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This article views ‘populism’ as an ideology, the key features of which are identified and briefly discussed. Having assessed the extent to which such features match the profile of the Swiss Lega dei Ticinesi, the author concludes that... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulismRadical Right PopulismSwiss politics
Chapter 7 of: Albertazzi, D and McDonnell, D eds. Twenty-first Century Populism -The Spectre of Western European Democracy, Palgrave 2008
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulismExtreme RightRadical Right
Der Begriff der Überfremdung hat die politische Kultur der Schweiz während des ganzen 20. Jahrhunderts entscheidend geprägt: Gründungen von politischen Verbänden und Organisationen, sowie behördliche Abstimmungsvorlagen und Initiativen,... more
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      Democratic TheoryPolitical CulturePolitical HistoryHistory of Political Thought
In this paper, I argue that we can directly observe the impact of different degrees of solidarity when analyzing the system of public finance in comparative perspective. The main hypothesis is that the stronger the principle of... more
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      Comparative PoliticsFederalismFiscal FederalismCanadian Politics
Abstract (D): Die institutionelle Ausgestaltung des Richteramts steht in der Schweiz in einem Spannungsverhältnis zur richterlichen Unabhängigkeit. Dies trifft auch auf das Bundesrichteramt zu: Bundesrichterinnen und Bundesrichter werden... more
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      Judicial independenceJudicial PoliticsPolitical CorruptionAppointment of Judges
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      Constitutional LawInternational RelationsDemocracyInitiative, Referendum, Recall
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      United NationsSwiss politicsSwitzerlandPBB
Democracy has never been more popular. It is successfully practiced today in a myriad of different ways by people across virtually every cultural, religious or socio-economic context. The forty-five essays collected in this companion... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
This essay aims to develop a critique on the concept of soft power. Joseph S. Nye’s term soft power was primarily developed for and relates to foreign policy. In the following, this essay will argue that the concept therefore misses out... more
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      Public DiplomacySoft Power and International RelationsSwiss politicsSwitzerland
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      Swiss HistorySwiss politicsSwiss italian identity
Article on the topic of immigration in Swiss-German literature from a historical and contemporary perspective.

The article attached here is the post-peer review proof version.
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      Swiss HistoryImmigration And Integration In EuropeSwiss German LiteratureHistory of Switzerland
Selon la Constitution helvétique, « l’Assemblée fédérale est l’autorité suprême de la Confédération, sous réserve des droits du peuple et des cantons ». Malgré cette centralité, on connaît peu l’évolution des profils des parlementaires et... more
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      DemocratizationProsopographySwiss HistoryParliamentary Studies
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      Party organizationSwiss politicsParty PoliticsPolitical Parties and Party Politics
First publication by the Taskforce Migration
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      Refugee StudiesMigrationLabor MigrationEuropean Union
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle der Schweizer Armee als Instrument der Sicherheitspolitik im Rahmen der heutigen sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen. Sie gliedert sich dafür in vier Teile. Im ersten Teil werden die... more
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      International SecuritySecuritySecurity StudiesEuropean Security and Defence Policy
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      Art HistorySocial History of ArtInstitutionsSwiss politics
Cet article a pour objectif de mettre en lumière quelques-uns des liens entre l'essor de la place financière suisse et la problématique du secret bancaire, ensuite de rappeler rapidement les principales origines de l'ancrage dudit secret... more
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      Swiss HistorySwiss politicsBanking SecrecySwiss banks
Wpływ myśli republikańskiej na kształtowanie się
systemu politycznego Szwajcarii w latach 1798–1891

The influence of republican thought on the development
of the political system of Switzerland in the years 1798–1891
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      RepublicanismFrench RevolutionFederalismSwiss History
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      Public Policy AnalysisSwiss politicsSwitzerlandPublic Policy
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      Political PartiesSwiss politicsParty Politics
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
le couteau entre les dents. Héritage visuel et appropriation symbolique dans une affiche électorale de la droite populiste Gianni Haver À l'occasion des élections fédérales suisses du 23 octobre 2011 le candidat valaisan du parti de... more
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      Visual StudiesVisual Communication TheoryElectoral CampaignSwiss politics
Our PhD thesis aims at analysing, on the one hand, the main reforms of the Federal Parliament adopted during the 20th century and, on the other hand, the evolution of sociographical profile for six cohorts of Swiss MPs (1910, 1937, 1957,... more
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      DemocratizationProsopographySwiss HistoryParliamentary Studies
Çok toplumlu devletlerin nitelikli bir ortak yaşamın koşullarını oluşturmak maksatlı siyasal ve yasal değişiklikleri kamu yönetimi ve hizmetleri alanında da tedavüle sokma yönündeki çabaları, demokratik bir siyasal alanın çoğulcu ve... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative PoliticsInternational RelationsMulticulturalism
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      European StudiesComparative PoliticsPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulism
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      Swiss politicsSwiss BankingSwiss Foreign Policy
The chapter describes the political struggles of the canton St. Gallen to get connected to Switzerland's major transport networks: the railway and the motorway. Three instances of contested decision-making in the 19th and 20th centuries... more
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      Transport HistorySwiss HistoryRailway and Transportation HistorySwiss politics
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      Swiss HistoryFinancial History (History)Swiss politicsHistory of taxation
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      Swiss HistoryFinancial History (History)Swiss politics
Ce texte propose une analyse critique des usages de l'initiative et du référendum en Suisse.
