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Growth rates and longevities were estimated for five major fishery species of parrotfishes (“uhu”) at Oahu, Hawai’i. All species grew rapidly with von Bertalanffy growth formula k values ≥0.4·year−1. Longevities were found to range... more
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      ZoologyHermaphroditismLife historyBiology
The Atlantic chub mackerel, Scomber colias Gmelin, 1789, is one of the main fisheries resources of Madeira Island. It is caught by a small and coastal purse-seine fleet that traditionally operates around the island. In 2002 and 2003,... more
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      OtolithsAge and growthScomber colias
White hake (Urophycis tenuis) is a locally important commercial fish in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The mean landings during the past 30 years have been about 6500 tonnes, the third most important demersal species. Despite this, little... more
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      OtolithsVertebraeAge and growthlength frequencies
Since the publication of " The Migrations of Fish " by Prof. Alexander Meek in 1916, a number of books have been published on this subject. However, most of these books only cover one type of migratory mechanisms. This book aims to... more
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      Stable isotope ecologyStable Isotope AnalysisConservation BiologyConservation
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      ZooarchaeologyAnthropology of FisheryHistorical EcologyArqueología
Une excavation temporaire dans une sablière désaffectée au Quoniam, Haravilliers (Val d'Oise), a rendu à nouveau possible l'examen des couches du Marinésien basal (Bartonien supérieur), notamment le niveau couramment dénommé horizon de... more
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      OtolithsEoceneMolluscaParis Basin
Otoliths widely used to determine taxonomy, growth, age and population structure of fishes. This study aims to determine the relationship between otolith morphometric to fish sizes and morphological characteristic of otolith. Data were... more
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were found to produce otolith daily increments, as well as a consistently visible marine-entry check formed during their transition to salt water. Field-collected O. nerka post-smolts of an equivalent age also displayed visible checks;... more
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      OtolithsPacific Salmon
This paper is the first approach to characterization of the strategies for fish resources and their implications in the subsistence of the hunter-gatherer groups that inhabited Patagonia Northern Coast in pre-Hispanic times. Our study is... more
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      Fisheries ManagementArqueologíaOtolithsAncient Fishing
Otolith chemistry has gained increasing attention as a tool for analyzing various aspects of fish biology, such as stock dynamics, migration patterns, hypoxia and pollution exposure, and connectivity between habitats. While these studies... more
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      Fish EcologyBiomineralizationFish PhysiologyOtoliths
A total of 146 otoliths were extracted for age readings from 68 females (23.2-90.1 cm TL), 76 males (22.0-81.3 cm TL) and 2 undetermined (30.3-38.0 cm TL), between April 2004 and December 2007. The maximum age obtained from whole otoliths... more
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      OtolithsAge and growthDentex gibbosus
Oxygen isotope ratios from fish otoliths are used to discriminate marine stocks and reconstruct past climate, assuming that variations in otolith d18O values closely reflect differences in temperature history of fish when accounting for... more
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      Fisheries ManagementFish BiologyOtolithsOtolith
Detailed faunal analyses were conducted on two major subsistence resources, oysters and marine catfish, at Rollins Shell Ring, a Late Archaic (5000 – 3000 B.P.) site on the northeast coast of Florida. The focus of this investigation was... more
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      ZooarchaeologyEnvironmental ArchaeologyFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)Paleoenvironment
1. Trace element concentrations in fish earstones ("otoliths") are widely used to discriminate spatially discrete populations or individuals of marine fish, based on a commonly held assumption that physiological influences on otolith... more
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      FisheriesBiomineralisationOtolithsOtolith microchemistry in marine fish
Catfish otoliths excavated from two archaeological sites in Kuwait, Sabiyah (ca. 7000 Years Before Present) and Al-Khidr, ca. 4000 YBP, were compared with those of Kuwait’s modern catfish. Otoliths from Kuwait’s four species of catfish,... more
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      Arabian GulfOtolithsNeolithicKuwait
Giant trevally (Caranx ignobilis) are an iconic reef fish of the Indo-Pacific, and yet knowledge of their life history is incomplete. The species is common in tropical and subtropical waters ranging from the far western Indian Ocean off... more
