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The study of the Samaritan version of Saadya Gaon’s translation of the Pentateuch (the tafsīr), mainly based on MS London BL OR7562, shows that a Saadyan version in Arabic Characters was adopted by the Samaritans and adapted to the... more
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      Jewish StudiesSemitic languagesHebrew LanguageArabic Language and Linguistics
The volume "New Directions in Spiritual Kinship: Sacred Ties Across the Abrahamic Religions," edited by Todne Thomas, Asiya Malik and Rose Wellman, undertakes a comparative analysis of "spiritual kinship" (such as God-parenthood) in... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionSocial Theory
After serving during turbulent times at the court of Pedro’s predecessor, Alfonso XI (r. 1312–50), Sem Tob de Carrión (c. 1290-c. 1369) advocates in "Proverbios morales" for sensible policies and toleration toward Jewish subjects. As a... more
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      ReligionSpanish LiteratureJewish StudiesSpanish
Après une brève présentation du corpus des écrits de controverse judéo-chrétienne, nous nous intéresserons ici à la place qu’y occupent les événements, réels ou fictifs, présentés comme des « disputes ». Dans quelle mesure peuvent-ils... more
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      Religious ConversionJewish - Christian RelationsReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean contextMedieval Jewish History
Der aus dem ungarischen Ofen (Buda) stammende und in Franken, später in der Pfalz tätig gewesene Konvertit und Hebraist, Christoph (ursprünglich Jakob) Mandel gab mindestens sechs Schriften in den Druck, davon sind vier erhalten... more
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      Reformation HistoryReligious ConversionHistory of the ReformationJewish - Christian Relations
«Behold, my servant shall understand» is the title of the lively commentary to Is 52,12–53,12 which the Catalan rabbi and exegete Moseh ben Nachman, better known as Nachmanides, composed in the months following his «debate» inBarcelona... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsJewish MessianismBook of Isaiah
RESUMEN: En este trabajo analizaremos el modo en el que los judíos fueron tratados en las Siete Partidas y en las Cantigas de Santa Maria, ambas obras producidas en la corte de Alfonso el Sabio. Veremos, en una primera parte, el carácter... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesJewish HistoryJewish - Christian Relations
RESUMO: Pedro Afonso é um rabino judeu de Huesca (Aragão) que viveu entre meados do século XI (c. 1062) e a primeira metade do século XII (c. 1140). Optou por se converter ao Cristianismo e ao que tudo indica foi batizado pelo rei de... more
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      Al-Andalus HistoryApostasyJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle AgesConversion
abstr act This article presents an original reading of the Bavli account of Honi’s 70-year sleep. It argues that printed editions present a corrupt reading of Honi’s initial statement, which originally read ‘Seventy years like a dream!’,... more
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      TalmudLate AntiquityMagical RealismReligions of Late Antiquity
Sefer Yeṣirah, or “Book of Formation,” is one of the most influential Jewish compositions of late antiquity. Attributed to the patriarch Abraham, Sefer Yeṣirah claims that the world was created by the powers of the decimal number system... more
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      Jewish StudiesLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesTalmudJewish Mysticism
Written between 1269 and 1284 in the Convent of Saint Catherine in Barcelona, Ramon Martí’s Pugio fidei (“The Dagger of Faith”) is a lengthy handbook intended for Mendicants engaged in preaching to the Jews (and the Muslims). The... more
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      Medieval TheologyJewish - Christian RelationsJewish PhilosophyMedieval Jewish Philosophy
Reevaluates Professor Halbertal's claims that Meiri's position was halakhically productive and that Chirsitianity itself is not halakhic Avodah Zarah by comprehensively reading and classifying all the relevant texts in Meiri.
