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Par ces accents clastriens, par sa sincérité, par sa colère, par sa précision et par sa capacité à construire des ponts entre autobiographie et histoire, élevage et politique, sociologie des techniques et théorie critique, Le ménage des... more
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      Rural SociologySustainable agricultureSociology of agricultureCritical Discourse Analysis
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      Sociology of agricultureAgriculture
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      Sociology of agricultureNetherlandsPolitical Economy of Food agriculture sustainability
Automatic Milking Systems (AMS) milk cows any time without the need for a human worker to be present. Cows choose when to be milked and detailed data is recorded by the robot which can be accessed remotely by computer or mobile device... more
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      MarketingGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
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      HistoryPublic AdministrationInternational TradeSociology of agriculture
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      Development StudiesIndian studiesSustainable agricultureSociology of agriculture
Kentucky’s recent agricultural story is one of a compulsory shift out of tobacco and into a new agricultural economy. Some consider Kentucky’s history and experience with tobacco farming as the impetus for achieving a “new agrarianism” of... more
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      Environmental SociologyRural SociologySociology of agricultureSustainable Agriculture (Sustainability)
Blockchain Chicken Farm is not a monograph on distributed ledger technologies nor does it claim to be a comprehensive study of technological adoption in China’s countryside. Instead, Wang’s writing draws on ethnographic engagement across... more
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      EthnographySociology of agricultureFood SystemsChina
Donor interest in the development of Sub-Saharan African aquaculture has shifted from the promotion of subsistence aquaculture to the support of small- to medium-scale commercial aquaculture enterprises with the hope of increasing... more
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      Rural SociologyForestrySustainable agricultureSociology of agriculture
A partir dos anos 2000, observa-se a presença nas bandeiras de luta de diversos movimentos sociais do campo de uma profusão de novos bordões, tais como “alimentação saudável como parte da garantia à soberania alimentar”, “comida de... more
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      Social MovementsSociology of Food and EatingSociology of agricultureConsumption Studies
Le travail de la bourse aux arbres consiste à éviter les coupes accompagnant les échanges de terres entre exploitants agricoles lors des remembrements. L’analyse par Léo Magnin de son fonctionnement montre une façon de gérer les conflits... more
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      Environmental SociologySociology of agricultureAnthropology Of NatureSociology of food and agriculture
The paper argues that the mutually enforcing processes of enclosure of land and entanglement of labour have been central to the development of state and capitalism in Kuttanad, a protected Ramsar site in the south Indian state of Kerala.... more
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      Urban GeographyCommonsSpace and PlaceSociology of agriculture
Food regime analysis is a prominent approach to the role of food and agriculture in global capitalism. Yet recent advancement within the approach has not received as much attention as it deserves outside of specialized circles of agrarian... more
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      Development StudiesWorld Systems AnalysisPolitical EcologySustainable agriculture
One of the major issues facing humankind is global food security. A changing climate, coupled with a heightened consumer awareness of how food is produced and legislative changes governing the usage of agrichemicals for improving plant... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringHorticulturePlant EcologyThe industrialization of agriculture: vertical coordination in the US food system.
It was Lord Northbourne (Walter James; 1896-1982) who gifted to the world the term ‘organic farming’. His 1940 book Look to the Land is a manifesto of organic agriculture. In it he mooted a contest of “organic versus chemical farming”... more
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      HistoryHistory of IdeasOrganic agricultureSustainable agriculture
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) sosiologi pertanian dan (2) aset komunitas di Kelurahan Tunjung Kabupaten Bangkalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dari hasil... more
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      Sociology of agricultureCommunity AssetsSosiologi PertanianPentagon Aset
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      Agricultural EngineeringAgronomyAgricultural EducationAgribusiness
Flying over southwestern Michigan, the Kellogg LTER site (Fig. 5.1), one looks down on what appears to be a glorious example of the agricultural landscape of classical American populism. The farm units are discernible by their woodlots,... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologySociology of agriculture
« Podrán cortar todas las flores, pero no podrán detener la primavera » Pablo Neruda No cabe la menor duda de que el derecho a la alimentación es un derecho humano de carácter universal; por lo tanto, lograr que sea una verdadera... more
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      Sociology of agricultureChileRight to Food and WaterFood Sovereignty & Food Security
This thesis examines the urban collective ecological food initiatives that have been increasing in number with considerable momentum in the last three years. It is based on fieldwork of one and a half years that consists of participant... more
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      Rural SociologySociology of Food and EatingOrganic agricultureSociology of agriculture
ISSN 2519-4194 Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «ІННОВАЦІЙНІ РОЗРОБКИ В АГРАРНІЙ СФЕРІ». – Харків: ХНТУСГ, 2017. – 175 с. Із надісланих матеріалів оргкомітетом до друку рекомендовані тези 157 доповідей від 160... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringAgronomyAgribusinessThe industrialization of agriculture: vertical coordination in the US food system.
