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Afin d’appréhender l’oeuvre diplomatique d'Antoine Escalin dit le Polin, mais aussi d’étudier le personnage qui fut construit à partir de ses actions dans une optique de reconstruction historiographique, diverses sources d’époque ont été... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryHagiographyOttoman Studies
Les activités des compagnies maritimes Français dans eaux Ottomane Turquie.
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      EmperyalizmSömürgecilikOttoman Maritime HistoryOsmanlı Denizcilik Tarihi
Ottomans and Moroccans on France's galleys from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century violated the kingdom's ‘free soil’ principle. Evaluating naval, spatial, strategic, theological and juridical explanations, this article argues that... more
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      Early Modern CaptivityHistory of SlaveryMediterranean StudiesMediterranean
Au XVIIe siècle, l’intérêt de l’Europe, et de la France en particulier, pour le reste du monde, va croissant. Mus par des motivations d’ordre commercial, diplomatique, savant, religieux ou autres, les voyageurs français, pour lesquels... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationOrientalismOrientalismeIntercultural Relations
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryReformation History
article sur le Nouveau Quotidien du 13 juin 1996 au sujet de mon livre "Marie et Marie Une saison à Constantinople. 1856-1858"
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      Ottoman Empire19th Century (History)History of IstanbulWomen and Gender Studies
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      French RevolutionEighteenth-Century French StudiesOttoman EmpireOttoman-French Relations
To mark the publication of a new book on the subject, this talk will analyse the practice of diplomacy by Elizabethan agents at the Ottoman court in Constantinople including intrigues with other Christian diplomats.
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      Anglo-Ottoman RelationsOttoman-Habsburg relationsOttoman-Venetian relationsConstantinople
Kırım Savaşı (1854-1856) Osmanlı Devletini Rusya'ya karşı bir ittifakta İngiltere ve Fransa'ya yaklaştırmıştır. İstanbul'da bu yakınlaşma Fransa'nın bir çok müessesesini teşkil etmiştir. Bunlarda bir kanat da Sağlık Kuruluşlarıdır.
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman Military HistoryFranco-Ottoman AllianceOttoman-French Relations