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In dieser Seminararbeit (!) argumentiere ich, dass Platon zwar relativ zu seinen zeitgenössischen Denkern aus liberal-feministischer Sicht progressiv war, aber dennoch nicht als liberaler Feminist bezeichnet werden kann. Meine... more
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      Political ScienceSustainable DevelopmentCold WarHuman Security
The challenge facing a country from the so-called south, such as South Africa, is to secure the highest quality of leadership for the economy in general and for the public service in particular. The question that guides this article is:... more
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      BusinessSouth AfricaPublic ServicePoliteia
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El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar la Mision Barrio Adentro (MBA), iniciada en la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela en el ano 2003. Metodologia: realizamos la evaluacion conceptual de la politica y calculamos (mediante... more
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      SociologyHealth PoliciesPoliteia
Document pédagogique pour le cours de Philosophie politique (ICES).
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      DemocratieDictaturePoliteiaRégimes Politiques
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Full download: Abstract El pensamiento griego estuvo atravesado desde los orígenes por enfoques optimistas en el terreno del conocimiento que propusieron vías para... more
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Devlet soyut bir kavramdır ve egemenliğini kullanmak için görev, yetki ve sorumlulukları belirlenmiş kurumlara sahip olmalıdır. Bu kurumlar her ülkede mevcut olan yürütme ve yasamadır. Parlamento hem yasa yapacak ve hem de devlet içindeki... more
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      DemokrasiPlatonSiyaset BilimiCumhuriyet
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      Cassius DioRoman EmpireRoman History, Roman institutionsPoliteia
This article presents and analyses the perspectives of a number of politicians and academics in Lesotho concerning the relevance and role of chieftainship as an institution in the political system of the country. The study was conducted... more
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Çeviren: Murat Erşen Fransız filozof Etienne Balibar Yurttaşlık kitabında Batı'daki anayasa kuramının ve demokrasi kavramının gelişiminin izlerini sürüyor. "İhtilaflı demokrasi" olarak adlandırdığı yeni bir demokratik anlayış... more
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      Jacques RancièreMichel FoucaultSocial ExclusionAntonio Negri
Call for 2016 special issue of Politeia.
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      Gender StudiesAccountabilitySouth African Politics and SocietyParliamentary Studies
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      AristotleCiceroTranslationThe Athenian constitution
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„Die sicherste allgemeine Charakterisierung der philosophischen Tradition Europas lautet, dass sie aus einer Reihe von Fußnoten zu Platon besteht“, lautet das vielzitierte Diktum Whiteheads. Martens stimmt dem Urteil bei und ergänzt,... more
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      EpistemologyPlato's ParmenidesErkenntnistheoriePlaton
Everyone has heard of Aristotle. The Greek philosopher stands for the good. Some people less have heard of Machiavelli. The Italian stand-up philosophician stands for the corrupted, namely for a philosophy in which everything is bad.... more
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      AristotleMachiavelliNiccolò MachiavelliAristoteles
Neste trabalho, trataremos da família e de sua composição: pai, mãe, o indivíduo e seus irmãos na República de Platão, mais especificamente nos livros II, III, IV, V e VIII. Também veremos casos mais específicos de família, tomando a... more
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      Ancient HistoryAristophanesFamily studiesPlato
La justicia es la máxima valía de un pueblo. Los griegos de la Antigüedad, desde tiempos remotos hasta Aristóteles, se ocuparon por encontrar un sentido pleno a la cuestión de la justicia. Este escrito, tomado de la investigación... more
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A lo largo de su historia, la democracia ateniense encontró diversos modos de oposición que pusieron, en mayor o menor medida, en peligro su persistencia. Frente a esas amenazas reales, potenciales y, en algunos casos, imaginarias, la... more
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      Ancient HistoryEmotionClassical ArchaeologyMythology
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Resumen. La μικτὴ (o μεμειγμένη) πολιτεία, el ordenamiento constitucional mixto, es aquel que combina de manera sabia y proporcionada elementos de los regímenes políticos puros o simples (monarquía, aristocracia y democracia) como... more
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      SpartaAncient SpartaPoliteiaAnacyclosis
Pós-doutorando PPGF/UFRJ RESUMO: Na Ética a Nicômacos, Aristóteles define o conceito de prudência (phrónesis) como sabedoria prática, ao mesmo tempo em que como uma virtude racional ligada à atuação (práxis) ética. O homem prudente é... more
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      EthicsAncient PhilosophyAristotle's EthicsPoliteia
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1. Giudizio e mondo comune
2. Il caso Eichmann
3. Dall'antica politeia alla moderna dimensione sociale
4. Prospettive politiche arendtiane
5. Conclusione
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      ArendtImmanuel KantMartha NussbaumKarl Jaspers
Inhalt: Einleitung: Ökonomisches Denken bei Platon? S.1 Platons ökonomische Modelle in der „Politeia“ S.2 a) Die Bedarfsökonomie S.2 b) Die Erwerbsökonomie S.3 c) Die Rechtsökonomie S.4 Fazit: Welche Bedeutung hat Platon für die... more
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      PlatoPhilosophy Of EconomicsPlatonPoliteia
In the Laws, Plato elaborates a project of founding a political regime (politeia) of a normative character that, being supported by the development of a complex legislation, establishes as its main scope the promotion of excellence or... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPlatoAncient Philosophy
1. Einleitung S.1 2. Zur Gerechtigkeit in Platons Politeia I S.3 a) Kephalos b) Polemarchos c) Thrasymachos d) Zusammenhang 3. Zur Ideengeschichte der Gerechtigkeit S.7 a) Überblick b) Aristoteles’ materiale... more
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      History of IdeasPlatoHobbesFriedrich Nietzsche
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      Corporate culturePoliteia
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      Civil SocietyPolitical SystemPoliteiaPalabras Clave: BIM
Resumen es: Como parte del juego politico que tiene lugar entre los escombros del llamado puntofijismo se han generado mitologias que intentan dar cuenta del auge y ...
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This article reports on a study that explored the role of middle managers in executing organisational strategies in the local government sector. The study adopted a qualitative research method, using a local authority council (LAC) in... more
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Opini tentang Politeia
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Aristoteles adalah murid dari filsuf Yunani yang bernama Plato. Menurut Aristoteles tujuan negara adalah kesempurnaan masyarakat sebagai masyarakat,yang diutamakan itu masyarakat dan kebahagiaan manusia tergantung daripada kebahagiaan... more
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      MonarchyAristotelesAthenaion PoliteiaPoliteia
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This essay sets forth a distinction between Latin Ame- rican dictatorships of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, between extraordinary and exceptional regimes undertaken by rulers as despotic arrogations of absolute power and those... more
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      DictatorshipLatin AmericaPoliteiaArray
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      AristotlePoliticsAncient HistoriographyAncient History of Cyprus
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      CitizenshipWomen and Gender StudiesPoliteia
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      The EnvironmentPoliteia
The emergence of the terms Third World, Developing Countries, and North-South seemed to be a concept to separate the good country and the bad country. The term is consumed by the Third World community and awakens to the body that we live... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryPolitical Science
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      Hellenistic periodCitoyennetéPoliteiaEpoque hellénistique