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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMonastic StudiesCoptic StudiesHistory of Monasticism
This paper explores how the "apa" came to be viewed in the Vitae devoted to Pachomius, and how his "presence" shaped not only the monastery but the surrounding community. As a singular expression of the "holy man," the abbot--as portrayed... more
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      Late AntiquityAncient BiographyPatristics and Late Antiquityearly Egyptian monasticism
Die Anfänge der Geschichte von karitativen Wohlfahrtsinstitutionen lässt sich an der Einrichtung Basileios des Großen in Kaisareia besonders gut beobachten. Der Beitrag leitet das Projekt kulturgeschichtlich her.
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      CappadociansChurch HistoryBasil of CaesareaHistory of Social Policy and the Welfare State
The book presents a comparison of two early Christian biographies, namely Vita sancti Antonii and Sancti Pachomii vita Graeca prima, and their pagan literary background - represented by texts such as Vita Apollonii and Vitae sophistarum... more
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      Early ChristianityLate Antique HagiographyHistory of MonasticismAncient Greek Literature
This innovative study uses one well-documented moment of violence as a starting point for a wide-ranging examination of the ideas and interactions of pagan philosophers, Christian ascetics, and bishops from the fourth to the early seventh... more
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      PlatoNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyPatristicsAsceticism
The tradition of Christian letter collections begins with the letters of the apostle Paul. And, according to many scholars, the collection of Paul's letters involved the combination of fragments of discreet letters to form "composite... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityBiblical StudiesPauline Literature
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      ArabicAsceticismPilgrimageSyriac Studies
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      PatristicsHistory of MonasticismRepentanceConfession
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      ArabicPilgrimageSyriacJohn Cassian
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      ApocalypticismApocalypticism In LiteratureCoptic StudiesApocalyptic Eschatology
Scholars have explored Athanasius’s conflict with other Christian teachers in Egypt who practiced “open-canon” readings and exegetical discussions on “the deeper parts of Scripture,” and who encouraged their students to seek knowledge and... more
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      RevelationHistory of the ClergyEarly Christian Apocryphal LiteratureDead Sea Scrolls Nag Hammadi Codices
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      ArabicPilgrimageBiblical ExegesisSyriac
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      ApocalypticismEarly ChristianityEschatology and ApocalypticismCoptic Studies
Pages 329–86 in The Nag Hammadi Codices and Late Antique Egypt. Edited by Hugo Lundhaug and Lance Jenott. Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 110. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018.
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      GnosticismPatristicsHistory of ReligionManuscript Studies
"To join our song not only with the communion of saints and angels, but with all of creation. We are reminded of the chorus singing long before humans joined in: "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?"--The Wisdom of... more
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      HagiographyMysticismChristian ApologeticsSpirituality and Mysticism
The book has two parts: 1. Confluences and mystical ideas at the Oriental Fathers and 2. The translation in Romanian with commentary and notes of the Letters of John Sabba of Dalyatha. The Forward of the book is signed by the Mitropolitan... more
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      Spirituality & MysticismChristian ApologeticsEvagrius PonticusSyriac literature
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      History of the ClergyMonasticismAncient ChristianityEgyptian Monasticism
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      ArabicHistoriographyPilgrimageByzantine Studies
Building on recent scholarship on the provenance of the Nag Hammadi Codices, the present article argues that the different character of the subgroups detected is best accounted for by proposing that one group was produced in the Pachomian... more
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      Nag HammadiPachomius
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      ArabicPilgrimageArab Christian StudiesByzantine Studies
Perdona nuestras deudas. Economía de prestigio versus economía de mercado II, G. Chic García y J. Guzmán Armario (eds), Sevilla, 2007.
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      HagiographyArabicGreekRoman Economy
Albrecht Diem and Philip Rousseau, ‘Monastic Rules (Fourth to Ninth Century)’, in: Alison I. Beach and Isabelle Cochelin (eds.), The Cambridge History of Medieval Monasticism in the Latin West, vol. 1, Cambridge: Cambridge University... more
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      Legal HistoryMedieval TheologyMonastic StudiesEarly Medieval History
This article argues that certain important aspects of the institutionalized literary practices of early cenobitic monasticism and the rhetorics related to them may be significantly illuminated by insights from the cognitive study of the... more
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      GnosticismMemory (Cognitive Psychology)PatristicsMemory Studies
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      MonasticismOriental Orthodox theologyEastern Orthodox TheologyAnachoresis
The idea of mercy in the Life and Teachings of St Pachomius is examined primarily through an analysis of his epistles which reflect his original thinking compared with the different versions of his Vitae. The basic conclusion is that the... more
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      TheologyChurch HistoryChristian SpiritualityHistory of Monasticism
This paper considers the particular teacher-student dynamics that Pachomian monasteries created. Pachomian leaders understood that they needed to maintain authority over their followers while only occasionally exercising the full power... more
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      AsceticismEarly ChristianityCoptic StudiesMonasticism
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      ArchaeologyNew TestamentArabicPilgrimage
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      ArabicAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageByzantine Studies
Abba Michael is the first Georgian monk, who is mention in the Documents of Sinai desert.

