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      Maritime HistoryPostal HistoryMaritime RoutesHistory of Communication
31 août 1859, la compagnie maritime britannique P&O inaugure sur sa ligne d’Extrême-Orient une nouvelle liaison au départ de la Chine vers le Japon, reliant ainsi Shanghai à Nagasaki. S’il est une destination politiquement sensible dans... more
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      Historical GeographyPostal HistoryMaritime RoutesHistory of Communication
poste maritime ❚ l'acheminement transocéanique des correspondances affranchies au type empire non dentelé
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      Historical GeographyPostal HistoryMaritime RoutesHistory of Communication
Several algorithms have been offered to track the Maximum Power Point when we have one maximum power point. Moreover, fuzzy control and neural was utilized to track the Maximum Power Point when we have multi-peaks power points. In this... more
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      Fuzzy LogicMPPTPV arrayP&O
— Renewables are the need of the day. In todays world when there in high increase in demand of electric power renewables are the saviors. Distributed Generators (DG) Ie. renewables are the power sources located near load centers which are... more
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      Electrical EngineeringControl Systems EngineeringPhotovoltaicsRenewable Energy
This paper presents a grid connected multilevel topology for photovoltaic (PV) systems. Usually, multilevel converters for PV application suffer from a distorted output current and voltage when the submodules are not subjected to an even... more
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      PhotovoltaicsPower Qualitygrid connected PV inverterscascaded Multilevel Converter
Dès la fin des années 1840, Ceylan était devenue beaucoup plus qu’une simple escale sur la « Route des Indes » : l’île sous souveraineté britannique allait alors assumer le rôle de véritable plaque tournante du trafic des paquebots-poste... more
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      Historical GeographyMaritime Transport GeographyHistory of IndiaPostal History
Impedance network inverters are a good alternative for voltage-source and current-source inverters. The shoot-through solution and the boosting capability of such converters make them an excellent solution for photovoltaic (PV)... more
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The demand for renewable energy has increased because it is considered a clean energy and does not result in any pollution or emission of toxic gases that negatively affect the environment and human health also requiring little... more
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      Neural NetworkMPPTPv SystemP&O
When the GPV is under partial shading, several peaks appear in the characteristic P-V, namely a GMP and one or more local maximums. The classical algorithm 'P&O' MPPT cannot converge on the GMP for low irradiation values and is trapped by... more
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- Over de betekenis van een populair begrip.
Een verkenningstocht door de leden van het lectoraat HRM en Persoonlijk Ondernemerschap LECTORAAT HRM & PO.
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In cascaded multilevel quasi Z-source inverters (CM-qZSI), the intermittent and stochastic fluctuation of the solar power injected to the grid can be smoothened by connecting a battery in parallel with one of the qZ network capacitors.... more
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      PhotovoltaicsBatterygrid connected PV invertersMPC
This paper addresses a performance evaluation of maximum power point tracking techniques (MPPT) in a photovoltaic system. This research work finds its applications in photovoltaic systems producing electric power with a better energy... more
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      FuzzyMPPTHill ClimbingP&O
The power supplied by photovoltaic DC-DC converter is affected by two factors, sun irradiance and temperature. Therefore, to improve the performance of the PV system; a mechanism to track the maximum power point (MPP) is required.... more
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      Fuzzy LogicPhotovoltaicMPPTConverter
The applications of photovoltaic energy are steadily increasing. However, the output power of a photovoltaic system is influenced by the meteorological conditions (temperature and irradiation), which can affect the production and... more
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      Fuzzy Logic ControlAdaptive ControlWater PumpFuzzy Control
Several algorithms have been offered to track the Maximum Power Point when we have one maximum power point. Moreover, fuzzy control and neural was utilized to track the Maximum Power Point when we have multipeaks power points. In this... more
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      Fuzzy LogicMPPTPV arrayP&O