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      ReligionJewish StudiesFaithJewish Thought
'אהבה, שמחה תמימות ומסורתנות: קווים לשיטת המוסר של ר' משה רוזנשטיין מלומז'ה', דוד אסף ועדה רפופורט אלברט (עורכים), ישן מפני חדש, הוצאת מרכז זלמן שזר, ירושלים תשס"ט, כרך א, עמ' 279-251.
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      ReligionJewish StudiesConservatismEastern European and Russian Jewish History
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      ReligionJewish LawJewish StudiesJewish History
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      DialogueOrthodox TheologyPolitical TheologyMission
Analyse the establishment of Naqshbandi Silsilah in Mughal India. Explain the role of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi under the Naqshbandi Order in India. Examine the conflicting trends of ‘orthodoxy’ and ‘syncretism’ in the 17th century.
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      HistorySyncretismIndian HistoryMughal India
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In July 2009 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and all Rus' paid a visit to Ukraine with ostensibly spiritual concerns to celebrate the anniversary of the baptism of St Vladimir and Rus' and the 450th anniversary of the gift of the Pochaiv icon... more
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      Sociology of ReligionPostsocialismChristian Orthodoxy and NationalismReligious Pluralism
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      OrthodoxyChurch TeachingsDoctors of the Church
Ensayo. Publicado como prólogo a la nueva edición de "Ortodoxia" de Gilbert Keith Chesterton, para la Biblioteca de Clásicos Cristianos. Editada por ABBA, Barcelona, 2020, pp. 11-25. "La obra de Chesterton en general y 'Ortodoxia' en... more
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      G.K. ChestertonGK ChestertonOrthodoxyOrtodoxia
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      PostsocialismChristian Orthodoxy and NationalismReligious PluralismRussian Orthodox Church
This is an English version of the article “L’avenir de la « diaspora » orthodoxe”, Contacts 65:243 (Julliet-Septembre 2013), 477-497. The study examines the grounds and the challenges for the future of Orthodoxy in the West after the... more
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      ChristianityTheologyModern European Christian HistoryOrthodox Theology
Lo studio propone un’analisi storico-contenutistica dell’evoluzione etimologica e semantica che subì la nozione di “missione” all’interno dell’ambito teologico ortodosso contemporaneo, in particolare in quello ellenofono. L’esame degli... more
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      DialogueMissionOrthodox Theology of MissionOrthodoxy
The ideas that are commonly associated with Esther Bick, such as primal skin function, defensive second skin phenomena and adhesive identity, are traditionally seen as affiliated to the larger body of work that constitutes the Kleinian... more
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A perception of “Christian bioethics” developed by the American philosopher Hugo Tristram Engelhardt in Russia requires a systematic interdisciplinary analysis. This is due to the realities of medical practice, as well as cultural and... more
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      BioethicsHistory of MedicineCulture WarsScientific Biography
Orthodox theology in Western Europe in the 20th century is a fascinating phenomenon. Owing to the revolution in Russia and the economic and political migrations of Orthodox believers from many other European and Middle Eastern countries,... more
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      ReligionChristianityModern HistoryEuropean Studies
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionChristianityHistory
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      PostsocialismReligious PluralismUkraineOrthodoxy
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      HeresyChristian TheologyHeresy and OrthodoxyOrthodoxy
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      PhilosophyIslamOrthodoxyUniversity of Exeter
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      ChristologyOrthodoxyArmenian ChristianitySt. Gregory the Illuminator
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      RitualAnthropology of ChristianityOrthodoxyAnthropology of Religion
A long established tradition found in sources as early as the writings of St Cyprian and St Augustine and drawing on biblical precedent, allows occasions when lower ranking members of the church may speak out to advise or correct... more
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      Augustine of HippoRomePapacyOrthodoxy
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryPhilosophy Of Religion
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      Russian OrthodoxyEcumenismEcumenical PatriarchateOrthodoxy
Ces pages n'ont pas été écrites pour justifier la conversion de l'auteur à l'Orthodoxie; elles constituent plutôt le débordement spontané de la gratitude et de l'appréciation sincères d'un homme et son souhait d'offrir un témoignage... more