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      Marine BiologyMarine EcologyNuclear WeaponsFisheries
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Based on sagitta otoliths of the Pacific bearded brotula Brotula clarkae, Hubbs, 1944, morphometric relationships were estimated among the length and weight of fishes, with length, weight, and radius of otoliths. The best fit was with... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheriesFisheries ManagementOtoliths
The loss of genetic and life history diversity has been documented across many taxonomic groups, and is considered a leading cause of increased extinction risk. Juvenile salmon leave their natal rivers at different sizes, ages and times... more
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      Life History EvolutionOtolithsSalmonidsStrontium Isotope Analysis
The Mint Spring Formation (Oligocene) is a fossiliferous sand and clay lithologic unit of the Vicksburg Group that was deposited in a shallow-water, near-shore environment across Mississippi and Alabama. Bivalves and shark and ray teeth... more
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    • Otoliths
We describe here the first fossil otoliths from the Middle Miocene (Badenian and Sarmatian) of Belgrade, Serbia. They were obtained from Lower Badenian outcrops at Slanci and from upper Badenian and Sarmatian sediments recovered from four... more
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      IchthyologyOtolithsFossil Fish OtolithsSystematic ichthyology
Abstract.—Otolith chemical signatures were evaluated as natural tags to distinguish wild from hatchery produced juvenile red snapper Lutjanus campechanus. Otoliths were sampled from 59 hatchery-reared fish and 146 wild fish collected over... more
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      ChemistryStable isotope ecologyChemical EcologyLife history
Fall-run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from the Sacramento–San Joaquin River system form the backbone of California's salmon fishery and are heavily subsidized through hatchery production. Identifying temporal trends in the... more
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      OtolithsSalmonidsStrontium Isotope AnalysisHatchery Management
Hadal trenches are isolated habitats that cover the greatest ocean depths (6,500–11,000 m) and are believed to host high levels of endemism across multiple taxa. A group of apparent hadal endemics is within the snailfishes (Liparidae),... more
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      Mass SpectrometrySecondary Ion Mass SpectrometryIsotope Ratio Mass SpectrometryOtoliths
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dates (n=20) determined on fish otoliths from mulloway (Argyrosomus japonicus) and black bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) are reported from five sites at Long Point, Coorong, South Australia.... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesAustralian Indigenous Archaeology
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      Environmental ArchaeologyPaleoecologyOtolithsArchaeology of shell middens
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryConservation BiologyArchaeological Science
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      Stable isotope ecologyStable Isotope AnalysisLife historyOtoliths
Connectivity is a critical property of marine populations, particularly for species with segregated juvenile and adult habitats. Knowledge of this link is fundamental in understanding population structure and dynamics. Young adults of... more
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      Fisheries BiologyOtolithsCoastal processes, Estuaries, Marine Protected areasFish Behavoir and Movements
Determining the life history consequences for fishes living in extreme and variable environments will be vital in predicting the likely impacts of ongoing climate change on reef fish demography. Here, we compare size-at-age and maximum... more
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      Earth SciencesCoral ReefsFish BiologyReef Fish Biology
Fish earstones,or otoliths,are innerear structures that can be studied to determine a fish’s age and are a source of taxonomically informative data. In the present work, sagitta otoliths of the Yellowtail snapper (Lutjanus argentiventris)... more
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      FisheriesFisheries ManagementFish BiologyFisheries Biology
Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758) distributed vastly along the Indian Ocean south of Java, Bali and Nusa Tenggara. It has been exploited by various fishing gear yet it always assumed to be a single stock. It was not based... more
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      OtolithsOtolithskipjack tuna
Understanding catfish ecology is important because catfish constitute one of the largest fish stocks in the coastal Indo- Pacific regions. Recent technological advances have enabled the use of biological electric sensors to understand... more
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      OtolithsCatfishOxygen Isotopes
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      ICP-MSFish EcologyEstuarine EcologyOtoliths
