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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Binary mixturesEvaluation of water and soils contaminated with chemical mixtures in water and soilsToxicity of Mixtures
The objective of this work is to automatically recognize faces from video sequences in a realistic, unconstrained setup in which illumination conditions are extreme and greatly changing, viewpoint and user motion pattern have a wide... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer Science
Crowding refers to the inability to recognize objects in clutter, setting a fundamental limit on various perceptual tasks such as reading and facial recognition. While prevailing models suggest that crowding is a unitary phenomenon... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Visual Crowding
"Ceramic Artifacts" presents an analysis of 15 incipient plain ware sherds recovered from late Cienega phase (ca. 400 B.C. - A.D. 50) deposits at the Santa Cruz Bend and Coffee Camp sites and 1,306 sherds (83 rim sherds and... more
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      ArchaeologySouthwestern United States (Archaeology in North America)Mixture Models (Mathematics)Ancient economies (Archaeology)
"A Petrographic Approach to Sand-Tempered Pottery Provenance Studies: Examples from Two Hohokam Local Systems" summarizes methods developed by the authors to model sand temper resource compositions in Arizona's Tucson and Tonto basins and... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)PetrologySouthwestern United States (Archaeology in North America)
We expand the literature of volatility and Value-at-Risk forecasting of oil price returns by comparing the recently proposed Mixture Memory GARCH (MMGARCH) model to other discrete volatility models (GARCH, RiskMetrics, EGARCH, APARCH,... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Long MemoryVolatility ForecastingGARCH
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Turbulent FlowsComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulationLaminar Flow
In this thesis, we address several problems related to modelling complex systems. The difficulty of modelling complex systems lies partly in their topology and how they form rather complex networks. From this perspective, our interest in... more
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      StatisticsBayesianApplied StatisticsMCMC
In many automatic face recognition applications, a set of a person's face images is available rather than a single image. In this paper, we describe a novel method for face recognition using image sets. We propose a flexible,... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingFace Recognition
In recent years, Next-generation sequencing (NGS) experiments have become the most established method to measure gene expression. The resulting read count data matrix can be modelled using the Poisson or the negative binomial... more
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      StatisticsInnovation statisticsGenomicsMixture Models (Mathematics)
Background: The gamma-Gompertz multiplicative frailty model is the most common parametric model applied to human mortality data at adult and old ages. The resulting life expectancy has been calculated so far only numerically. Objective:... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Mathematical DemographyLife ExpectancyFrailty models
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Factor analysisVariational BayesStudent's-t distribution
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Lattice Boltzmann method for fluid dynamicsKinetic Theory of Non equiibrium Systems
Being part of a delinquent group has been shown to facilitate the expression of an individual's own delinquent propensities. However, this facilitation effect has not been investigated from a developmental perspective within a population... more
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      SociologyCriminologySocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
ABSTRACT Laminar and turbulent mixed convection heat transfer of water-Cu nanofluids in a rectangular shallow cavity was studied utilizing a two-phase mixture model. The upper movable lid of the cavity was at a lower temperature compared... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsMixture Models (Mathematics)Turbulent Flows
Expectation maximization (EM) algorithm is a popular and powerful mathematical method for statistical parameter estimation in case that there exist both observed data and hidden data. This book focuses on applications of EM in which the... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Regression ModelsExpectation Maximization (EM) Algorithm
An experimentation of production of maggots starting from agro-alimentary waste was led to the research station on the diversification of the pisciculture of the University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin). Seven substrates were used for the... more
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      Animal ScienceAgronomyHorticultureResearch Methodology
Word segmentation refers to the process of defining the word regions of a text line. It is a critical stage towards word and character recognition as well as word spotting and mainly concerns three basic stages, namely preprocessing,... more
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      Pattern RecognitionMixture Models (Mathematics)Image segmentationDocument Image Processing
Geographic profiling (GP) was originally developed as an analytical tool in criminology, where it uses the spatial locations of linked crimes (for example murder, rape or arson) to identify areas that are most likely to include the... more
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      CriminologyEpidemiologyMixture Models (Mathematics)Malaria
Calls to list polar bears as a threatened species under the United States Endangered Species Act are based on forecasts of substantial long-term declines in their population. Nine government reports were written to help US Fish and... more
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      Climate ChangeDecision MakingEvaluation ResearchMixture Models (Mathematics)
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      SociologyEducationSociology of EducationSocial Sciences
In formal, logico-semantic terms, the concept of an object, individual or thing is widely thought to be exhaustive. Whatever we may say or think – it is supposed – our thought or talk is always thought or talk of objects. Here, I briefly... more
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This paper is about studying the mixture of the Weibull−log−logistic distributions under Bayesian perspective. This model can be considered as new class of flexible models for heterogeneous lifetime data. Parameters of the model are... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Software ReliabilityReliability EngineeringSafety and reliability and risk management
New insights into phase separation in colloidal suspensions are provided via a new dynamical theory based on the Polydisperse Lattice-Gas model. The model gives a simplified description of polydisperse colloids, incorporating a hard-core... more
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      Phase TransformationsMixture Models (Mathematics)Non-equilibrium thermodynamicsBinary mixtures
In small area estimation, generalized linear mixed models represent a useful tool for deriving best prediction of counts or proportions. For non-Gaussian responses, computing the Empirical Best Prediction and the corresponding analytic... more
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      StatisticsNonparametric StatisticsMixture Models (Mathematics)Prediction
