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Guiding and transforming our creative practices, this paper argues for a critical investigation of the techno‐material affordances at play in doing visual research with digital media. It interrogates how software and skill might interact... more
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      Visual AnthropologySoftware StudiesDigital EthnographyDocumentary Film
Affection games are ludic experiences in which players are required to express culturally recognized expressions of liking as a primary goal in the game. Interestingly, while the physical world of analog play has many such activities, the... more
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      Sex and GenderSexual ViolenceVideo GamesVideo Game Design
The demands for cost-effective information and communications technology solutions within the prevailing economic flux and instability calls for both new and radical approaches to cope with contemporary business challenges. The rapid pace... more
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      Software StudiesOpen SourceStrategic PartnershipFree and Open Source Software
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      PhilosophyNew MediaWikisOpen Source Software
Institutions of modern culture that are responsible for selecting what makes it into the canon of our cultural memory and what is left behind are always behind the times. It may take a few decades or even longer for a new field which is... more
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      New MediaDigital HumanitiesSoftware StudiesNew Media Art
As a book of design theory, The Stack invites several questions. In The Stack, each layer is capable of being redesigned, and in the process of redesigning the layers, Bratton em‐ phasizes the value of accidents, inverting Paul Virilio’s... more
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      ArchitectureSoftware StudiesDigital Media & LearningCloud Computing
This article provides an analysis of the application software Photoshop with a specific focus on how reviews serve as sites for mediating its cultural subjectivities. The first sections develop a conceptual framework for the research... more
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      MarketingSoftware StudiesMediationConvergence
and visiting researcher at Open University of Catalonia (UOC/Spain) funded by the CAPES Foundation, Ministry of Education of Brazil, Brasília. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, during an open question session on his site, gave a very... more
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      Media StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesSoftware StudiesFacebook
In this article, I inquire into Facebook’s development as a platform by situating it within the transformation of social network sites into social media platforms. I explore this shift with a historical perspective on, what I refer to as,... more
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      Software StudiesSocial MediaPlatform StudiesDigital methods
Videogames were once made with a vast range of tools and technologies, but in recent years a small number of commercially available 'game engines' have reached an unprecedented level of dominance in the global videogame industry. In... more
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      Cultural StudiesGame studiesMedia and Cultural StudiesMedia Archaeology
At first glance apps do seem rather trivial. They are abundant, cheap, or free and often serve limited functions. They can have a rapid rise from obscurity to overnight success, but they fade quickly as different apps emerge, tastes... more
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      Digital MediaSoftware StudiesMobile apps
Traducción de Software Takes Command (versión del 30 de septiembre de 2012, publicada bajo licencia Creative Commons en por Everardo Reyes-García. Este documento tiene únicamente intenciones educativas, artísticas y... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaSoftware StudiesMedios de Comunicación
The theme of the software that we have been developing is a combination of Mobile Solutions and Leveraging Geo data and Maps to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful to a wider and better... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware Process Improvement and AssessmentMobile TechnologyOpen Source Software
This book provides a cutting-edge introduction to Internet-facilitated crime-watching and examines how social media have shifted the landscape for producing, distributing, and consuming footage of crime. In this thought-provoking work,... more
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      Media StudiesMasculinity StudiesSoftware StudiesSocial Media
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      Media StudiesNew MediaPerforming ArtsPerformance Studies
Tom Ford’s A Single Man (2009) suggests that falling in (to) color is a falling into embodiment, sensuality and the pain of a lover’s loss. Unfolding on November 30, 1962, the day George Falconer (Colin Firth) plans to commit suicide, the... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesQueer TheoryVisual Culture
To understand media today we need to understand media software – its genealogy (where it comes from), its anatomy (interfaces and operations), and its practical and theoretical effects.1 How does media authoring software shape the media... more
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      Image ProcessingDigital HumanitiesDigital MediaSoftware Studies
Trata-se de uma pesquisa de estado da arte que possa ajudar a refletir sobre o papel do software na midiatização da ciência. Divide-se em três eixos: midiatização, ciência e culturas digitais. Investigamos teses, dissertações, artigos e... more
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      Software StudiesMidiatizaçãoMediatization (Communication Studies)Science and Technology Studies
From the publisher: "Software has replaced a diverse array of physical, mechanical, and electronic technologies used before 21st century to create, store, distribute and interact with cultural artifacts. It has become our interface to the... more
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      New MediaDigital CultureSoftware StudiesNew Media Studies
AI plays a crucial role in the global cultural ecosystem. It recommends what we should see, listen to, read, and buy. It determines how many people will see our shared content. It helps us make aesthetic decisions when we create media. In... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceDesignVisual CultureSoftware Studies
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      Programming LanguagesProgramming ParadigmsTheologySoftware Studies
