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      PharmaceuticsDrug FormulationControlled Drug ReleaseControlled release
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      Targeted Drug DeliveryDrug deliveryAnticancer Drug DeliveryDrug Delivery System
Herbal teas consist of mono and sometimes poly-herbal recipes of herbs with acclaimed health benefits which are often brewed as infusion or decoction. Three variants of poly-herbal teas containing Herbiscus sabdariffa, Moringa oleifera,... more
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      PhytomedicineHerbal TeaPharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
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      PharmaceuticsDrug FormulationPHARMACEUTICS,SOLUBILITY ENHANCEMENT, OCULAR DELIVERYPharmacology & Pharmaceutics
Herbal teas consist of mono and sometimes poly-herbal recipes of herbs with acclaimed health benefits which are often brewed as infusion or decoction. Three variants of poly-herbal teas containing Herbiscus sabdariffa, Moringa oleifera,... more
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      PhytomedicineHerbal TeaPharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
Many herbal teas consist of poly-herbal materials that are often folk recipes with known health benefits. Poly-herbal teas containing the leaves of Moringa oleifera, Zingiber officinale and juice of Citrus limon were developed and... more
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      Herbal TeaPharmaceutics and PhytomedicinePhytomedicines and natural product chemistry
Many herbal teas consist of poly-herbal materials that are often folk recipes with known health benefits. Poly-herbal teas containing the leaves of Moringa oleifera, Zingiber officinale and juice of Citrus limon were developed and... more
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      Herbal TeaPharmaceutics and PhytomedicinePhytomedicines and natural product chemistryScience World
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    • Pharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
Plaque-related diseases, dental caries and periodontal diseases are among the most important preventable global infectious diseases. In addition to mechanical plaque removal nowadays the phytomedicine use is gaining attention throughout... more
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      Antimicrobial PeptidesAntimicrobialsAntimicrobial drug resistancePhytomedicine
Background: Sterculia cordata is a flowering plant and belongs to the family Malvaceae. The goal of our investigation was to determine the significant medicinal properties of the leaf of this plant. Methods: Leaves of Sterculia cordata... more
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    • Pharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
This study determined the total phenols and flavonoids, antioxidant activity, Preliminary Phytochemical Screening, GC-MS analysis. Hypnea boergesenii T. Tanakared seaweed, collected from Chabahar Sea, on the coast of the Gulf of Oman.... more
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    • Pharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
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      Targeted Drug DeliveryDrug deliveryAnticancer Drug DeliveryDrug Delivery System
Current practice in treating cases of malaria is based around the concept of combination therapy, since this offers several advantages - reduced risk of treatment failure, reduced risk of developing resistance, enhanced convenience and... more
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    • Pharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
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      PhytopathologyPhytoremediationPhytochemistryMacrophytes and heavy metal phytoremediation
Background: The exploitation and utilization of vast varieties of herbal extracts may serve as alternative measures to deter aggregation of deoxygenated sickle cell hemoglobin (deoxyHbS) molecules. Objective: The present in vitro study... more
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    • Pharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
The seeds of Cleome viscosa are used in traditional systems of medicine for the treatment of many diseases in Asia. This study evaluated fixed oil from the seeds of Cleome viscosa for analgesic and antiemetic activity by using the acetic... more
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      PainPhytochemistryPharmacognosyPharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
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      PhytochemistryPharmacognosyPharmacognosy and PhytochemistryPhytomedicine
Salacia senegalensis is an acclaimed medicinal plant use locally by the people of the South-East zone Nigeria in the treatment of malaria, skin problem and lotion for sick children. Therefore, acute toxicity study (LD50) was carried out... more
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    • Pharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
The research was undertaken to investigate the comparative phytochemical and in vitro antibacterial activity of the single and combined strengths of the leaf extracts of Ocimum gratissimum Linn and Gongronema latifolium Benth. on some... more
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    • Pharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
This study was carried out to determine the hematological changes (TEC, Hb, PCV) and biochemical changes (AST/SGOT, ALT/SGPT and Ca), in commercial broiler chickens due to the use of Probiotics (protexin). Total 60, day old... more
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      PhytomedicineClinical Pharmacy, Pharmacokinetics, Quality Control and TherapeuticsUrban PhytomedicinePharmaceutics and Phytomedicine
This study aimed to investigate the effect of mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS) on the lipogram and selected organ functions in hyperlipidemic rats. Animals were subjected to different treatments for 60 days. Balanced basal diet was supplied... more
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      Organizational BehaviorOrganic ChemistryOrganic agriculturePrebiotic Chemistry
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      PhytopathologyPhytochemistryTraditional and subsistence agricultureAgriculture
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      PhytochemistryPharmacognosyPharmacognosy and PhytochemistryPhytomedicine
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      PhytochemistryPharmacognosyPharmacognosy and PhytochemistryPhytomedicine
Eclipta alba Hassk. (Bhringaraja, Fam: Compositae) is a perennial shrub which grows widely in moist tropical countries. Different uses have been reported for this shrub. It is used as anthelmintic, expectorant,... more
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      Medicinal ChemistryEstimation and Filtering TheoryMedicinal PlantsParameter estimation
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      PhytochemistryPharmacognosyMedicinal PlantsPharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
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      PhytochemistryPharmacognosyPharmacognosy and PhytochemistryPhytomedicine