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The Syrian conflict is as a multi-layered struggle involving many actors and interests. Structural factors present within the country created tensions when the revolutionary wave of the Arab Spring invested the frustrations of many... more
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      International RelationsSyriaConflict AnalysisConflict Analysis and Resolution
This article analyses how Hezbollah’s gradually growing role in the Syrian conflict has been paralleled by its adversaries’ decision to wage lawfare against this pivotal player supporting the Asad regime, in order to raise the political... more
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      Saudi ArabiaSyriaCounter terrorismNon-state actors
This well researched piece of investigative journalism by David Axe chronologically examines the evolution of drone technology and its increasing application in US proxy wars in the late 20th century until the start of 2013. A point of... more
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      Intelligence and Proxy wars in West/Central AfricaProxy Wars in AfricaU.S. Foreign PolicyTargeted Killing, Drone Warfare, Ethics of War
The geopolitical location of Yemen makes the country an area that has always drawn the attention of external actors interested in expanding their influences in the Arabian Penin-sula. During the period of the Cold War, the territory of... more
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      GeopoliticsMiddle East PoliticsProxy WarsYemen politics
Konflikt zbrojny na wschodzie Ukrainy przez jednych jest postrzegany jako konflikt wewnętrzny, w którym siły rządowe walczą z separatystami. Dla innych, jest to międzynarodowy konflikt rosyjsko-ukraiński. Głównym problemem badawczym tego... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyUkraineProxy WarsProxy warfare
Minsk II: Anniversary yang tidak bahagia untuk Ukraina dan Uni Eropa Sejak bulan Maret 2014 perang kembali mengamuk di jalur Eropa, berubah secara progresif menjadi semacam yang tidak disaksikan secara kontinyu sejak Perang Rusia-Georgia... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesWar Studies
The decrease in interstate warfare since WWII demonstrates that sovereignty norms have acquired a durable, institutional embeddedness insofar as they constrain state behavior. Yet states circumvent these norms through proxy warfare to... more
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Having triumphed over the United States, the Taliban are ready to enter into intra-Afghan talks with confidence and purpose.
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      International RelationsSouth Asian StudiesInternational SecurityProxy Wars
What is ViTTa? NSI's Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa) provides rapid response to critical information needs by pulsing a global network of subject matter experts (SMEs) to generate a wide range of expert insight. For the Strategic Multilayer... more
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      Political WarfareGender and MilitaryMilitary TechnologyRobots in Military Operations
This paper examines state recourse to paramilitary force and its consequences for the security apparatus using the case of the janjaweed militias in the Darfur region of the Sudan. Advancing a model of weak and failed state behaviour, it... more
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      Ethnic Conflict and Civil WarSudanDarfurParamilitaries