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Simon Springer (Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Canada) contributes this short essay about his visit to Moscow and Domitrov. He organized a session titled “For Kropotkin” with Anthony Ince for the IGU Moscow Regional... more
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      HistoryGeographyHuman GeographyCultural Geography
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      Material Culture StudiesCountercultureAutomobilesLowriders
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      Mutual aid societiesTampa historySpanish immigrants in the United States
Gontier, N. (2016) Symbiosis, History of. In: Kliman, R.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 4, pp.
272–281. Oxford: Academic Press.
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      Evolutionary BiologyParasitologyHistory of ScienceHistory and Philosophy of Biology
De communautaire spanningen binnen de Belgische Werkliedenpartij liepen voor de Eerste Wereldoorlog hoger op dan tot nu toe aangenomen werd. Niet alleen zorgde de taalkwestie voor onenigheid, maar Vlamingen en Franstaligen bleken zich te... more
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      Political PartiesNationalismNational IdentityCooperatives
ENGLISH History of mutual aid societies and working class in the province of Avellino. The origin of the social security system; the links between social associations and politics. ITALIAN Storia delle società di mutuo soccorso e... more
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      Working ClassesSocial HistoryOperaismoWorking-Class History
In a recent interview with the Chicago Tribune (Trice 2014), while discussing how modern Native Americans have become culturally invisible in the United States, indigenous rapper Frank Waln stated “we’re a people with a past, not of the... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsGeographyNative American Studies
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      EthicsAnarchismMoral PhilosophyPeter Kropotkin
Radical geographers have been preoccupied with Marxism for four decades, largely ignoring an earlier anarchist tradition that thrived a century before radical geography was claimed as Marxist in the 1970s. When anarchism is considered, it... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic History
ENGLISH The book analyzes the birth of the workers’ associations in the province of Naples and follows their development until the crisis of the end of the XIX century. Mainly based on sources of the State Archive of Naples and on daily... more
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      Social MovementsWork and LabourSocial HistoryOperaismo
Responding to David Harvey’s critique of my paper ‘Why a radical geography must be anarchist’, I once again reiterate the importance of anarchist perspectives in contemporary politics and geographical praxis. In challenging Harvey on the... more
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      Critical TheoryManagementHistoryEconomic History
Anarchism and geography have a long and disjointed history, characterized by towering peaks of intensive intellectual engagement and low troughs of ambivalence and disregard. This paper traces a genealogy of anarchist geographies back to... more
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      Critical TheoryIndustrial And Labor RelationsHistoryEuropean History
What are the possibilities for well-being in exile? If one is displaced, and in a constant struggle for what has been lost, can you be “well”? An individual’s answer to these questions might change on a day-to-day basis, or over the... more
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      EthnographyTibetan StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyAnthropology of Tibet and the Himalayas
When Johan Maurits of Nassau, Governor-General of Dutch Brazil (1630-54), sent out expeditions against the maroons of Palmares, he was informed by his intelligence officers that the inhabitants followed the “Portuguese religion,” that... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural History
Instead of waiting for revolution this paper argues for the power of the everyday, where our collective undoing of capitalism is an ongoing process of subversion. Such an evolutionary politics of insurrection, a protean “spirit of... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistorySociology
ENGLISH Sociability has been an important topic of historical research since some decades. It is, indeed, an essential element for political participation, of both upper class and workers. Through sociability, either formalized in... more
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      HistoriographyHistory of SociabilitySocial HistoryHistory of Historiography
Drawing on the international literature on migration and immigrant associations, this essay highlights several main questions and issues. It discusses the definition of voluntary associations and the principal impetus for associational... more
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      Race and EthnicityVoluntary AssociationsMigration StudiesEthnicity
"The Anarchist Roots of Geography: Towards Spatial Emancipation" sets the stage for a radical politics of possibility and freedom through a discussion of the insurrectionary geographies that suffuse our daily experiences. By embracing... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Anarchism is a perennially misunderstood idea. Far from representing violence and chaos, anarchism is instead a form of praxis that centers on non-hierarchical organization and the practice of mutual aid, implemented through the everyday... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyRadical GeographyAnarchism
Presentazione del libro “La Società Operaia Industriale di Mutuo Soccorso di Iglesias: 125 anni di storia (1884 – 2009)”.
