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In this paper, we investigate interesting properties and sufficient conditions for meromorphic starlike functions in the punctured unit disc.
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      Analytic functionsMeromorphic functionslinear operator
An exposition is given, partly historical and partly mathematical, of the Riemann zeta function � ( s ) and the associated Riemann hypothesis. Using techniques similar to those of Riemann, it is shown how to locate and count non-trivial... more
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      MathematicsRiemann zeta functionriemann HypothesisMeromorphic functions
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      Cellular AutomataTransmissionHierarchiesMeromorphic functions
Given a meromorphic function $f$, we present an accurate numerical method that computes all the zeros and poles of $f$ that lie inside a Jordan curve $\gamma$, together with their respective multiplicities and orders. An upper bound for... more
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      Computational Complex AnalysisMeromorphic functions
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      MathematicsComplex AnalysisMeromorphic functionsValue Distribution Theory
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      Applied MathematicsConvergencePure MathematicsMathematical Analysis
Mittag-Leffler identity is obtained from basic definition of meromorphic function. This identity is used to obtain Matsubara frequency sums. Application in the theory of superconductivity is presented as an integral part of finite... more
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      Meromorphic functionsFinite Temperature Field TheoryInfinite seriesMittag- Leffler identity
In this paper, we shall study the uniqueness problems of meromorphic functions of differential polynomials sharing two values IM. Our results improve or generalize many previous results on value sharing of meromorphic functions.
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      MathematicsMeromorphic functionsShared Value
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical PhysicsPure MathematicsMeromorphic functions
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceNumerical Analysis
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsMeromorphic functionsNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
The Riemann zeta (ζ) function ζ(s) = ∞ n=1 1 n s is valid for all complex number s = x + iy : Re(s) > 1, for the line x = 1. Euler-Riemann found that the function equals zero for all negative even integers: −2, −4, −6, • • • (commonly... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryApplied MathematicsRiemann zeta function
In this paper, we derive some subordination and superordination results associated with the family of Jung-Kim-Srivastava integral operators defined on the space of meromorphic functions. Several sandwich-type results are also obtained.... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsMeromorphic functions
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      MathematicsConvolutionMeromorphic functionsdifferential operator
We introduce a unified subclass of the function class 􀀶 of bi-univalent functions defined in the open unit disc. Furthermore, the estimates and for |a2| and |a3 | are obtained . Moreover, a relevant connections with known results are... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisSubordinationComlex Analysis, Geometric Properties of Univalent FunctionsMeromorphic functions
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      Pure MathematicsMeromorphic functionsBoolean SatisfiabilityJulia Sets
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      Applied MathematicsPartial Differential EquationsPure MathematicsPARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION
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      Meromorphic functionsN
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      Quantum OpticsCombinatorial OptimizationTopological Quantum Field TheoryUbiquitous System
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsConvolutionMeromorphic functions
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      NanotechnologyErgodic Theory (Mathematics)Quantum entanglementQuantum Algorithms
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      Computer VisionFacial RecognitionAntennas & Radio Wave PropagationULTRASOUND/ACOUSTICS
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical SciencesAnalytic functionsComputers and Mathematics with Applications 59 (2010) 35783582
Mittag-Leffler identity is obtained from basic definition of meromorphic function. This identity is used to obtain Matsubara frequency sums. Application in the theory of superconductivity is presented as an integral part of finite... more
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      Meromorphic functionsFinite Temperature Field TheoryInfinite seriesMittag- Leffler identity
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      Pure MathematicsMeromorphic functionsCoefficients
Our goal in this paper is to introduce some new sequences of some mero-morphic function spaces, which will be called b q and q K-sequences. Our study is motivated by the theories of normal, Q # K and meromorphic Besov functions. For a... more
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      Meromorphic functionsbq, qK -sequencesBesov classes
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      Nonlinear Dynamics and StochasticityPure MathematicsElliptic curves, Cyclotomic polynomials and extensionsMeromorphic functions
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      MathematicsComplex AnalysisMeromorphic functionsValue Distribution Theory