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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Sicily
RESUMEN: El presente artículo analiza el capítulo 191 de la Crònica de Ramón Muntaner, dedicado a la batalla de Gagliano, librada en febrero de 1300, en la que la caballería angevina liderada por el conde Gautier V de Brienne fue... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval HistoriographyMedieval Catalan Literature
The project Lungo le tracce di Paolo Orsi was launched in 2011 on the initiative of the cultural association Centro Studio Ibleo of Ferla (Siracusa) with the aim of developing new strategies for the conservation, management and... more
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      Public ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleArcheologia SicilianaLandscape Archeology
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      Storia Della SiciliaViabilita AnticaSicilian History and CultureSicilia medievale
Orta Akdeniz’de çok stratejik bir konumda yer alan ve Avrupa ile Afrika kıtaları arasında tarih boyu bir basamak taşı vazifesi görmüş olan Sicilya Adası, 212/827-453/1061-2 yılları arasında Müslümanların hâkimiyetinde kalmış ve bu süreçte... more
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      Regnum SiciliaeMedieval SicilyNorman SicilyIslamic Sicily
The essay describes many of the 14th and 15th century works of art on display (paintings on wood, wooden sculptures, silver objects with enamels, ivory and wooden boxes), of local, Italian, Cypriot-egean, Iberian, French and German... more
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      Oreficeria MediovaleSicilia medievaleArte MedievaleArte Gotica
""Il centro urbano di Canicattini Bagni si trova a circa 20 Km ad ovest di Siracusa, all’interno del bacino di alimentazione del torrente Cavadonna nel margine più orientale dell’altopiano ibleo. I complessi ipogeici e rupestri di epoca... more
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      Early Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Medieval Sicily
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyRegnum SiciliaeDiplomatics (Medieval)
Per il settantesimo compleanno di Horst Enzensberger colleghi, amici e allievi hanno unito in questo volume una serie di contributi che testimoniano l'affetto e la stima nei confronti dello storico bavarese. Gli argomenti affrontati si... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryItalian StudiesMedieval Studies
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      Archeologia medievaleMedioevoinsediamenti medievali in SiciliaSicilia medievale
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      Early ChristianityEarly Medieval ArchaeologyIslamMuslim-Christian Relation
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      Regnum SiciliaeByzantine monasticismMessinaArchitettura normanna
Una lettera di un notaio di Piazza, Nicola Rescignolo, a Martino il Vecchio duca di Montblanc, poi re d’Aragona, consente di intuire i contraddittori sentimenti dei siciliani nei confronti della monarchia nel momento in cui un imminente... more
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      Sicilia medievalePiazzaVolgare sicilianoMartino il Vecchio
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyRegnum SiciliaeDiplomatics (Medieval)
This book examines the results of the campaign of excavations near Sciacca's Castello Nuovo, It has been investigated the refuse deriving from domestic and food waste, that is able to provide valuable information regarding different... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryPottery (Archaeology)
Nell’ambito di lavori realizzati dal Comune di Palermo nell’area del Centro Storico, è stato eseguito un intervento di scavo archeologico preventivo a Piazza Bologni, situata nella parte mediana dell’odierno Corso Vittorio Emanuele II,... more
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      Public ArchaeologyMedieval urban historyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      Ancient Topography (Archaeology)Archeologia medievaleCanicattini BagniArcheologia Della Tarda Antichità
The essay deals with the heraldic component in the decoration of the painted ceiling of the Sala Magna of the Steri in Palermo, comparing the still existing coats of arms with those described in two important 17th century written sources.... more
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      Sicilia medievaleArte MedievaleAraldica medievaleLibri Rari E Manoscritti
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      HistoryArchaeologyLate Middle AgesMedieval History
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryIslamic Economics
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      Medieval ItalyMedieval SicilyThe military religious orders of the Middle Ages : the Hospitallers, the Templars, the Teutonic knights, and othersHospitaller Order of St John
A synthesis of Late Medieval cooking wares (late 12th - 14th century) documented during the archive study of ceramics unearthed in the stratigraphic excavations carried out in 2001-2002 at the Castello di Lomabardia of Enna. Una sintesi... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval PotteryMedieval Sicily
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval SicilyMedieval ArtStoria medievale
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      Medieval ceramics (Archaeology)Medieval PalermoCeramica MedievaleCerámica medieval
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      MedioevoSicilia medievaleStoria culturale e sociale del Medioevo
In this article I offer a liminar-spatial and political reading of the story of Restituta from Ischia in Decam. V 6. By examining also the case of Theodore of Armenia (V 7) and Grima in the "Libro del caballero Zifar", I study the... more
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesMediterranean StudiesMedieval Italian Literature
Edizione di documenti trecenteschi relativi alla Sicilia dal codice "Ny kongeling Samling 1829, fol." della Biblioteca Reale di Copenaghen, manuale della cancelleria papale redatto probabilmente al tempo di Urbano VI. La collezione... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Diplomatics (Medieval)Medieval Sicily
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      DanteSicilia medievaleVolgare sicilianoMartino l'Umano
in VII Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Medievale, Palazzo Turrisi, Lecce 9-12 settembre 2015, a cura di Paul Arthur, Marco Leo Imperiale, Società degli Archeologi Medievisti Italiani, Firenze, pp. 239-243 (ISBN 978-88-7814-629-7 e-ISBN... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesIslamic ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Public ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleStoria E Archeologia Medievale
The process of refeudalization of Sicily, mostly supported by Chiaramonte’s family, begun after the War of Vespers (1282-1302). That process pushed back to the Norman “forms”, partly influenced by the subsequent experiences of the Swabian... more
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      Medieval MediterraneanArchitettura MedievaleConservazione e restauroArchitettura E Urbanistica
Circa un terzo dei quasi 1.500 documenti che formano il fondo Mesina dell'Archivo Ducal Medinaceli provengono dalla cancelleria dei papi. 57 sono i documenti pontifici (da Alessandro III a Bonifacio IX) relativi al monastero greco di San... more
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Medieval SicilyKingdom of Sicily (1130-1300)Messina
Excavations undertaken between 2006 and 2010 at Foro Siracusano and Piazza Minerva in Syracuse have provided important information about the city in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Furthermore, excavations carried out at the... more
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      SiracusaArcheologia Della Tarda AntichitàArcheologia BizantinaSicilia medievale
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      Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval SicilyIslamic and Norman SicilySicilia medievale
Un importante documento estratto da "Documenti per servire alla storia di Sicilia" pubblicata a cura della Società Siciliana di Storia Patria (Serie II, Vol. I, Fasc. II, Palermo anno 1877), che testimonia dell'importante ruolo della... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Regnum SiciliaeSicilia medievaleStoria Dell' Arte MedievaleMonumenti arabo-normanni
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      Sicilia medievalePreistoria Sicilia
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      MetallurgyMedieval SicilyMetallurgy (Medieval Studies)Castles
Hugo Falcandus, the author of the Liber (or Historia) de Regno Siciliae (1154–69), is a contentious figure among historians of the twelfth century. Often disgruntled and embittered, he wrote about the reigns of two Sicilian kings, William... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesReligion and Politics
Presentano il libro:
Pietro Corrao (Università di Palermo)
Roberto Delle Donne (Università di Napoli Federico II)
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      Medieval HistoryAdministrative HistoryMedieval SicilyMedieval Crown of Aragon
Corso di formazione per i docenti delle scuole della provincia di Agrigento, promosso dalla Soprintendenza BB.CC.AA. di Agrigento, in collaborazione con il Parco Archeologico Valle dei Templi, con l'Università degli Studi di Palermo e con... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMusicologyArt History
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      Archeologia medievaleArcheologia SicilianaStoria Della SiciliaSiracusa
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      Archeologia medievaleCanicattini BagniSicilia medievaleArcheologia Rupestre in Età Medievale
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      Sicilia medievaleIl viaggio nelle letterature
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      Medieval SicilyNorman SicilySicilia medievaleMedieval Southern Italy and Sicily
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      Sicilia medievaleImmaginario
Il progetto “Lungo le tracce di Paolo Orsi” nasce nel 2011 su iniziativa dell’associazione culturale Centro Studio Ibleo di Ferla (SR) per elaborare nuove strategie di gestione e valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico ibleo minacciato... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyArcheologia medievaleArcheologia SicilianaArcheologia dei paesaggi
"Resumen: El ensayo plantea algunos problemas referidos a la investigación sobre Sicilia islámica y a las razones por las cuales no se ha llegado todavía a un conocimiento suficiente sobre esta temática de estudio. Se proponen algunas... more
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      Islamic ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Sicily
The essay offers a pan-Mediterranean reading of Decameron VIII 10 and explores the beffa that Iancofiore played to Salabaetto, in the light of the mobility and exchanges of people, goods and slaves in the salty sea, which is the... more
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      Medieval Italian LiteratureBoccaccioMedieval MediterraneanPetrus Alfonsi
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      Historia del ArteSicilian History and CultureArte Medievale, Icone, Iconografia MedievaleSicilia medievale