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      LanguagesIndigenous StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsIndigenous Languages
The linguistic conjunction regime in the Catalan education system has been subject to several controversies over the years and we can see one position in favour and another against the model. In this article we identify the main arguments... more
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      Catalan LanguagePolitical TheoryLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityCatalonia
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      Kurdish Question in TurkeyLinguistic RightsKurdish LanguageLanguage rights
A transcript and video of a TV interview with Sir Eric Pickles MP on 20 March 2017, in which he agrees that the first large-scale central government funding for promoting the Cornish language, delivered from 2010 to 2016, was a political... more
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      Cornish LanguageSociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and Policy
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is the specialized agency of the UN system that carries the flag globally for the human and intangible aspects of society and development. Founded in London in... more
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      MultilingualismIndigenous LanguagesEndangered LanguagesLinguistic diversity
The paper argues that the human rights enshrined in international treaties are not generally absolute. They are often qualified and subject to reasonable restrictions justifiable 'in an open and democratic society based on human dignity,... more
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      International Human Rights LawMinority RightsLanguage rightsMinority language rights
La questione altoatesina alle Nazioni Unite, in Giovanni Bernardini e Günther Pallaver (a cura di), Dialogo vince violenza. La questione del Trentino-Südtirol nel contesto internazionale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015, pp. 181-204
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      United NationsMinority RightsAustrian HistorySouth Tyrolean question
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      Human RightsInternational Human Rights LawMinority LanguagesChildren's Rights
ENGLISH: Toponymy and signage in Friulian: an overview of the present situation. Friuli is a historical region of Northeast Italy comprising most of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia. It presents a special linguistic situation... more
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      Rhaeto-Romance languagesMultilingualismToponomasticsLanguage Planning and Policy
• The paper examines aspects of a key question in Bulgarian public education: rethinking and restructuring multicultural education through new experiments with bilingual education for ethnic minority pupils whose home language is not... more
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      MulticulturalismRomani StudiesLinguicismBulgarian language teaching
Citizenship in Turkey is one of the major instruments of nation-building. The legal framework that Turkish citizenship rests on is universal and equal. The non-Muslim minorities – the Armenians, the Greeks and the Jews – however are... more
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      ReligionHistoryEthnic StudiesInternational Relations
This paper surveys the issue of language in the context of human and minority rights. Research focus is on the language rights. The main objective of the paper is to examine the nature, substance and the function of the language rights.... more
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      Minority RightsHuman Rights and Minority RightsMinority language rightsLanguage rights and linguistic Justice
Despite India's status as the world's largest democracy and increasing turnouts in many of the countries of South Asia, recent elections raise concerns about the threat to democracy in the form of majoritarianism. Many of the countries of... more
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      NationalismPakistanSri LankaIndian Politics
Interview with the biweekly "Forsat", 23 Sept. 2017.
Interviewer: Fatemeh Ghafurzadeh
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      Language revitalizationMinority LanguagesLanguage EndangermentIranian Languages
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      Higher EducationMinority StudiesMinority and Language Rights
Guide prepared for UN Special Raporteur on Minorities Rita Izsák-Ndiaye, March 2017.
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
Minority empowerment is a relatively new approach on research and policy-making in the field of minority studies. At its core lies the ideal to remove the marginalisation of minorities by providing room for them to take agency on their... more
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      Basic IncomeEmpowermentMinority RightsNational minorities
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      Sino-Tibetan LinguisticsMinority and Language RightsCantonese Language
Multilingual education is an essential matter of public concern for modern societies shaped by migration and it remains an important research issue. This article sheds light onto the implementation of autochthonous and allochthonous... more
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      MultilingualismRomani StudiesMinority LanguagesRussian Language
Linguistic diversity is complicated. It involves two main elements: a headcount of "languages", plus variation and variability within and between them. In this article we show how language policy in Europe claims to protect diversity but... more
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      Language revitalizationCornish LanguageSociolinguisticsIndigenous Languages
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      Minority StudiesEthnic minoritiesMinority LanguagesMinority Rights
Guide prepared for UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues, Rita  Izsák
Ndiaye, on the language rights of linguistic minorities, March 2017, Geneva.
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
No credible claims can be made that the role of language – specifically Malay – has been entirely overlooked by those studying conflict dynamics in South Thailand. Nevertheless, those concerned with religious factors dwarf the number of... more
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      Sociology of ReligionEthnic StudiesAnthropological LinguisticsPeace and Conflict Studies
Contact between culturally distinct human groups in the contemporary ‘glocal’ -global and local- world is much greater than at any point in history. The challenge we face is the identification of the most convenient ways to organise the... more
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      AnthropologyCatalan StudiesLanguage revitalizationLanguages and Linguistics
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      Minority LanguagesMinority RightsMinority and Language Rights
Language rights of linguistic minorities: A practical guide for application. Prepared for the UN Special Rapporteur on Minorities Issues, Rita Izsák-Ndiaye, Geneva March 2017.
