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One of the arguments used by Orientalist and Missionary critics of Islam to cast aspersions on Qur’anic preservation is related to the fact that the beloved companion of the Prophet Ibn Mas‘ood chose not to write three of the 114 surahs... more
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      IslamQuranSurahsIbn Masood
Al-Quran is the great revelation promised by Allah SWT of its protection encompassing the aspect of recitation and writing. The revolving time has witnessed various innovations featured by Islamic scholars to ensure that Al-Quran is... more
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      Islamic StudiesIslamDigitalApplication
This article outlines the development of the printing of the Qur’an in Indonesia from its advent in the middle of 19th century to the present.  It also traces the influence of printed Qur’ans from India and Turkey on the early period of... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesIslam in IndonesiaQur'anMushaf
The article focuses on four qur'anic manuscripts in Subang, West Java. I will analize the material aspect of the manuscripts and its writing styles, using codicological approach. This study shows that three manuscripts used European paper... more
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      Manuscript StudiesQur'anic StudiesCodicologyMushaf
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Penyebaran mushaf ke beberapa wilayah Islam sudah dimulai sejak pertama kalinya al-Quran dikodifikasikan, yakni pada masa kekhalifaan Usman bin Affan yang biasa disebut sebagai mushaf Imam. Penulisannya yang belum menggunakan medium... more
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    • Mushaf
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    • Mushaf
"The study of early Qur’ānic manuscripts emerged in academia as early as the late 18th century. François Déroche identifies the origins of this quest with the Danish theologian and orientalist Jacob Georg Christian Adler (1756-1834).... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesArabic PalaeographyQur'an manuscriptsMushaf
ABSTRAK Fokus penelitian ini adalah aspek rasm manuskrip mushaf Al-Qur’an Mbah Harjo Utomo. Selain untuk mempertegas hasil penelitian-penelitian manuskrip mushaf Al-Qur’an terdahulu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali, menganalisis... more
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      Arabic ManuscriptsMushafMagelangQuran Manuscripts
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      Islamic CalligraphyMushafHat SanatıHattat
The history behind ʿUthmān's compilation of the Qurʾān can lead to confusion due to the survival of variants. As a result of their unfamiliarity with the fields of qirāʾāt and rasm almuṣḥaf, some even assume that ʿUthmān intended to... more
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      MushafQiraat Al-Quran
Hat sanatı bakımından Mushaf-ı şeriflerin kısa ve yetersiz bir araştırması..
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      MushafHat Sanatı
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      Languages and LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicManuscript Studies
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      AestheticsArt HistoryQuranic StudiesOttoman Studies
Kajian ini adalah untuk membandingkan bidang tugas dan metode yang digunakan oleh Unit Kawalan Teks Al-Quran (UKTQ) di bawah Kementerian Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (KKDN) dan Lajnah Pentashih Mashaf Al-Quran di Indonesia. Kajian ini juga... more
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      PerbandinganMushaflajnah pentashih al-quran
Al-Qur’an Mushaf Al-Bantani disingkat (QMB) merupakan Al-Qur’an model kontemporer dengan banyaknya ragam iluminasi didalamnya, telah diterbitkan pada tahun 2010 dan dijadikan cagar budaya di wilayah Banten. Penulis telah mengidentifikasi... more
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      PolitikSkripsiAgamaSosial Budaya
An interview with Dr. Alba Fedeli, Research Fellow at CEU, on early Qur'an manuscripts and digital philology (and other technical issues).

The interview is available online:
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      Early IslamQur'an manuscriptsDigital philologyMushaf
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      AestheticsQuranic StudiesOttoman StudiesEstetik
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      AestheticsArt HistoryQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies
Öz: İlk mushaflar harfleri ayıran nokta ve sesli harf yerine geçen harekeleri içermiyordu. Bu durumun okumada sorun çıkarması üzerine önce hareke çözümleri, sonraları da benzer harfleri ayıran noktalama çözümleri geliştirildi.... more
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    • Mushaf
This article contains a study about the term of “Imam Mushaf” and what is meant by the “Imam Mushaf”. As far as we understand in the first period this term was clearer but then used by different authors to different meanings. Especially,... more
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      TheologyQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesTafsir
Zerkeşî’nin el-Burhân adlı eseri Ulûmül-Kur’an tarzı eserler içinde en önemlilerinden biridir. Bunun delili olarak Suyûtî başta olmak üzere birçok âlimin kaynak olarak almalarını ve günümüzde de bu alanda yapılan çalışmalarda temel... more
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      TafsirWakfUlumul QuranMushaf
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      Manuscript StudiesAdoptionQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies
Abstract: The history of the Qurʾānic text begins with the time of its revelation. The research on the Qurʾānic manuscripts is one of the main fields of textual studies of the Qurʾān. There have been many works done by both Muslim and... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesTefsirMushaf
Kur’an tarihiyle ilgili birçok klasik kaynakta Hz. Ali’nin şahsi bir mushafından söz edilmektedir. Bir dizi rivayete göre Hz. Ali bu mushafı oluşturmaya Hz. Peygamber’in vefatının hemen ardından başlamış ve çok kısa bir sürede... more
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      KıraatMushafSünnilikKur'an'ın Cem'i
Çevirisini yaptığımız bu makale, Angelika Neuwrith tarafından hazırlanılmış olup “Qur’an and History – a Disputed Relationship. Some Reflections on Qur'anic History and History in the Qur'an” (Journal of Qur'anic Studies, Edinburgh... more
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesTafsirIslamic History and Muslim Civilization
The study is mainly about the partitions of the two widespread copies of the Qur’ān known as muṣḥafs. One of these partitions is published in Turkey under the supervision of the Presidency of Religious Affairs, and the Board of Inspection... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesMushaf
Throughout much of the Emirate and during the whole Caliphate was preserved in Córdoba among its most precious treasures a copy of the Qur'ān attributed to third Orthodox caliph, ‘Uṯmān b. 'Affān. The book went to Africa in times of the... more
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      Al-AndalusUmayyads (Islamic History)Al Andalus (Islamic History)Quran
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      MushafHz. Osman
" عن أحد مؤسسي حزب العدالة والتنمية التركي، المحقق والباحث في الدراسات القرآنية، ودوره في تتبع ما يُنشر من أخبار عن المصاحف المخطوطة القديمة في العالمين العربي والإسلامي." - اضاءات
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      Qur'an manuscriptsManuscript FacsimilesArabic PaleographyMushaf
Translation of the Meanings of THE NOBLE QURAN in the Farsi Language
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      Persian LanguageIslamic EducationQuranic StudiesFarsi
Dört büyük mezhep mensuplarınca Vakıa Suresi 79. Ayet, Mushaf’a abdestsiz olarak el sürmenin haram olması hükmünün bir delili olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bu-na göre ayette, Mushaf’a abdestli olanlardan başkası el süremez, buyrulur.... more
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      Victorian StudiesManuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of SlaveryManuscript Studies
A brief note on my visit to Research Center For Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) in March 2016.
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      Qur'an manuscriptsMushafQur'anic Manuscripts
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicQur'anic StudiesQuranic Studies
Medeniyetimizin entelektüel müktesebatının günümüze ulaşan önemli miraslarından olan yazma eserler büyük ehemmiyeti haizdir. Bu ehemmiyet öncelikle eserin muhtevası ardından tarihî eser niteliği taşıması noktasında tezahür etmektedir. Hem... more
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      Yazma EserlerMushaf
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      MushafQur'anic ManuscriptsQuran Manuscripts
Bu çalışmada klasik dönem İmâmiyye Şîası’nın özellikle tefsir sahasında iki otoritesi kabul edilen Tûsi ve Tabersî üzerinden “İmâmiyye Şîası’nın kıraatlere yaklaşımı nasıldır?” sorusuna cevap aranmıştır. Bu bağlamda müelliflerin mushafta... more
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İslam tarihi boyunca Hz. Peygamber’den günümüze değin birçok farklı fırka/mezhep temel düşüncelerini meşrulaştırmak için Kur’ânî nassları yorumlama faaliyetleri içine girmiştir. Bu yorumlama faaliyetlerine başvuran fırkalardan biri de... more
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      Damascus DocumentMushafQuranic manuscript History of Mushaf
هناك العديد من التساؤلات التي أُثيرت حول عناوين سُور القُرآن الكريم وأنماط كتابتها في المصاحف المخطوطة؛ أبرزها: أولًا: هل كانت هُناك أُسُس تحكُم آلية تنفيذ وكتابة عناوين سور المُصحف الشريف؟ وثانيًا: هل ارتبط ظهور تلك الأُسس بوجود هيئة... more
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      Mamluk StudiesQuranic and Islamic StudiesArabic CalligraphyMushaf
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and blessings upon the faithful Messenger of God, and I testify that there is no god but God, alone, without a partner, and I testify that Muhammad is his servant and his messenger. One of the most... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesHistory of IslamQuran
Through this study, the researcher attempts to count the Algerian readers who have left their homes, emigrated and settled outside their country, then research their scientific contributions, the manifestations of their superiority, their... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranتاريخ الجزائرMushaf
Claude Gilliot, özellikle tefsir ve Kur’ân’ın metinleşme tarihi başta olmak üzere İslami ilimler alanında birçok çalışması olan ünlü bir oryantalisttir. İki doktora tezini de Taberî’nin Cāmi‘u’l-Beyān adlı tefsiri üzerine yapan Gilliot,... more
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Kur’an’ın tahrif edildiğine yönelik söylemler, özellikle bazı müsteşrikler tarafından öteden beri dile getirilen bir husus olmuştur. Meselenin özü, Allah tarafından Hz. Peygamber’e inzâl olunan Kur’an’ın, bugün elimizde bulunan Kur’an’dan... more
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      MushafTahrifİmâmiyye ŞîasıAnahtar Kelimeler: Kıraat
Tarih boyunca hattatlar, Kur’an-ı Kerim hattını en güzel şekilde yazmak için çaba sarf etmişler ve hayatlarında bir kere de olsa Mushaf-ı Şerif yazabilmeyi en önemli sanat faaliyeti saymışlardır. Ancak bu yüce ideali gerçekleştirmek her... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryQur'anic StudiesOttoman Studies