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsJewish ThoughtMedieval Jewish PhilosophyMedieval Jewish History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Church HistoryPapacy (Medieval Church History)Jewish - Christian Relations
This is a transcription and translation of the manuscript discovered by Claudius Buchanan in the Synagogue of the "Black Jews" of Travancore (Cochin), India around the turn of the 1800s. The text is in Mishnaic Hebrew, but frequently... more
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      New TestamentIndian studiesRare Books and ManuscriptsSynoptic Gospels
The Jewish life of Jesus (Toledoth Yeshu) constitutes one of the most important Jewish anti-Christian literary traditions. Its development can be followed in the long run of Jewish-Christian relations and polemics from late antiquity to... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsToledot YeshuJewish-Christian Polemics
The Babylonian Talmud contains a tale about the creation of an artificial calf by two sages who dealt with hilkhot yetzirah, or laws of formation (b. Sanhedrin 65b). Already in the eleventh century CE the phrase "Laws of Formation" was... more
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      Jewish StudiesTalmudJewish MysticismMagic
Interreligiöse Diskurse sind ebenso von Erzählmotiven, Geschichten und Narrativen geprägt wie von gegenseitiger Kenntnis der theologischen Schriften und rationaler Argumentation. Die Wahrnehmung und Deutung des Islam durch Christ*innen in... more
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      History of ReligionHistory of ChristianityMedieval StudiesIslamic Studies
Книга подготовлена в рамках проекта в Центре исследований диаспоры ТАУ в 2016-2019 гг. В ней собраны результаты многолетней работы по проблемам еврейско-славянских культурных контактов. «Ханаан» – название славянских земель от Праги до... more
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      Jewish HistoryJewish - Christian RelationsSlavic Historical LinguisticsHebrew Manuscripts
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Jewish PhilosophyGerman-Jewish Studies
Traduction entièrement nouvelle de l'Apologie, tenant compte des dernières éditions ainsi que des enseignements tirés de l'édition-traduction du Dialogue avec Tryphon publiée en 2003, avec les articles qui l'accompagnent. Bien que les... more
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      Greek LiteratureHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityReligious Conversion
Democracy has never been more popular. It is successfully practiced today in a myriad of different ways by people across virtually every cultural, religious or socio-economic context. The forty-five essays collected in this companion... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
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      IconographyHistory of ReligionIncunabulaMedieval Iconography
This book, produced for the exhibition In and Out, Between and Beyond, presents the scholarly work of a group of historians who study the Jews of medieval Ashkenaz at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in dialogue with the work of... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryJewish HistoryJewish - Christian Relations
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsMessianic Jewish TheologyMessianic JudaismMessianic Jews
In his Summa Sacre Magice, Berengarius Ganellus had a special place for Hebrew, which he described as superior to Latin, Arabic, and Greek. Although Ganellus was not fluent in Hebrew, and there is no evidence that he read Hebrew sources,... more
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      PhilologyJewish StudiesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
This is a slightly revised version of the published article, "Tolerance in Judaism: The Medieval and Modern Sources." Copyright is retained by the author. Tolerance is concerned with how one treats differences and boundaries, both within... more
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    • Research Medieval Judaism and Jewish Christian relations in Late Antiquity and Medieval age.
In this article it is argued that the Qiblah passages in the Qur’an, which are commonly understood as referring to the direction of the prayer, are directly engaging with and interpreting the Shema passages in Deuteronomy and their... more
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      SemioticsJewish LawJewish StudiesSemitic languages
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      Research Medieval Judaism and Jewish Christian relations in Late Antiquity and Medieval age.The Black DeathLachrymose Historiography
While historians examining thirteenth-century Jewish-Christian relations in Iberia and greater Europe have shown that Christian anti-Jewish violence and rhetoric increased, they have not explored whether this pattern also exists in coeval... more
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      Medieval EuropeMedieval Canon LawJews in Medieval and Early Modern EuropeJews of Medieval Spain
How did Muslim thinkers perceive, imagine and depict Jewish-Christian interaction, whether it be in the past, in their contemporary world or in the eschatological future? Although there are numerous studies on Muslim views of... more
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      Abrahamic ReligionsQur'anic StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsMuslim-Christian Relation
This paper is about the Medieval Censorship of the Talmud which was imposed upon the Jews, what was censored and why. It also covers items related to the Crusades and the Inquisitions. The main thrust of this paper is that the Jews were... more
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      Comparative ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
In this paper, the writings related to four seventh century individuals will be examined with a hope of better understanding what happened in that time period and how news of events in the eastern Mediterranean reached western Europe.... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon Studies
The text of this current translation comes from Samuel Krauss’ 1902 collection of manuscript transcriptions—originally found in Cod. Heb. 54 of the Vienna Israelite Theological Library, but denominated by Krauss as “Ms. Vindobona,” after... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsJewish HistoryJewish - Christian RelationsMedieval Hebrew Literature
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      Political TheologyBiopoliticsMedieval Muslim Christian RelationsResearch Medieval Judaism and Jewish Christian relations in Late Antiquity and Medieval age.
