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Аннотация. В статье анализируются современные подходы к измерению семантического пространства концепта «власть» в отечественной и западной научной традициях. Концепт «власть» относится к группе «сущностно оспариваемых» (essentially... more
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    • Political semiotics
The book presents a semiotic approach to the study of power relations in the symbolic space of medieval culture. A critical analysis of medieval texts was carried out in accordance with the methodology of European structuralist and... more
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      SemioticsMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCultural Semiotics
Политическая наука: Научный журнал / РАН. ИНИОН. Центр социал. науч.-информ. исслед. Отд. полит. науки; Росс. ассоц. полит. науки; Ред. кол.: Мелешкина Е.Ю. (гл. ред.) и др. – М., 2016. – No 3: Политическая семиотика / Ред.-сост. номера... more
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      SemioticsPolitical ScienceСемиотикаPolitical semiotics
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      Flags (Vexillology)Colombian History19th Century Colombian HistoryEcuadorian history
The discourse of identity/difference has been instrumental in the formation and legitimization of the most important modern communities, whether national, supranational (like European Union), diasporic or intranational (minorities). In... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesRhetoric and Public CulturePolitical communication
Рубрика из: Политическая наука. — М., 2016. — № 4. М.В. Ильин. Что может дать анализ перформативов? И.В. Фомин. Перформативы сецессии оспариваемых государств: Южная Осетия, Абхазия, Косово Е.А. Ефимова, Н.А. Конюхов, Д.А. Панфилов. Кто... more
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      Political SciencePerformativityPerformativesPolitical semiotics
The article focuses the possibility of elaboration of a cross-disciplinary methodological approach to formation of the semiotics of power. Four possible forms of relation of semiotic research to the problem of power are revealed upon the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemiotics Of CulturePolitical semioticssemiotics of power
In this article we investigate how political actors involved in TV debates during the 2009 and 2014 presidential elections in Romania manage the relationship between handedness (left/right polarity in hand gestures) and political... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationMultimodalitySocial SemioticsPolitical semiotics
L’objet de cet article consiste à l’examen de deux affiches politique appartenant l’un à la partie politique de « Nea Dimokratia » et l’autre à celle de « Syriza ». Le choix s’est émané par les conditions politiques dans la Grèce le mois... more
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    • Political semiotics
Фомин И.В., Ильин М.В. Зачем семиотика политологам? // Политическая наука. — М., 2016. — № 3. — С. 12-29.
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      SemioticsResearch MethodologyPolitical ScienceСемиотика
This study proposes an analysis of televised debates for presidential elections in Romania from the perspective of the functional theory of political campaign discourse (Benoit 2013). The functional analysis of the debates can help the... more
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      Functional TheoryPolitical semioticsDiscursive Positioning
The ideas of Juri Lotman have often caught the interest of researchers and scholars from a wide range of disciplines apart from semiotics and literary studies. Often these ideas have been employed in the analysis of social and cultural... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsLanguage and PowerHegemony
Biosemiotics and the analysis of biopower have not yet been explicitly brought together. This article attempts to find their connecting points from the perspective of biosemiotics. It uses the biosemiotic understanding of the different... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesBiopoliticsCommunication and media Studies
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophy Of LanguageEnglish LiteratureLanguages and Linguistics
В статье рассматриваются семиотические алгоритмы репрезентации королевской власти в европейской культуре от периода мифологической древности до завершения эпохи раннего средневековья. Рецепция знаковых конструкций, связанных с... more
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      Семиотика властисемиотика культурыИмагологияPolitical semiotics
The present paper aims at reviewing the current state of research about the relationship between semiotics and power in Jurij M. Lotman. In the first part, the article will illustrate and review the current international researches that... more
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      History of semioticsJurij LotmanJuri LotmanPolitical semiotics
This article offers a comparative analysis of the construction of political scenes of representation by two former Argentine presidents, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2008-2015) and Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), based on televised... more
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      SociologyPolitical RepresentationPeircean SemioticsPolitical semiotics
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsResearch MethodologyPolitical Discourse Analysis
This paper deals with the construction of "the people" as narrative actor. Departing from the idea of "empty signifier" and drawing on interpretative semiotics and in particular on the idea of "semantic potential" (by Umberto Eco and... more
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      SemanticsCultural SemioticsPoliticsMemory Studies
In this article we will analyze how political actors involved in the presidential TV debates use certain semiotic strategies to manage the relationship between gestures and their ideological orientation. We developed a multimodal analysis... more
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      MultimodalitySocial SemioticsPolitical semiotics
Статья посвящена выработке фундаментальной дефиниции понятия образ государства на основе общесемиотического категориального аппарата Ч.С. Пирса. Предложена общая модель образа и насыщенный ее вариант, ориентированный на проблематику... more
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      Nationalism And State BuildingCharles S. PeirceRepresentationMetaphors