that privilege Western artistic traditions. In this article, we offer an alternative that we designate as the multi-survey model (MSM) or... more
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      Teaching art historyArt History PedagogySurvey course, art historyArt History Survey
Ορφανίδης, Γ. (2020). Τέχνη, Σημειωτική και Πολιτισμική Ανθρωπολογία. Θεωρητικές και Διδακτικές Προσεγγίσεις για τα Φιλολογικά Μαθήματα και τα Θρησκευτικά στο Σύγχρονο Σχολείο. Το παράδειγμα των Ελληνορωμαϊκών Χρόνων (Εργαστήριο). Στο: Ε.... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyDidacticsLearning and Teaching
Otra de las actividades desarrolladas por Grupo de Innovación Educativa ARPA 086/14 (Arte y Patrimonio) de la Universitat Jaume I se centra en la utilización de recursos web para aprender a promocionar los recursos del turismo cultural.... more
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    • Teaching art history
In the fall of 2013 I began teaching my art history survey without the use of a textbook. Aside from cost considerations for students—which were significant—my motivations for making this change included a desire to teach objects from... more
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      Art HistoryCritical PedagogyTeaching art historyArt History Pedagogy
Kastorian workshop (1480-1510) and early italian art. Contribution to the planning of autonomous learning during the covid-19 period Το θέμα της παρούσας μελέτης είναι διττής φύσης. Από τη μια πλευρά, σχετίζεται με την παρουσίαση των... more
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      EducationE-learningLearning and TeachingItalian art
Through a combination of interviews and research center site visits, the following topics were explored: • The role of art history research centers in supporting digital art history • Challenges in art history teaching, research, and... more
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      Digital HumanitiesHistory of ArtModernism (Art History)Digital Pedagogy
U dokumentima ostavštine Izidora Kršnjavog, pohranjenima u nekoliko zagrebačkih arhiva i institucija, razni istraživači iščitali su mnoštvo podataka kojima se oblikovala slika njegove političke karijere te objasnio njegov veliki udio u... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtHistory of Art HistoryTeaching art history
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      Art HistoryNineteenth Century StudiesPedagogyAesthetics and Theory of Arts
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      Art HistoryArt CriticismTeaching art historyHistory of Art Critics
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      Art TheoryDrawingFrench artTheory and Practice of Visual Arts
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      Decorative ArtsTeaching art historyIndustrial ArtArt of French Revolution
U radu je dan pregled do sada manje istraženih segmenata nastavnoga rada dr. Artura Schneidera na Mudroslovnome fakultetu u Zagrebu (danas Filozofski fakultet). Studij na Mudroslovnome fakultetu Schneider je upisao početkom akademske... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of Art HistoryTeaching art historyIzidor Kršnjavi
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      Art HistoryHumanitiesPostcolonial StudiesLebanon
Book section of a volume on visual culture in the Arab Peninsula, edited by Nadia Mounajjed. My contribution presents a case of image politics through a contemporary practice of iconoclasm: female nudes censored by female faculty in... more
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      Art HistoryCensorshipWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
Στο παρόν άρθρο παρουσιάζεται μία εφαρμοσμένη διαθεματική διδακτική πράξη με τη μορφή project, που υλοποιήθηκε κατά το εαρινό εξάμηνο 2017 στα πλαίσια της διδασκαλίας του μαθήματος Ιστορία Ενδύματος στο Τμήμα Σχεδιασμού και Τεχνολογίας... more
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      Cultural StudiesInterdisciplinarityHistory of CostumeHistory of Art
"We have neglected the gift of comprehending things through our senses. Concept is divorced from percept, and thought moves among abstractions. Our eyes have been reduced to instruments with which to identify and to measure; hence we... more
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      BorrowingModels of Creativity & of Creative ProcessesDesign CreativityArts Education
During the nineteenth century art history classes in the Venice academy of fine arts are held by lecturers with very different cultural backgrounds. This article investigates the programs and didactic supports used by teachers in a... more
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      Art HistoryTeaching art historyVenetian Academy of Fine Arts
The contents of art history in Croatian grammar schools had initially been included within the Drawing subject. From the mid-20 th century, they were combined with the contents from history. From 1960, both Visual Arts and Music had been... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of EducationHistory of Art HistoryTeaching art history
In Academics, Artists, and Museums: 21st-Century Partnerships, edited by Irina Costache and Clare Kunny. Book... more
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      Museum StudiesCuratorial Practice (Art)Teaching art history
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      Medieval ArtTeaching art history
A general audience introduction to the arts of the Sasanian Empire.
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      Art History of Ancient IranTeaching art historyArt and Art History
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      Art HistoryTeaching art history
La storiografia, che pretende di studiare solo l’arte antica ignorando il contemporaneo in quanto manchevole di storicizzazione, o che guarda all’arte come a un processo vettoriale dalle origini all’epoca moderna (anche spingendosi... more
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      Contemporary ArtTeaching art historyContemporary Art TeachingAlternative teaching in art and design
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      Critical PedagogyTeaching art history