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      Media ArchaeologyDigital HumanitiesDigital CultureSoftware Studies
Οι σημαντικότερες εφαρμογές μηχανογράφησης
ξενοδοχειακών μονάδων, ταξιδιωτικών γραφείων και
μονάδων μαζικής εστίασης
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      Software StudiesTourismλογισμικόΤουρισμός
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesHuman Computer InteractionPhilosophy of Mind
Exploring one million manga pages on the 287 megapixel HIPerSpace (The Highly Interactive Parallelized Display Space) at Calit2, San Diego. HIPerSpace offers 35,840 x 8,000 pixels resolution (287 megapixels) on a 31.8 feet wide and 7.5... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital MediaManga and Anime StudiesSoftware Studies
Digital sound synthesis can be described in terms of discrete operations applied to signals according to given criteria. The process of organising such operations can be subject to creative variation and generative algorithms. This... more
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      AlgorithmsComputer MusicAlgorithmic CompositionAudio Signal Processing
Office location: 239 Greene St, room 236 Office hours: Tuesday 12-2pm or by appointment
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      HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyInformation ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
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      PhotographySocial CapitalSoftware StudiesSocial Media
Pomerantz is an information scientist who studies metadata as an object of interest generally, within the information science domain. Yet the implications, the phenomena, and the developments the book covers have important insights for... more
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      Cultural SemioticsMetadataSoftware StudiesSemantic Web
The chapter aims to offer a polemic contribution to critical Internet scholarship by analysing social media as cultural texts, and situating such analysis within the wider political economy of the Internet. Arguing against ideologies of... more
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      Software StudiesDigital Research MethodologyTechnocapitalism
In information societies, operations, decisions and choices previously left to humans are increasingly delegated to algorithms, which may advise, if not decide, about how data should be interpreted and what actions should be taken as a... more
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      Business EthicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsParallel Algorithms
It has been argued that the Internet and social media increase the number of available viewpoints, perspectives, ideas and opinions available, leading to a very diverse pool of information. However, critics have argued that algorithms... more
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      Human Computer InteractionCommunicationNew MediaComputer Ethics
Over the past decade, social media platforms have penetrated deeply into the mechanicsof everyday life, affecting people's informal interactions, as well as institutional structures and professional routines. Far from being neutral... more
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      Social PsychologyNew MediaJournalismDeath Studies
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      MusicologyPopular MusicSoftware Studies
The thesis examines how information technologies have changed the practice of curating. It proposes an interdisciplinary approach that directly links curating (often understood as an activity of artistic programming), computing (the... more
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      CyberneticsSystems TheorySoftware StudiesNetworks
Software development paradigms help a software developer to select appropriate strategies to develop software projects. They include various methods, procedures, and tools to describe and define the software development life cycle (SDLC).... more
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      Software EngineeringSoftware SecurityOpen Source SoftwareSoftware Testing
In this chapter we want to reflect on the concept of affordance as a key term for understanding and analysing social media interfaces and the relations between technology and its users. We first describe five different–but related–ways in... more
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      Actor Network TheorySoftware StudiesSocial MediaPlatform Studies
548 pages. The New Normal (2017-2019) was a post-graduate program and Speculative Urbanism think-tank... more
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      PhilosophyDesignArchitectureDesign education
In history of photography, new technological developments often provide a basis for new forms of imagery. These, in turn, are followed by new ways of theorizing the photographic image. For example, the cheapness and ease of use of the... more
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      Art HistoryPhotographySoftware StudiesSocial Media
"Artificial Aesthetics. A Critical Guide to AI, Media and Design" is a book by Lev Manovich and Emanuele Arielli. The book is released one chapter at a time on,, and Each chapter will be added to... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceAesthetics
This paper introduces the theme of the inaugural issue of the Digital Culture & Society journal: “Digital Material/ism”. It provides a genealogy and an overview of recent (neo)materialist approaches to media research. Such approaches have... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital MediaSoftware StudiesNew Materialism
Since their introduction in 2008, software applications for mobile devices ('apps') have become extremely popular forms of digital media. Mobile apps are designed as small bits of software for devices such as smartphones, tablet... more
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      New MediaInternet StudiesDigital MediaSoftware Studies
What would be the equivalent of the Turing test for an AI system capable of creating new songs, games, music, visual art, design, architecture, films? This looks like a simple question with an easy answer. If a system can automatically... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAestheticsVisual CulturePsychology of art
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      Film StudiesSoftware StudiesInteractive and Digital MediaSpectatorship
This course gives students the conceptual tools to understand diverse technologies, media, and techniques in relation to their different historical, geo-political, and social contexts; their different infrastructures and experts; and... more
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      Media StudiesDigital CultureSoftware StudiesAnthropology of Technology