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      ReligionEarly ChristianityHistory of Roman CatholicismTranslation
The account of Ireland in the Life of St Gall found in Ermenrich of Ellwangen's lengthy letter to Grimald draws substantially on Bede's Ecclesiastical History. The account in Ermenrich allegorises Bede's story, in the process associating... more
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      BarbariansOrthodoxyColumbanusSt. Gallen
U članku se obrađuje teološki doprinos i zalaganje Josepha Ratzingera/Benedikta XVI. u ekumenskome dijalogu, posebice u odnosima s pravoslavljem, te ruskopravoslavna perspektiva eku-menizma s katolicima. U prvome se dijelu predstavlja... more
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      Vladimir SolovievPapal PrimacyEcumenismOrthodoxy
This article analyzes selected issues related to the phenomenon of the so-called weeping icons in Orthodoxy from the perspective of cultural anthropology. In this part it portrays the regions of the Orthodox world that host the weeping... more
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      History and MemoryAnthropology of spaceCultural MemoryCollective Memory
Hungarian translation of "Emergence of Ultra-Orthodoxy; Invention of a Tradition" (1992)
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      JudaismModern Jewish HistoryOrthodoxyHungarian Jewry
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      HeresyEcclesiastical HistoryEarly Christian LiteratureOrthodoxy
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsCensorship (History)Medieval Jewish PhilosophyMedieval Jewish History
The article’s main focus is the relationship between the re-established Bessarabian Orthodox Metropolitanate and the government of the post-Soviet Republic of Moldova. The article demonstrates that the Moldovan government refused... more
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      Soviet HistoryRussian Orthodox ChurchRomanian StudiesPost-Soviet Studies
Свети Јустин је веома поштован светитељ, како у својој родној Србији, тако и код других православних људи који су његове идеје и учења примили к срцу. Један аспект који се ретко разматра и о коме се ретко говори јесте утицај и значај... more
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      Orthodox TheologyRussian Orthodox ChurchByzantine StudiesHistory of Church Councils
Contents: - Einige Grundlagen der (Historischen) Sozialen Netzwerkanalyse - Vom historischen Dokument zum Netzwerk - Das Individuum im Zentrum – Ego-Netzwerke in Byzanz - Die Verflechtungen innerhalb einer Institution – Netzwerke der... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryDigital HumanitiesLate Middle AgesMedieval History
This article proposes a reassessment of the development of Ḥaredism, that is, the application of strict, maximalist, commandment-oriented Judaism to increasingly large lay publics, in light of confessionalization processes in Europe.... more
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      Sociology of ReligionSecularizationConfessionalizationNorbert Elias
This article proposes a reassessment of the development of Ḥaredism, that is, the application of strict, maximalist, commandment-oriented Judaism to increasingly large lay publics, in light of confessionalization processes in Europe.... more
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      Sociology of ReligionSecularizationConfessionalizationNorbert Elias
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Table of Contents of my doctoral dissertation on the history of the Bulgarian Orthodox in the USA, Canada and Australia that includes: 1. The main history of the Bulgarian Diocese in North America and Australia from its foundation in... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryBalkan StudiesBalkan History
The Orthodox Church in America is one of many Orthodox jurisdictions that currently exists among the Orthodox faithful in the American diaspora. The fact that there are currently multiple “ethnic” Orthodox jurisdictions within the same... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryOrthodox TheologyDiaspora
Anglicans, Old Catholics, and Orthodox have been engaged in dialogue with each other practically since the beginnings of the ecumenical movement. This paper survey the findings of these three dialogues on the subject of Tradition and... more
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      Anglicanism (Anglicanism)Ecumenical TheologyTraditionOrthodoxy
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      ChristianityTheologyEarly Modern HistoryHistorical Theology
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ENGLISH ABSTRACT This brief contribution aims at exposing in a succint way the procedures used by scribes from Southern Italy to distinguish the different constituent parts of the Byzantine euchologion: prayers, rubrics, diaconal... more
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      CodicologyByzantine LiturgyMonasticismGreek manuscripts
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine TheologyAsia MinorOrthodoxy
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyEvangelicalismEvangelismOrthodoxy