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In this modern era, the representation of Islam and terrorism in Western media has been a contentious topic of multiple implications. This project entails a comprehensive analysis of the impact that the news media has had on the portrayal... more
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      Media StudiesCensorshipTerrorismDigital Media
Schon in den 1970ern Jahren wurden die Massenmedien in der öffentlichen Diskussion wie in der Forschung häufig als „Herolde und Helfershelfer des Terrorismus“ bezeichnet. Auch der Großteil der Terrorismusforschung jüngeren Datums geht... more
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      TerrorismMedia HistoryPolitical Violence and TerrorismPress and media history
Richard Behar, Forbes 21.8.2014
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      Conflicts and MediaTerrorism and mediaMedia, Terrorism and State : Dilemmas for Liberal DemocraciesNew York Times
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      Media StudiesIndian MediaMedia and 'national security'Media and terrorism
The coinage "soft target" has earned increasing usage in relation to terrorism in the present day media. However, a close analysis of activities of some terror groups presents a different reality. While security systems across the world... more
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      Media StudiesSocial MediaCounter terrorismJournalism Studies
The quest for a solution to the conflict is an issue of national concern. Nowadays, concerted efforts are being made at individual and group levels to sustain peace. The dominant paradigm adopted in dousing the menace of conflicts in... more
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      Media StudiesRadio ResearchPeace JournalismJournalism And Mass communication
მოცემული საბაკალავრო ნაშრომის - „ბრიუსელის ტერაქტის გაშუქება ქართულ და უცხოურ მედიაში“ - მიზანი, სამი ქართული და სამი უცხოური ტელემაუწყებლის ( ტელეკომპანიები: „საზოგადოებრივი მაუწყებელი“, „იმედი“ , „რუსთავი2“, BBC, CNN და Deutsche... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismCase Study ResearchCase Studies
This article approaches empirically political violence by presenting a new database (PVGR) on political violence in Greece from 2008 to 2019. We contribute to the literature, firstly, by examining both right-wing and leftwing extremism... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPolitical Violence
Dābiq is an electronic magazine (e-zine) utilising strategic utopianism and savagery messages supported by exemplary leadership, eschatology, and current events reports. This project analyses narrative themes present within Dābiq and... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsReligionHistory
The Athens riots of 2008, prompted by the murder of the 15-year-old Alexandros Grigoropoulos by a police officer, initiated a cycle of protest and unrest throughout Greece. Since then, the country has experienced numerous episodes of... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPolitical Violence
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      RAF (German post war terrorism)Media and terrorism
This paper is an investigation of foreign and local broadcast media coverage of Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria, with particular attention on frequency of coverage and framing of stories. Six generic frames-fear frames, horror frames,... more
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    • Media and terrorism
Book review of “Media i Terroryści. Czy zastraszą nas na śmierć?" by Tomasz Goban-Klas, Media Research Issues 2009, No. 3-4, pp. 193-196.
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      Terrorism and mediaMedia and terrorism
Terrorism and the media have a unique relationship that has been long evident in history and academia. Due to modern advancements in communication and information technologies, the relationship has grown strong and widely influential.... more
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      Media StudiesTerrorismInternational TerrorismPolitical Violence and Terrorism
The government of Nigeria has continued to wage (a) war on Boko Haram (BH) terrorists in Nigeria. Previous linguistic studies on (war on) Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria have examined the media reportage of the BH activities, while such... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesTerrorismConceptual Metaphor
Islamska država u zadnjih je nekoliko godina, usporedno s ratnim uspjesima na teritorijima Iraka i Sirije, razvila informacijsku kampanju u čijem se središtu nalaze društveni mediji. Iskorištavanjem društvenih medija, posebice Twittera,... more
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      TerrorismMedia and terrorismNew Media Technologies and TerrorismISIL
This book explores how psychology can improve our understanding of terrorism and counterterrorism. The book starts by exploring the psychology of terrorists; what their motivations are, what keeps them involved in terrorist groups, and... more
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      PsychologyEvolutionary PsychologyForensic PsychologyTerrorism
This article discusses two aspects that are important for understanding the relationship between Western news media and terrorism: the changing representation of terrorists and terrorist attacks in the media and, with it, the changing... more
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      Terrorism and mediaPeace and Conflict Studies Terrorism and MediaMedia and terrorismNews media and terrorism
This paper is trying to see what kind of media relations and terrorism in the contemporary era which today both influence each other and strengthen each other. 13/11 terror attacks that occurred in Paris be the right choice because this... more
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      Media and terrorismIslamic Terrorism and the Media
In the grim days following the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, news commentator and retired Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters appeared on Fox News, saying: " Not all Muslims are terrorists, but virtually all terrorists are Muslim. "... more
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      TerrorismAmerican MuslimsAmerican Presidential ElectionsReporting of islam in the Media
La construcción social del miedo entorno a las maras es una realidad emergente en Honduras que forma parte de la cotidianidad. La participación de menores en sus actividades criminales no sólo ha despertado una sensación de inseguridad... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesChildren's MediaChildren's Rights
Información sobre terrorismo: ¿Periodismo o propaganda?
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismCrisis CommunicationPolitical communication
Special Issue for Journalism Theory, Practice & Criticism:  'From aftermath to anniversary:  Exploring the performance of journalism as it recounts the 7/7 London bombings'
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      TerrorismTerrorism and mediaTime, memory, London BombingsLondon Bombings
This article examines newspaper reaction in the immediate aftermath of the London bombings 2005 to identify the repertoires they use to respond to this large-scale terrorist incident perpetrated on UK soil. It introduces to our... more
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      Media RitualsMedia and terrorism
Sejak peristiwa 11 September 2001, perdebatan mengenai terorisme sebagai isu global masih dalam perdebatan antara para elit politik, akademisi, masyarakat umum, LSM, dan pemerintah. Beberapa ahli melihat bahwa definisi "terorisme" masih... more
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      Political communicationMedia PolicySocial MediaMedia Framing
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      Media StudiesTerrorismInternational TerrorismInternational Security
Terrorism is not new to Nigeria but the dimension of terrorism unleashed on the Nigerian people by Boko Haram and the extent of damage to the nation’s collective psyche remain “strange” in the nation’s history. This paper evaluates the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical communicationMedia and terrorism
"Publisher: Author: Liat Clark Date: Nov. 30, 2012 Racism, Racism against Muslims, Anti-Islam, Anti-Islam in the US, Racism in the US,... more
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      Human RightsAmerican MuslimsRacismIslamophobia
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      TerrorismCrisis communication and managementPolitical Violence and TerrorismCrisis Communication
Dagli Usa a Israele, dalla Norvegia alla Turchia, sono diversi i titoli che affrontano delicate questioni di geopolitica. Guardando Homeland o Fauda lo spettatore fa i conti con i lati oscuri della lotta al terrore, in un intreccio tra... more
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      International TelevisionTV SeriesMedia and terrorism
The government of Nigeria has continued to wage (a) war on Boko Haram (BH) terrorists in Nigeria. Previous linguistic studies on (war on) Boko Haram terrorism in Nigeria have examined the media reportage of the BH activities, while such... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesTerrorismConceptual Metaphor
In this study,the reflection of the 15th of March 2019 New Zealand attacks against Muslims during Friday prayer and the attacks against Christians in Sri Lanka on the 21st of April 2019 on Turkish media has been discussed in detail in... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismCritical Discourse AnalysisMedya
This paper illuminates a current issue related to reporting extremism and terrorism because the developments in the communication technology and the spawn of television stations that seek scoop have allowed the extremists and terrorists... more
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      Media and Social ResponsibilityMedia and terrorismMedia Agenda Setting