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Din sosyolojisi, din toplum ilişkilerinin genel görünümler üzerinden biçimlendiği ve karşılıklı dinamik etkileşimler üreten bir alan olması nedeniyle önemli bir akademik sondaj alanıdır. Dinin toplumsal görünümlerinin meydana getirdiği... more
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      SociologySociology of ReligionDin SosyolojisiDoktora Tezleri
Relacja Grzegorza Michalaka i Barbary Świtalskiej z wymiany doktoranckiej w ramach programu MOST na UMK w Toruniu i UJ w Krakowie w semestrze letnim 2012/2013. Procedura rekrutacyjna, sprawy administracyjne, pomoc naukowa, życie w obcym... more
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      HistoryKrakówUniwersytet JagiellońskiToruń
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      SociologySociology of ReligionDin SosyolojisiDoktora Tezleri
This article presents an exemplary programme of classes in didactics at university. The author also briefly characterizes the subjects of education, i.e. students and lecturers, drawing attention to their behaviour and roles in the... more
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      EducationPolish LanguageEdukacjaDoctoral Studies
Summary The publication critically analyzed the legal regulations related to the provision of financial support for participants of doctoral studies in Poland. The aim of the article was to indicate the possibility of abuse of this help... more
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      Scholarships for Master and Phd DegreeDoctoral educationScholarshipsDoctoral Studies