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This thesis explores modalities in two hagiographical collections from the late Middle Ages; the Legenda Aurea and the Gilte Legende, by drawing inspiration from post-colonial hybridity theories. It conducts a close textual analysis by... more
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      Late Middle AgesHagiographyMedieval StudiesPostcolonial Studies
The remarkableness and sanctity of Francis of Assisi is not an indication that he was immune to the same human fragility that we share. This is borne out if we refuse to settle for the piles of modern-day biography and go directly to the... more
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      HagiographySaints' CultsFranciscan StudiesChristian Spirituality
"Jutta of Sangerhausen. A ‘new saint’ in the wake of Elizabeth of Thuringia? Jutta of Sangerhausen (Thuringia/Germany) is a less known representative of the religious movements of the 13th Century Western Europe, a lay woman who spent... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyWomen's HistoryPolish History
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyWomen's HistoryGender History
Estudo sobre o reconhecimento institucional da santidade na Idade Média ocidental, a partir de uma análise comparativa dos casos de Domingo de Silos e Domingo de Gusmão, fundamentada em leitura crítica e análise discursiva das... more
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      Cult of SaintsCanonization and sanctityMedieval sanctityCult of Local Saints In the Middle Ages
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      Medieval IconographyMedieval sanctityCoriIconografia Medievale
The main point of Parallel Lives is that by looking at medieval saints' lives as expressions of ideas about God, man, society and the Church, we may gain an insight into medieval mentalities. This is illustrated through a study of two... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyManuscript StudiesSaints' Cults
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      Early Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation StudiesIconoclasm
This book (written in Italian) concetrates on the spiritual guides of Catherine of Siena in the period including her life and cca 40 years after her death (1347-1417). The study concerns on the construction of a saint: during her lifetime... more
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      Gender HistoryMedieval sanctityMedieval Lay PietyCanonisation Processes
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine ArchaeologySpoliaArchaeology of pilgrimage
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      Hildegard von BingenHildegard of BingenMedieval sanctityJohannes Trithemius
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      Christian IconographyMedieval sanctityAosta ValleyHistory of Savoy's Duchy
In every period in history the definition of insanity is pertinent, and its meaning is different. We owe this perception to a large movement in the scholarship of the nineteen-sixties and seventies that changed our concept of what... more
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      History of ReligionAsceticismCult of SaintsHistory of Religions
This paper was delivered at Duke University at the invitation of Caroline Bruzelius, April 2005. It compares the two very different ways in which Clare of Assisi and Elizabeth of Hungary, both inspired by Francis, expressed their quest... more
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      Franciscan StudiesClare of AssisiPoverty StudiesMedieval sanctity
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      Medieval sanctityHistory of sanctity
The Christian conquest of Lisbon in 1147 encouraged the writing of numerous testimonies since short analytic registers to long and detailed narratives, destined to transmit and appraise, in the latin Christianity, the memory of one of the... more
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      Portuguese ReconquistaSecond CrusadeMedieval sanctityConquest of Lisbon
A common objective of saint veneration in all three Abrahamic religions is the recovery and perpetuation of the collective memory of the saint. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all yield intriguing similarities and differences in their... more
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      ReligionAnthropologyEarly Modern HistoryCult of Saints
Partindo da leitura e análise da crônica Libellus e da bula de canonização redigida pelo papa Gregório IX, esse artigo apresenta reflexões e considerações sobre o reconhecimento da santidade de Domingo de Gusmão.
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      SanctificationCanonization and sanctityMedieval sanctityMedieval Canonization
The cults of the German emperor Henry II (973-1024) and his spouse Cunigunde (c. 980-1033) had been established for three centuries when their images entered the symbolic language utilized by Frederick III of Habsburg (r. 1440-1493). In... more
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      Visual CultureHabsburg StudiesHoly Roman EmpireLate Medieval History
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      Medieval HistoryUrbanismMedieval EnglandMedieval Geography
Happy, rich, blessed, saint..... The article presents semantic characteristics of the adjective beatus in the Polish medieval Latin and its European background. So firstly, the meaning, collocations and syntax are described on the basis... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)LexicologyLexical SemanticsLexicography and Corpus Studies
The article analyzes various uses of fear in medieval gallego-portuguese collection of Marian miracles Cantigas de Santa Maria as well as the nexus between fear, love, and power in the figure of Virgin Mary. Written in Czech.