"There is simply no other book like this. Enlightening, accessible, and superbly written in a clear and jargon-free style, it makes a much-needed contribution to our knowledge of Jewish visual and literary cultures. It will no doubt be a... more
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      Jewish StudiesManuscript StudiesJewish Art HistoryMedieval Judaism :
FRANCESCO BIANCHI, “Una storia di pinne e di squame”. Appunti per una storia del pesce nell’ebraismo medievale Partendo dai dati biblici e talmudici, l’articolo esplora, in primo luogo, il ruolo del pesce nella creazione e le leggi... more
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      Jewish Ritual Purity LawThe Spanish InquisitionFishingRamban
Paper for the Symposium on Homelessness, April 25-27, Center for Religious Wisdom and World Affairs, Seattle University. Forthcoming book chapter.
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      PovertyHomelessnessExileJewish - Christian Relations
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      Medieval HistoryStereotypes and PrejudiceJewish - Christian RelationsMedieval Sermons
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    • Research Medieval Judaism and Jewish Christian relations in Late Antiquity and Medieval age.
This article focuses on the sixteenth-century Welsh Cronicl o wech oesoedd (‘Chronicle of the Six Ages [of the World]’) written by the exiled Welshman Elis Gruffydd, and in particular the section treating the poet-prophet Taliesin. A... more
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      Celtic StudiesWelsh HistoryMedieval WalesCeltic History
Summary: Among the Segovians it is a popular story the Miracle of the Jew called Esther, who lived in the city back in the XIIIth Century. The miracle was recorded by King Alfonso X in his Cantigas de Santa María. The object of research... more
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      Jews of Medieval SpainResearch Medieval Judaism and Jewish Christian relations in Late Antiquity and Medieval age.Ordalie
ABSTRACT Alonso de Espina’s vitriolic polemic, Fortalitium Fidei (The fortress of faith, c. 1458–1464), includes a ferocious attack upon both Jews and the descendants of converts, who were collectively accused of judaizing. This would... more
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      Jewish StudiesSpanish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
In this thesis, I argue that early Christian reverence for Jesus, which included not only attribution of divine honours and prerogatives, but even divine worship, has its roots in late Second Temple Jewish developments in Messianic... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianitySynoptic GospelsChristology
Medieval Christians arguably lived in a 'real' world – a tangible place in which they lived, worked, loved, hated, and died – but through a process of world-building continually reconstructed it anew around themselves as the mythical land... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesJewish History
Christianity teaches that the sin which Adam committed at the Garden of Eden has affected all human beings. Damaging the perfect relation between God and human, this cardinal sin is supposed to be expiated by a compensation which contains... more
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      Jewish-Christian PolemicsResearch Medieval Judaism and Jewish Christian relations in Late Antiquity and Medieval age.Jewish-Christian Polemics In the Middle Ages
Biblical wisdom literature is a treasure-trove of powerful metaphors. This article presents a sample of these metaphors and their significant impact on contemporary artwork. The impact is characterized by both appropriation and... more
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      Hebrew LanguageLiteratureHermeneuticsPapacy (Medieval Church History)
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsJewish-Christian-Muslim relations in the Middle AgesToledot YeshuJewish-Christian Polemics
This paper considers the use and critique of Petrus Alfonsi in the polemical writing of Abner of Burgos/Alfonso of Valladolid.
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      Medieval PhilosophyIberian StudiesMedieval Iberian HistoryReligious Conversion
HISTOIRE perpétuer son travail de commentaire. « Je me suis passionné pour la construction du Talmud. Cette construction en triptyque dans laquelle les Tossaphistes sont un apport majeur et notamment Rabbenou Tam. J'ai vraiment accroché... more
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      Jewish HistoryMedieval EuropeJewish Cultural StudiesResearch Medieval Judaism and Jewish Christian relations in Late Antiquity and Medieval age.