Георгий Маджарашвили, Авва Михайл Ивер "
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptMonasticismPachomius
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      PapyrologyEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityGraeco-Roman Egypt
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      ArabicPilgrimageManuscript StudiesSyriac Studies
Study on the history of the icon of the Holy Monastery of Kykkos according to the sources, on the monastic tradition and the implications of the icon from the byzantine period through the latin- and ottoman-occupation period of Cyprus.
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      IconographyArabicPilgrimageCypriot Archaeology
На 9 ноември 2021 г. и 13 януари 2022 г. се проведоха двете части на онлайн семинар, озаглавен Saints in the Slavic Christian world (900-1400). Assessing culture, power, religion and language in Slavic hagiographies and religious... more
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      HagiographyOld Church SlavonicByzantine HagiographySlavic Hagiography in the Middle Ages
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      GnosticismEarly ChristianityCoptic StudiesEarly Christian Apocryphal Literature
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Edition of a decree by al-Malik al-'Adil dated 571/1176 concerning the monks of Mount Sinai. The document housed in the Egyptian Museum in Berlin, provides additional information about the monastery and its relation to the Ayyubid sultan.
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      PapyrologyArabicPilgrimageIslamic History
The article seeks to reassess and contextualise the conversion narrative of the Egyptian monk Pachomius, the founder of coenobitic monasticism. It thereby offers a case study into how and why the Pachomian literary tradition was shaped,... more
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Italian Translation with Introductions, Commentary, Biblical Bibliography, and Indices
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesMonasticismCoptic MonasteriesEarly monasticism
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      Church HistoryMonasticismKonziliengeschichteRezeptionsgeschichte
"τὴν ἀδελφότητα ἀγαπᾶτε" 1 (1 Peter 2:17) This article presents three cases of fourth-century double communities that might make it possible to answer this question. The fi rst such community, founded at the beginning of the fourth... more
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      Late AntiquitySt JeromePatristics and Late AntiquityDouble monasteries
Meeting in the Temple When the infant Jesus was presented in the Temple and raised in the arms of old Simeon, who moved stammered his Nunc dimittis, the nature and the role of youth and mature age in God's plan were revealed in the... more
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      AsceticismJohn ChrysostomMonastic rulesJohn Cassian
Edition and discussion of two fragments from what appears to be the earliest manuscript of the First Greek Life (Vita Prima Graeca) of St Pachomius.
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      HagiographyPatristicsMonastic StudiesLate Antiquity
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      Coptic (Archaeology)Coptic MonasteriesSaint-AntoineCoptic Christianity
This paper examines the apparently unnoticed presence of the Greco-Coptic term “gnostikos” in a text of the Pachomian corpus, one of the only occurrences of the term in the entire indigenous Coptic corpus. After a careful... more
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      ChristianityEarly ChristianityGnosticsHistoire Du Christianisme Ancien
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      ArtArabicPilgrimageArabic Epigraphy
This chapter explores the use of hagiographic texts as 'Vitae vel regulae', i.e. as narrated monastic rules and monastic programs. It focuses especially on the Life of Antony, the Life of Martin, the Life of the Jura Fathers, the Life of... more
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      HagiographyMonastic StudiesSaints' CultsEarly Medieval History
This chapter critically reviews and complicates three premises of the standard historiography of early-medieval monasticism: monastic life turned at an early stage into a “regular life,” lived according to a written rule; the practice of... more
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      ChristianityLegal HistoryMonastic StudiesEarly Medieval History
Pages 335–46 in Studia Patristica XCIII: Vol. 19: The First Two Centuries – Apocrypha and Gnostica. Edited by Markus Vinzent. StPatr 93. Leuven: Peeters, 2017. The Dialogue of the Savior, preserved only in Nag Hammadi Codex III, as... more
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      GnosticismPatristicsCoptic StudiesChurch History
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      Semitic languagesArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicEarly Christianity