THERE ARE TWO GOALS IN THIS PROJECT. First, I looked at books of glazes with pictures of a series of test tiles showing a gradual change in colour as the quantity of iron or other metal oxide increases or decreases. I thought that it... more
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      Applied StatisticsMixture Models (Mathematics)Ceramic Glaze TechnologyCeramics
A longitudinal study with a nested preventive intervention was used to test five hypotheses generated from developmental theories of antisocial behavior. The longitudinal study followed 909 boys from their kindergarten year up to 17 years... more
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      CriminologyDevelopmental PsychologyViolenceJuvenile Delinquency
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      Developmental PsychologyMonte Carlo SimulationMixture Models (Mathematics)Applied Research
Lumbar intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is the leading cause of lower back pain. While lumbar IVDs have low cellularity and limited capacity of regeneration, they bear high mechanical loads. Accelerated disc degeneration may happen... more
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      Finite Element MethodsSpineComputational ModellingMixture Models (Mathematics)
Le but de ce projet est de proposer, à partir de différents critères, des estimations non paramétriques d’une densité de probabilité ou d’une fonction de régression par la méthode du noyau de convolution. La première partie du projet est... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Non-parametric methodsKernel MethodsNon Parametric Estimation
TIP curves are cumulative poverty gap curves used for representing the three different aspects of poverty: incidence, intensity and inequality. The paper provides Bayesian inference for TIP curves, linking their expression to a parametric... more
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      PovertyMixture Models (Mathematics)Bayesian InferenceInequality
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      Labor EconomicsMixture Models (Mathematics)Inequality Economics
The article aims at describing in a unified framework all plateau-generating random effects models in terms of i) plausible distributions for the hazard (baseline mortality) and the random effect (unobserved heterogeneity, frailty), as... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Probability and statisticsMathematical DemographyFrailty models
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      PersonalityItem Response TheoryMixture Models (Mathematics)Latent Class Models
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      MCMCMixture Models (Mathematics)Queueing theoryBayesian Inference
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      Data AnalysisMixture Models (Mathematics)Cluster ComputingFuzzy Clustering
In this paper, we consider a class of models describing multiphase uids in the framework of mixture theory. The considered systems, in their more general form, contain both the gradient of a hydrostatic pressure, generated by an... more
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      Fluid MechanicsMixture Models (Mathematics)hyperbolic PDE system
Aims/Objectives: Effective and efficient heart disease prediction via nonparametric mixture regression models. Data Source: Data used in this paper is from the UCI database of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation for heart disease. The... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Coronary heart diseaseNon-Parametric Methods In Machine Learning
Self‐compacting concrete (SCC) was developed in 1988 and introduced by Professor H. Okamura to achieve durability of structures with low skilled laborers. The three properties of SCC that differentiates it from traditional concrete are... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)RheologyCompressive StrengthEvaluation and Durability of Self-Compacting Concrete in Saudi Arabia
Provides statistical tools for Bayesian estimation for the finite mixture of distributions, mainly for the mixture of Gamma, Normal and t-distributions.
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      BayesianMCMCMixture Models (Mathematics)Bayesian Analysis
Recently, observed departures from the classical Gaussian mixture model in real datasets motivated the introduction of mixtures of skew t, and remarkably widened the application of model based clustering and classification to great many... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Robust StatisticsSkewed and Heavy-Tailed Distributions
In this article, it is explored that the issue about applicability of the Mixture Model analyses technique which can be used in the searches of education sciences. Therefore in this search, for the semester of 2005-2006, the 643... more
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      Science EducationMixture Models (Mathematics)Parameter estimationMixture Model
. I sent my manuscript " Unitary symmetry of mixtures of hormones and the solution of the problem of terrorism" in ACS Central Science, (Manuscript ID oc-2018-00023c, Editor-in-Chief: Carolyn R. Bertozzi, E-mail:... more
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      Medical SciencesTerrorismInternational TerrorismMedical Education
Systematic approaches for the design of mixtures, based on a computer-aided mixture/blend design (CAMbD) framework, have the potential to deliver better products and processes. In most existing methodologies the number of mixture... more
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      Optimization (Mathematical Programming)Mixture Models (Mathematics)Product DesignMixed Integer Programming
We propose a M-quantile regression model for the analysis of multivariate, continuous , longitudinal data. M-quantile regression represents an appealing alternative to standard regression models, as it combines the robustness of quantile... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsMixture Models (Mathematics)Multivariate AnalysisQuantile Regression
A popular generative model to achieve unsupervised clustering is the so-called Gaussian Mixture Model. It assumes that each data point is generated via a particular parametric model. In order to fit the model parameters to a given data... more
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      Applied MathematicsProbability TheoryComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
Mixtures of factor analyzers are becoming more and more popular in the area of model based clustering of multivariate data. According to the likelihood approach in data modeling, it is well known that the unconstrained likelihood function... more
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      Clustering and Classification MethodsMixture Models (Mathematics)
While there have been studies on the trade and exchange between the Han Empire and Xiong-nu confederacy, the nature of the movement of goods within the Xiong-nu confederacy has yet to be addressed. The purpose of this study is to provide... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Applied StatisticsMixture Models (Mathematics)
Mixtures of factor analyzers are becoming more and more popular in the area of model based clustering of high-dimensional data. According to the likelihood approach in data modeling, it is well known that the unconstrained log-likelihood... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceStatisticsClustering and Classification Methods
A robust estimator for a wide family of mixtures of linear regression is presented. Robustness is based on the joint adoption of the Cluster Weighted Model and of an estimator based on trimming and restrictions. The selected model... more
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      Mixture Models (Mathematics)Robust StatisticsMultiple Linear RegressionMixtures of regression