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      Political SociologyDirect DemocracyInstitutions (Political Science)Swiss politics
Dans ce texte, on propose un tour d'horizon sur la question de l'élection directe du Chef de l'État aussi bien du point de vue descriptif et explicatif que du point de vue normatif. D'un côté, dans quels pays et sous quels régimes... more
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      Political SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical ScienceElectoral Systems
Citizen Dreams. Myths and Utopias in 18th-Century Romandy. Helder Mendes Baiao My PhD topic is part of a project studying Swiss history in the 18th Century. This project was developed by the universities of west Switzerland: Geneva,... more
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      ReligionTravel WritingRepublicanismRevolutions
Dans cet article j'analyse le vice politique du gauchisme et du droitisme. A cause de cette maladie infantile de la politique, gauche et droite sont aujourd'hui ridiculisées au point qu'il n'est plus permis de se référer à nos... more
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      Virtues and VicesLeninPolitical IdeologySwiss politics
Mit Texten von: Luc Boltanski, Rolf Bossart, Com&Com, Max Frisch, Johannes M. Hedinger, Kornelia Imesch, Michael Kinzer, Sophie-Thérèse Krempl, René Levy, Mathieu Menghini, Olivier Moeschler, Milo Rau, Regula Stämpfli, Albert Tanner,... more
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      HistorySociologyCultural StudiesArt
With its collegial coalition government that includes all major parties and cannot be dismissed by the legislature, Switzerland has little tradition of parliamentary opposition. Yet recent changes, including the parliamentary reforms... more
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      Parliamentary StudiesParliamentSwiss politicsSwitzerland
Is the relationship between populist leaders and those in their parties always charismatic? Although many scholars of populism assume this, the attribution of ‘charisma’ is invariably based on how leaders present themselves rather than... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical PartiesItalian StudiesItalian Politics
Reform represents a distinct mode of change within federal systems that can be distinguished from passive adaptation. Through reform, political actors deliberately seek to alter parts of the federal institutional architecture so as to... more
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      Institutional ChangeCanadian FederalismComparative FederalismHistory of Political and Institutional Reform
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      MulticulturalismSex and GenderFeminist TheoryPostcolonial Studies
Le processus décisionnel qui a précédé la votation fédérale du 21 mai 2006 sur la révision des articles constitutionnels sur l’éducation a été particulièrement long. Il a été caractérisé par une série de blocages, initiés principalement... more
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      Constitutional LawEducationFederalismPISA and TIMSS Result
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      European integrationPolitical ScienceEuropean PoliticsSemi-presidentialism
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      Former YugoslaviaSwiss politicsSwitzerlandYugoslavian wars of secession
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      Political CampaignsElectionsElectoral CampaignSwiss politics
Le mouvement de I'accumulation du capital domine et subordonne à sa logique les politiques de stabilité monétaire aussi bien que les politiques étrangères des pays qui exportent des capitaux>l: le présent article se propose d'analyser... more
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      International RelationsSwiss HistoryFirst World WarSwiss politics
1. La Suisse et la représentation des intérêts étrangers 2. Les diplomates suisses et la représentation des intérêts étrangers en France (1939-1944) 3. La protection des victimes juives 4. Les activités de Walter Stucki en été 1944 5. La... more
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      Swiss HistorySwiss politicsNeutralitySwiss Foreign Policy
Biographical article on former Swiss MP Heidi Deneys written for the Historical Dictionnary of Switzerland.
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      BiographyParliamentSwiss politics
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      Swiss HistorySwiss politics
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      Regional and Local GovernanceRegionalismAgenda SettingSwiss politics
The professionalization of the Members of the Swiss Parliament has long been considered as an unachieved process because of the Swiss tradition of militia. However, since the beginning of the 1980s, due to the increase of parliamentary... more
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      ProsopographyParliamentary StudiesElites (Political Science)Political Elites