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The topic of disinterested love became fashionable in 1697 due to the famous amour pur dispute between Fénelon (1651-1715) and Bossuet (1627-1704). It soon attracted the attention of Electress Sophie of Hanover (1630-1714) and she asked... more
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      Gottfried Wilhelm LeibnizBossuetMoral MotivationFrancois Salignac De La Mothe-Fenelon
Филаретовский альманах. Вып. 12. – М.: Изд-во ПСТГУ, 2016. с. 110-123. Between many others who wrote about count Michael Speransky St. Theophan the Recluse was the only author who defended the position that Speransky was purely orthodox... more
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      TheologyRussian HistoryHesychasmLetters
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      TheologyAsceticismRussian Orthodox ChurchChurch History
At the first sight a novel of Rainer Maria Rilke “The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge” is an exclusive property of the history of secular literature and related to Christian tradition only by means of historical-cultural reminiscences.... more
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      German LiteratureGerman PietismMeister EckhartRilke
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      PhilosophyGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizEarly Modern StudiesBossuet
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      TheologyChurch HistoryChristian LoveFrancois Salignac De La Mothe-Fenelon
The doctrine of st. Augustine about caritas, namely about graceful love drawing a man to God, is difficult to overestimate. The doctrine has playd an important role both in dogmatic and in mystic tradition of the West. It gave among... more
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      ApophaticismMeister EckhartMedieval SermonsApophatic Mysticism
Due to some historical reasons, the second half of the 16th century gave special attention to the moral criteria of a particular act understood as a matter of its true inner motivation. As a result, two opposite concepts gradually formed.... more
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      PersonalityImmanuel KantPersonalismSpinoza
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      Alain BadiouBlaise PascalPure Love