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      MiraclesCantigas de Santa MariaMedieval sanctity
Tagungsbericht: Heiligkeiten. Konstruktionen, Funktionen und Transfer von Heiligkeitskonzepten im europäischen Früh- und Hochmittelalter, 27.10.2016 – 29.10.2016 Kiel, in: H-Soz-Kult, 23.02.2017,... more
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      HagiographyCanonization and sanctityMedieval sanctity
Early Christianity appears to be dominated by strong eschatological expectations which reoriented social roles and norms against the wider background of a new temporality. Since the end of times was approaching, especially during the... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's HistoryByzantine StudiesByzantine Hagiography
L'iniziativa ha il duplice scopo di favorire lo scambio scientifico tra gli studiosi e di far emergere i principali o più innovativi campi di ricerca e orientamenti metodologici degli studi agiografici attuali. Per favorire il dialogo fra... more
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      HagiographyMedieval sanctityHistory of sanctityAgiografia
In Suspect Saints and Holy Heretics Janine Larmon Peterson investigates regional saints whose holiness was contested. She scrutinizes the papacy’s toleration of unofficial saints’ cults and its response when their devotees challenged... more
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      Cultural HistoryMedieval HistoryInquisitionMedieval Italy
L’Europe centrale n’est pas une aire, c’est un monde. Les contributions de ce volume aident à en prendre la mesure. Elles posent la question de l’existence d’un modèle de sainteté centre-européen au Moyen Âge. La géographie de la sainteté... more
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      Central European historyMedieval sanctity
Basilica dei Santi Cosma e Damiano
via dei Fori Imperiali, 1 - 00186 Roma
Tel. 06 699 0808
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      Ramon LlullMedieval IconographyCanonization and sanctityMedieval sanctity
This paper presents the exemplary case of Saint Francis of Assisi, highlighting the role that one man may have played in the evolving religious and social understandings of leprosy after the turn of the thirteenth century. Saint Francis’s... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of LeprosyMedieval MedicineFrancis of Assisi
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      Medieval sanctityFemale sanctity in the Middle and Modern AgesCanonization ProcessesHistory of sanctity
In the last quarter of the 13th century, a group was formed in Milan around memories of Guglielma, considered as a holy woman. Besides mainstream forms of cult, esoteric beliefs about Guglielma came into being, and a small network of... more
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      HeresyHeresy and InquisitionHeresy of the Free SpiritChristian Heresies
In every period in history the definition of insanity is pertinent, and its meaning is different. We owe this perception to a large movement in the scholarship of the nineteen-sixties and seventies that changed our concept of what... more
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      History of ReligionAsceticismCult of SaintsHistory of Religions
Résumé La figure de Jean Discalcéat, curé de paroisse au diocèse de Rennes puis frère mineur à Quimper, mort de la peste en 1349, présente de larges zones d’ombres. Tout ce qui a été écrit à son propos depuis le XVIIe siècle provient... more
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      Medieval BrittanyMedieval sanctityMedieval Franciscans
Guest lecture on the sanctity of medieval kings between Magna Carta and the usurpation of Richard II in 1399. This lecture includes an examination of the holiness of the royal office, the collaboration between Church and Crown, and... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval CultureHistory of Religion (Medieval Studies)Henry III of England (1216-1272)
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      HagiographyMedieval English LiteratureMedieval EnglandLate Medieval Scotland
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval EnglandMedieval sanctity
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      Medieval sexualityHistory of Death & DyingMedieval sanctityMedieval Bishops
Food and drink played an important part in medieval piety, but to date most studies of this topic have focused on the food practices on medieval women. This paper seeks to redress the balance by considering the significance of food and... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographyMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Masculinities