The relationship between the otolith and body growth of the European perch ranging in total length from 8.7 to 25.9 cm was examined. Otolith length, height and weight were recorded for each pair of sagittae. The relationships between... more
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      FisheriesFish BiologyFisheries BiologyOtoliths
Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) or ‘Chilean sea bass’ support a valuable and controversial fishery, yet their life history is not well understood and longevity estimates range from ~20 to >50 years. In this study,... more
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      FisheriesMultidisciplinaryOtolithsSouthern Ocean
Growth rates and longevities were estimated for five major fishery species of parrotfishes (“uhu”) at Oahu, Hawai’i. All species grew rapidly with von Bertalanffy growth formula k values ≥0.4·year−1. Longevities were found to range... more
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      ZoologyHermaphroditismLife historyCoral Reefs
Altered river flows and fragmented habitats often simplify riverine communities and favor non-native fishes, but their influence on life-history expression and survival is less clear. Here, we quantified the expression and ultimate... more
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      PhenologyOtolithsDamsEcosystems & Diversity of Salmonids
Layman's version of the story behind validating the age of a 1245 lb. blue marlin. See scientific article for details: Andrews, A.H., R.L. Humphreys, and J.D. Sampaga. 2018. Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) longevity estimates confirmed... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheriesLife historyEcology
Otoliths are calcareous structures found in the labyrinth membrane in the otic capsules of teleost fishes and are constituted of three pairs: the sagittae, lapilli and asterisci. They have long been recognized as being species specific. A... more
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      OtolithsAnguillid eelsANGUILLIFORMES
Background: Early life history traits of the temperate eel Anguilla japonica and tropical eel Anguilla marmorata were examined to determine the possible reason why these two species have similar spawning areas and oceanic larval... more
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      OtolithsOtolith microchemistry in marine fishOtolith AnalysisOtolith Pacific Ocean
We tested for density-dependent effects on the body size, ocean entry date, growth rate, and migration speed of juvenile sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka in 2 yr with contrasting competitor densities during freshwater residence... more
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      MigrationOtolithsPacific Salmon
An improved radiometric aging technique was used to examine annulus-derived age estimates from otoliths of the Atlantic tarpon, Megalops atlanticus. Whole otoliths from juvenile fi sh and otolith cores, representing the first 2 years of... more
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      Fisheries ScienceFisheriesLife historyFisheries Management
Radiometric aging of fishes is a recently developed technique using the disequilibria of super(210)Pb: super(226)Ra in calcified structures to determine age. It has been applied successfully to several fish species, but certain... more
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      FisheriesOtolithsLongevityAge and growth
The relationship between the otolith and body growth of the European perch ranging in total length from 8.7 to 25.9 cm was examined. Otolith length, height and weight were recorded for each pair of sagittae. The relationships between... more
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      ZoologyFisheriesFish BiologyFisheries Biology
Characterizing biological factors associated with species-specific accumulation of contaminants is one of the major focuses in ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry studies. In this study, polychlorinated dibenzop- dioxins (PCDDs),... more
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      Environmental ScienceRiver EcologyFish EcologyOtoliths
Background Early life history traits of the temperate eel Anguilla japonica and tropical eel Anguilla marmorata were examined to determine the possible reason why these two species have similar spawning areas and oceanic larval transport... more
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      ZoologyOtolithsOtolith microchemistry in marine fishOtolith Analysis
Determining the life-history consequences for fishes living in extreme and variable environments will be vital in predicting the likely impacts of ongoing climate change on reef fish demography. Here, we compare size-at-age and maximum... more
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      Coral ReefsFish BiologyReef Fish BiologyArabian Gulf
Growth rates and longevities were estimated for five major fishery species of parrotfishes (" uhu ") at Oahu, Hawai'i. All species grew rapidly with von Bertalanffy growth formula k values ≥0.4·year −1. Longevities were found to range... more
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      HermaphroditismLife historyCoral ReefsFish Reproduction
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      Environmental SciencePopulation ecologyFish EcologyEnvironmental Pollution