This advocacy-oriented paper investigates seed politics and its implications for agricultural policy in Pakistan. By gathering input from various stakeholders and performing comparative analysis to uncover policies and sustainable farming... more
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      Development StudiesSociology of agriculturePeasant Studies
In this study we examine how the agribusiness industry works to manipulate conventional farming masculinities in the United States to facilitate agricultural deskilling, a process that has serious implications for the future of... more
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      Environmental SociologyRural SociologySociology of agricultureMasculinities
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      ManagementSociologyEnvironmental SociologyEconomic Sociology
Tanulmányunkban Hargita megye, azaz egy romániai hegyvidéki térség mezőgazdaságát elemez-zük. A rendszerváltás utáni mezőgazdasági átalakulás szakirodalmának áttekintése után a jelenlegi mezőgazdasági szereplők egy kvantitatív... more
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      Rural SociologySociology of agriculturePeasant Studies
Human material dependency is hardly questioned as such. However, there are different understandings of humans' connection with their biophysical milieu. In this paper we discuss four basic accounts, which differ according to whether... more
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      Political EcologySociology of agricultureSociology and Anthropology of Agriculture and FoodAgro-Ecological Transition
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      Political SociologyRural SociologySociology of agricultureAgrarian Studies
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      Sociology of Food and EatingSustainable agricultureSociology of agricultureAgriculture and Food Studies
In the 1960s, Lebanon became enthusiastic about the "hydraulic mission" that was sweeping the world at the time, and planned the large-scale development of the water resources of the Litani River Basin, the country's largest hydrographic... more
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      Sociology of agricultureLebanonAgriculture and Food StudiesHistory of Modern Lebanon (Area Studies)
The paper examines the biowaste management issues across rural areas of Romania in the context of poor waste management infrastructure in the last decade (2003-2012). Biowaste is the main fraction of municipal waste, thus a proper... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringAgricultural EngineeringLandscape Ecology
Economic dualism is often a major impediment in social and economic reforms where rich and powerful dictate policies and subvert the end intended result of efforts made by the government. MGNREGA could not be successful to its potential... more
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      Sociology of agricultureRural DevelopmentFarm Bill
Robotic milking machines are novel technologies that take over the labour of dairy farming and reduce the need for human–animal interactions. Replacing ‘conventional’ twice-a-day milking managed by people with a system that supposedly... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyAnimal GeographySocial Sciences
In the wine‐producing region of McLaren Vale, South Australia, the development of a detailed geology map has worked to increase understandings about the physical diversity of vineyard land. I argue that the production and deployment of... more
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      AnthropologySpace and PlaceSociology of agricultureSocial Production of Space
This review essay engages in a critical but friendly critique of Philip McMichael's 2013 book: Food Regimes and Agrarian Questions.
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      Rural SociologySociology of agricultureAnthropology of FoodRural Development
Pangumbahan village has a community social dynamics in the presence of macro-scale economic activity in the form of concession palm plantations as well as new economic alternatives to the industrial development of this ecotourism. This... more
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    • Sociology of agriculture
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      Rural SociologySociology of agricultureFamily FarmingAgricultural land use change
The conventional practice of agriculture system of Nepal was very similar to the Organic agriculture; only difference was there was no rule in conventional farming whereas there is standard rule in organic agriculture. The study aims to... more
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      Sociology of agricultureSociology of food and agricultureSociology and Anthropology of Agriculture and FoodThe History and Sociology of Agricultural Technology and Food Production
Die repräsentative Fragebogen-Erhebung zur "Situation der Bäuerinnen in Österreich" wird seit 1976 alle zehn Jahre durchgeführt. Rund 1.000 Bäuerinnen aller neun Bundesländer werden dazu schriftlich befragt. Ziel der Erhebung ist die... more
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      Sociology of agricultureFemale Farmers
TERMIN: 01. März 2022 | 18 – 19.30 Uhr auf ZOOM Monokultur, Methan, Massentierhaltung, Genmais, Glyphosat und geschmacklose Tomaten: Die industrielle Landwirtschaft ist eine der Hauptursachen des Klimawandels, ein Bollwerk des... more
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      Feminist TheoryOrganic agricultureSociology of agricultureInternational Political Economy
Agriculture should no longer be isolated because it is such a significant sector in India. Agriculture dominates the economy in Karnataka, India. Farmers that are 18 to 20 years old are actively involved in farming. Farmers, on average,... more
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      Sustainable agricultureSociology of agricultureAgricultureImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
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      Agricultural EngineeringRural SociologyDevelopment EconomicsAgronomy
Excerpt: While buying a cup of coffee at a local café one morning, I was transported to an exotic far-off land. Immersed in the aroma of coffee brewing and surrounded by pictures of farmers picking coffee and their children smiling, I... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsSociologyCultural Studies
The Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) has gained prominence as an agricultural R&D agenda of the European Union. Specific research policies are justified as necessary to create a KBBE for societal progress. Playing the role of a master... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyRural SociologyInnovation Ecosystems and Their Dynamics
The proliferation and differentiation processes in critical approaches on agrifood relations since the late 1980s can be seen as the rise of critical agrifood studies. When compared to the peasant studies of the era between the late 1960s... more
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      Rural SociologyDevelopment StudiesMarxismSociology of agriculture
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      GlobalizationSociology of agricultureTurkeyNeoliberalism
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      SociologyFood SafetySociology of Food and EatingSociology of agriculture
Through a categorisation of the convergence/divergence frame of this book into conceptual, organisational and analytical, and following a ‘corporate environmental’ and ‘corporate food’ regimes theoretical basis, in this chapter we sum up... more
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      Social MovementsSociology of agricultureAgriculture and Food StudiesSociology of food and agriculture
The well-known deregulation of New Zealand agriculture prompted the growth of dairy farming, particularly in the region of Southland. The formation of the giant cooperative Fonterra only exacerbated the conversion of sheep farms into... more
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      Community ResilienceSociology of agricultureFamily FarmingNew Zealand
In the Andes, the diversification of economic activities among the peasant population is common practice. However, it is not a uniform strategy: as new employment and economic possibilities have emerged, the disparity of pluriactive... more
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      AnthropologySociology of agriculturePeasant StudiesIndigenous Peoples
El artículo tiene como objetivos: i) describir y analizar la crisis histórica que vive Venezuela; ii) diagnosticar y analizar las tendencias y resultados fundamentales del Sistema alimentario venezolano (SAV) durante las últimas dos... more
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      Development EconomicsSociology of agricultureAgricultural EconomicsFood Law and Policy