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      Human Rights LawInternational LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights Law
Il contributo presenta una panoramica delle elaborazioni teoriche e delle forme di organizzazione e mobilitazione riguardanti il riconoscimento e l'affermazione della specifica identità culturale del Friuli e le correlate istanze di... more
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      European HistorySocial MovementsEuropean StudiesEuropean integration
Case Study on Local Activists’ Struggle for Bilingual Place-name Signs in the Town of Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár is the second largest city of Romania and it is the cultural and economic centre of Transylvania. The city... more
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      MulticulturalismNationalismMinority RightsAdvocacy and Activism
International law does not define terms 'minority' and 'minority language.' Yet various treaties protect minorities and minority languages. The paper unpacks the concepts 'minority' and 'minority languages' in international law and... more
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      International Human Rights LawMinority RightsLanguage rightsMinority language rights
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ukrainian nation building was aided by the system of institutions inherited from the USSR (relatively clearly marked inner and outer borders, a parliament, ministries, representation in the UN... more
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      Ukrainian StudiesUkrainian PoliticsCentral and Eastern EuropeLanguage rights
Version française d'un guide préparé pour Rita Izsak, rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur les questions relatives aux minorités, et qui vient de paraître en mars 2017.
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsInternational Human Rights LawMinority Studies
lonia and the “dret de decider”, in Filippo Andreatta and Emanuele Castelli (eds), Solutions and Failures of Identity-based Conflicts. The Autonomy of Trentino-South Tyrol in Comparative Perspective, Trento, FBK Press, 2014, pp. 115-135,... more
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      Human RightsCatalan HistoryMinority RightsCatalonia
The article provides a historically-grounded analysis of Turkey’s domestic laws and policies in the area of minority rights. Based on an analysis of Turkey's historical policies and constitutional scheme, and the reforms adopted in the... more
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      The accession of Turkey in the EU and the Kurdish questionMinority and Language RightsHuman rights and minority issuesInternational Law on Minorities
Contrary to the widespread assumption that Belgium is a bilingual (French/Dutch) country, German is also an official language in Belgium. The German-speaking part of Belgium achieved its cultural autonomy in 1970, which made the... more
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      European HistoryGerman StudiesGerman HistoryBorder Studies
This article discusses the minority rights of Iran’s Azerbaijani Turks and human rights violations in its majority Azerbaijani-populated provinces of Iran by the Iranian central government. With the conclusion of the second Russo-Persian... more
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      Human RightsAssimilationMinority and Language RightsSouthern Azerbaijan
This paper contrasts the practices of interpreting and implementing official documents that regulate multilingual policies in Vojvodina (Autonomous Province of Serbia) to the experi-ence of multilingualism in everyday situations. The... more
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      MultilingualismMinority RightsLanguage rightsVojvodina
Cinnte go raibh na h–údair ag léiriú faoin saol fíor-dheachair ina ré féín, ach, níl mórán stair acu faoi na deacrachtaí nó an miotaseolaíocht sna gluain roimhe sin, i gcomparáíd leis an chuid is mó den tír. Is iad scéaltaí comhaimsirtha... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureIsland StudiesOld Irish Language and Literature
International human rights law does not currently define a minority. For instance, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights protects minority rights in article 27 without defining the term minority. The Human Rights... more
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      International Human Rights LawMinority RightsLanguage rightsMinority language rights
Is liberalism really compatible with nationalism? Are there limits to linguistic nation-building policies? What arguments justify the imposition of national languages? This book addresses these questions by examining the linguistic... more
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      NationalismNations and nationalismMinority RightsCatalonia
This article offers a study of narratives of ethnic identity among young Ruthenians in Serbia. The analysed data comes from in-depth interviews and questionnaires conducted in 2016 with nine informants studying at the University of... more
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      Ethnic IdentityLanguage and EthnicityEthnicityMinority Rights
In 2006, a Māori claim to the Waitangi Tribunal argued that the Crown was in breach of its constitutional obligations towards the Māori language in that it “has not adequately ensured the claimants can exercise tino rangatiratanga and... more
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      Constitutional LawLanguage revitalizationIndigenous LanguagesLanguage Planning and Policy
Questo contributo intende proporre alcune riflessioni teoriche e alcuni esempi pratici sul rapporto che, per una determinata comunità caratterizzata dall'uso di una lingua in condizione di minoranza e pertanto definibile come “minoranza... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentLanguage Planning and PolicyLanguage Policy and Politics of IdentityMinority Studies
In the framework of linguistic or national minorities in Europe, the Friulian case can be considered, from several points of view, an exemplary one. This applies not only to the historical development of its minoritisation and to the... more
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      Contemporary HistoryPolitical ScienceLanguage Planning and PolicyMinority Languages
The language ecologies of Indigenous Australians are changing rapidly. Fewer people are speaking traditional Indigenous languages as their first language, while more are speaking new Indigenous languages as their first languages. At the... more
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      Bilingual EducationMinority LanguagesBilingual education (mother tongue-based)Language Policy
This article presents a comparison between three regional laws, namely the contents of Law 26/2007 for the protection of the " Slovene linguistic minority " , Law 29/2007 for the protection of the " Friulian language " and Law 20/2009 for... more
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      Diversity ManagementMinority RightsMinority language rightsRegional Languages
Through Nicholas Al-Jeloo's exhibition, the general Fairfield community is able to witness the immense pride of the Assyrian people and the celebration of Persistence & Existence. The Assyrians are a key community in Fairfield. This... more
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      Indigenous StudiesAramaic DialectologyAramaicIndigeneity
Résumé : Sur le sol dominicain cohabitent plusieurs langues qui n’ont pas le statut qu’elles méritent selon leur importance dans le cadre linguistique mondial. Quelques-unes y sont présentes quelques siècles (notamment le français et le... more
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      DiglossiaPolitique LinguistiqueMinority and Language Rights
La Carta Europea para las Lenguas Regionales o Minoritarias del Consejo de Europa cumple 25 años desde su aprobación en 1992. Con este tratado internacional se produce un avance en la protección y en la promoción de buena parte de las... more
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      Minority LanguagesLanguage PolicyLanguage rightsMinority language rights