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      Mutual aid societiesMines in SardiniaIglesias
In times of crisis, when institutions of power are laid bare, people turn to one another. Pandemic Solidarity collects firsthand experiences from around the world of people creating their own narratives of solidarity and mutual aid in the... more
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      Social MovementsCommunity OrganizingHorizontal PoliticsAutonomy
Recent efforts among anarchist geographers to re-investigate foundational concepts like ‘space’ and ‘territory’ have helped to cast a new light on the flows and regulations that shape contemporary life and spatial organization, both in... more
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologySociologySocial Movements
Dopo quella di Pinerolo (sorta nel 1848), la Società di Mutuo Soccorso ed Istruzione degli Operai in Savigliano è la seconda sorta in Piemonte. Nasce il 21 luglio 1850 su iniziativa del setaiolo Biaggio Pejretti e del tintore Giuseppe... more
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      PiemonteMutual aid societiesMutual AidIstruzione
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      Chicano StudiesMexican StudiesLatino StudiesMexico
In recent decades, the considerable proliferation of the self-help groups (especially those of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA)) has attracted the interest of those engaged in the social sciences as well as of... more
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      AddictionDrugs And AddictionSelf Help GroupAddiction and Recovery
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
La pandemia global del Covid-19 generó la suspensión de conciertos y otras actividades musicales presenciales, agudizando la precariedad e inestabilidad de las y los trabajadores de la música, quienes laboran en la llamada gig economy. En... more
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      Cultural PolicySocial organizationMúsicaPrecariedad Laboral
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      Caribbean StudiesJamaicaCommon GoodMarcus Garvey
A Sociedade Protetora dos Desvalidos foi a primeira associação civil negra do Brasil, instalada em 1851 e regulamentada pelo governo em 1861. De acordo com seu estatuto de 1874 e reiterado em 1894, a associação admitia como sócios... more
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      Mutual aid societiesAssociações E MutualismoHistória Da BahiaMutualismo
Scholars are increasingly declining to offer their services in the peer review process. There are myriad reasons for this refusal, most notably the ever- increasing pressure placed on academics to publish within the neoliberal university.... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologySocial Theory
Carnivalesque protest practices meet resistant carnival traditions in a sweeping historical overview of the relationship between carnival and capital as the opposite sides of the same coin.
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      Social MovementsSocial AnthropologySociology of WorkHuman Rights
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      Working ClassesRepublicanismHistory of DemocracySpanish History
Understanding the Social Economy of the United States is a comprehensive introduction to the operation and study of organizations with social goals – public sector nonprofits, civil society organizations, social enterprises, cooperatives... more
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      Public AdministrationNonprofit StudiesThird SectorCommunity Development
Purpose–Much of the contemporary literature surrounding the barriers to community self-help in the advanced economies has placed great emphasis on capital-orientated barriers, such as a household's access to financial capital, time... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyHuman GeographyEconomics
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) has long been described in the scientific literature as more secular in orientation than similar 12-step fellowships such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Through interviews and meeting observations during the course of... more
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      Mutual aid societiesProblem Gambling, Pathological Gambling or Addictive BehaviorGamblers Anonymous
My final paper for my undergraduate career, this paper was presented for the Economic Rhetoric class taught by Dr. Julie Gonzalez in July 2017. This paper looks at the history of social welfare provision from the early American colonies... more
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      Economic HistoryPublic EconomicsWelfare StateHistory of Social Policy and the Welfare State
Mining activities started in the south-west Sardinia in the second half of the nineteenth century and profoundly affected the social and economic characteristics of the Iglesiente. In its early stages it was a real “gold rush” that... more
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      FreemasonryElitesMutual aid societiesAssociations
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      Mutual aid societiesMad Studies, Disability Studies, User/Survivor Movement
In this paper we take up Scoones et al.’s (2018) challenge to analyse the new political momentum underway characterized by the emergence of various forms of authoritarian populism .We explore what features it assumes in Italy, analysing... more
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      Rural SociologyAgrarian StudiesSocial JusticeAgrarian Change
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      Social MovementsSociology of WorkWorking ClassesRepublicanism
In un sistema sanitario caratterizzato da elementi di eccellenza, ma anche dal tendenziale sottofi nanziamento dell’intervento pubblico e dalla scarsa diffusione di forme di intermediazione della spesa privata come quello italiano... more
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      Health Care PolicyHealth PolicyItalySocial Innovation
Self-help and mutual aid have been at the heart of the consumer cooperative movement and its response to food insecurity since its inception. Yet how these terms are conceptualized and practiced in contemporary food coops often has more... more
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      Food and NutritionCooperativesAnthropology of HumanitarianismMutual aid societies
Mining work has been characterized by its physical violence, the risks of accidents involved, the injuries and the permanent invalidity due to the diseases acquired over the years under to the conditions of the different mining... more
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      Welfare StateMining HistoryHistory of Social Policy and the Welfare StateMutual aid societies
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) has long been described in the scientific literature as more secular in orientation than similar 12-step fellowships such as Alcoholics Anonymous. Through interviews and meeting observations during the course of... more
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      PsychologyProblem gamblingProcess DesignMutual aid societies
A brief response to the request by the editors of Transformation Journal to consider "some radical, imaginative and challenging ways" to address the challenges becoming increasingly visible in 2020 and in response to the pandemic... more
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      Mutual aid societiesLocal Self GovernanceCOVID-19 PANDEMICungovernable
English This article argues that New Labour's reliance on a 'social inclusion through employment' approach is problematic – especially when applied in lower income areas. This is due to the significant gap between actual employment rates... more
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      SociologyEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsLabor Economics
The article deals with the historical foundation of the Italian Workers' Mutual Aid Society in Constantinople (Società Operaia Italiana di Mutuo Soccorso in Costantinopoli) pointing out its peculiarity for any researches on the historical... more
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      TurkeyItalian RisorgimentoMutual aid societies
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      Addiction MedicineParticipatory Action ResearchAddictionDrugs And Addiction
The re-emergence of anarchist perspectives has been one of the most significant new developments in critical geography over the last few years. Two journal special issues in 2012 (Clough and Blumberg 2012; Springer et al. 2012) galvanised... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
Au milieu du XIXe siècle, la mutualité, en tant que forme moderne de protection sociale, représente pour un grand nombre de familles ouvrières un affranchissement à l’égard d’une assistance charitable humiliante. Mais la mutualité... more
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      Canadian HistoryQuébec HistoryHistory of CanadaQuébec Studies